A while back, someone posted info on how to treat yourself post vaccine (spike prot... myo... etc). Unfortunately, my retarded bro and sis have both been vax and boosted. Please share what you know.. thanks in advance.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
I've been looking but can't find...
You are looking for the I-Recover Protocol for post vaccine from FLCCC website
Has anyone else noticed that in the second-line therapies they included Sildenafil? I have heard that name before on commercials and looked it up just now. Yeah - it's Viagra. I guess it makes sense to help dilate the arteries and enhance blood flow, but it made me laugh. I guess the patient will be able to walk again without being winded, but it may take a little longer before the guys can get up. Kek.
I am happy that Viagra has generics though, so people using the FLCCC protocol to rid themselves of the damage Pfizer did to them don't have to pay Pfizer to undo the damage as well.
I did not notice that...they do tend to use drugs a little more than I like...I would think you could use aspirin or black Cumin seed oil...every time I take that the veins/arteries on my hands are bulging so I am sure it works...haha...there are several suggestions for detoxing from the vax...that is just one....
Natokinasse supplement, works as an enzyme and helps clear the bodily produced S1 spike protein. Precautionary, especially if they have had any bouts of severe headaches, vision or balance loss, bruising, etc then get a D - Dimer blood test done to see if there's any micro clotting going, as the Spike attacks the wall lining of veins and capillaries and causes micro clots. Any heart palpitations, dizziness, then even if the ECG/EKG are clear (which unless it is happening at the time it will be clear) demand a Troponin blood test as it should show any recent cardiac events.
Just the start I'm afraid. Of course they could have been very lucky and got a badly shipped, stored and handled batch and little to no LNP's.
You can check on https://howbadismybatch.com/ to see if their batch is connected with adverse reactions.
PS I'm not a Dr, and do your own research but just some suggestions. All the best.
Get better FAST
Personally I love fasting. Lost 40 pounds in 90 days. Skin issues (years long rash in groin area) gone in 4 days. I started with a 96 hours fast then followed with some 48s. Then it was OMAD for the duration with fast on Sundays.
I'm actually on my 25th hour right now.
We were not made to have 3 meals in our digestive system. It feels really good... high energy.. to have no food in you for a few days.
I don't know, I get super shaky and light headed if I go a day without food.
That is because you are addicted to that bad diet. You are suffering withdrawl symptoms.
20-gauge is who you want to talk to.
My kid has to get his 2nd meningitis vaccine tomorrow. I'm paranoid they are going slip more shit into these scheduled vaccines.
Don't do it. The chances of getting meningitis is very rare. It's a scare tactic. See if your state (if in the US) has Religious Exemption forms that you can download and then submit to the school / institution.
Same goes for HPV - Gardasil.
From the CDC website:
God gave us an immune system for a reason. Please do your own research!
Good luck Fren!
I've already refused the HPV. I'm torn on the meningitis because we almost lost our middle son to it at an early age.
Understood. Sorry that you had to go through that ordeal.
Keep in mind though, that many of these modern diseases that your grandparents never heard of may have been planted by the various poisons injected into us at young ages. Case in point if you didn't see it.
Also, the medications that they have been hiding from us (Ivermectin, HCQ, Fenbendazole, etc) may be dozens of times more effective than these preventative injections.
God bless and stay well!
Do what you feel is right for your child.
They sure are pricey...holy stromboli
Thanks I'll check it out. That sounds WAY better than like $2500 🙄
Info-Stickied for our friends and fam.
This is Dr. Vliet's organization:
We're all retarded. I hope you get better. +1 for Natokinasse from what I've seen. This is a channel that's been focused on the clotting aspect of the spike protein: https://www.youtube.com/@Merogenomics
nattokinase destroys protein spike https://greatawakening.win/p/16a9zocQgJ/vaccine-cure-nattokinasea-fibrin/