Any epoxy glue or asphalt/concrete experts here on GAW? If so, PLEASE be quiet and do not send the Germans anything helpful!! LOL
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Damnit anon … you made me spit top shelf bourbon on my cat 😂😂😂
I love this place.
need a hand cleaning it up?
Need two?
Three puns in one statement. Golf clap, bravo!
You’ll have no hands and you’ll be happy lol
Just heat the tar to 500 degrees, it will come right off.....
Climate change bad but absorbing highly toxic chemicals through the skin good.
By adding an epoxy resin and hardener to a wet concrete mix, these idiots have just found out about the impressive mechanical properties of “Polymer concrete”.
Normal concrete is high in compressive strength (resists breaking, when squeezed) and low in tensile strength (vulnerable to breaking, when pulled apart),
Compared to normal concrete, Polymer Concrete has significantly greater compressive strength (when being squeezed) and nearly triple the tensile strength (when being pulled apart).
Whatever you do, don't tell these girls about chemicals like Methyl Ethyl Ketone and Acetone which can cause hardened epoxy resin to soften and become brittle, and also don't tell them about Crete wash, a safe and easy product for removing hardened concrete and turning it into sandy mud.
HEY, this is a very knowledgeable post, and I'm tempted to ban you for helping, hahaha
MEK will leech through the skin and cause some serious issues.
I haven't heard about Crete Wash, so I can't comment on that.
MEK is nasty stuff, I used that in my job in the aircraft industry and consider that was responsible for my COPD. No breathing apparatus in those days.
I'm sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience with M.E.K. Did you manage to consult with a lawyer and make an industrial injury claim before the statutes of limitations ran out?
Thanks for your sympathies, but this happened when I was serving with the UK military and various civilian contract firms, so proving it would be very difficult indeed. Added to that there were other gruesome chemicals such as LPS4 and Skydrol... shit happens eh?
When I was in the Navy running network and power cables through an old underground WW2 era building, we were drilling through Asbestos and only set out a few cones wearing N95 masks and some goggles, your helper had a HEPA vacuum trying to suck up all the dust.
You must be one of the older Pedes around here.
I, also grew up working with dangerous chemicals and substances when PPE wasn't even in anyone vocabulary.
Nothing like being able to 'taste' some nasty chemicals right after they got all over your hands.
Yes Fren, I am in my mid 70's
If it were my choice between losing the hand and possible long-term side effects, the choice is rather obvious isn't it? Try it. If it causes damage, you were going to lose the hand anyway.
I agree M.E.K. is much too harsh to use directly on the skin. The block attached to their hands has quite a large surface area, maybe M.E.K. could be used to loosen some of the outer (or underneath) areas to reduce the overall size of the Concrete block. Once reduced in size something gentler like Acetone could be used close to the girls hands.
don't we shed the top layer or two of our skin every few days?
Won't this kinda just fall off in a week or two (worst case)? Or did it bond with living tissue?
Edit: oh wow. yeah, I didn't see the video yet. top kek :)
Straight muratic acid would work, too.
I tangled with muratic acid when I helped my cousin milk cows in the mid 70s. Knelt down on my boot while spraying down the down the stanchions. Wanna guess what happened to my ass? Still have the scar!
Lol, didn't think I'd read this sentence today, "Wanna guess what happened to my ass?"🐸
KEK! ThankQ fren.
I'm sure they have imported a machete expert or two that could help them out...
Many Muslim nations have a solution for this, and they can be back on the streets within the hour.
Glued together with their asphalt glove. Have fun wiping your a--. Since they have been removed from the road and have an asphalt glove, let them figure out how to get free. They will be stuck together for a long time.
2023 version of dumb & dumber
Wanna really make a statement? Next time epoxy your heads to the pavement.
This is a level of retardation that I didn't think was possible.
This isn't even the first one of these that I've seen. They get the bright idea to superglue themselves to the roadway, but then, they learn the cops will just pour acetone on the hand and eventually pry the hand off. So, they add sand to the mix to make it harder to get them off the road.
These people never think about what happens when they eventually have to use the bathroom, let alone what happens 5-7 days down the line and they're not circulating blood adequately through the hand anymore because they're not moving it.
"How did you lose your hand?"
"i lost it in 2023 fighting for klaus schwab's great reset"
"But the great awakening won, and klaus lost, and everyone knew it by 2022, why would you do that?"
Oh come on. Magic acid will easily dissolve that asphalt. And take their hands off at the same time. Then you don't have to worry about the amputation.
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