Mike Pence responds to the Trump indictment… He’s getting absolutely wrecked…. ✋BUBYE🖐( Although the Truth is he’s been GONDO for a Long Time)

You’re chance to defend the Constitution was on 1/6/21 and you failed miserably.
Do you have a link?
Who needs links??? Just watch the mailbox drops, view them chasing off the repub watchers, throwing pizza boxes on the windows, so you cant see, and dragging "votes" from under a table.. Why do we not make people show ID to vote? Oh yeah, it is because they think it is racist, when the only racist thing is to think POC aren't smart enough to get an ID...Tons of links, just watch one- Pence had every chance to stop the steal and didn't..
That’s the date where he could have stopped the Big Steal. There’s plenty of links and comments here on GAW that expose this.
Just looking for the link to his Twitter page.
I don't want to search for the fag.
It's never a bad thing to ask for sauce, no matter what anyone says.
Here's the link to the first tweet: https://twitter.com/Mike_Pence/status/1686529378102996993
Here's the link to the second tweet: https://twitter.com/Mike_Pence/status/1686529379906535426
Who is Pence trying to appeal to here? His handlers?
His handlers yes, but his handlers are white hats.
After being Trumps 1st VP, his job is to play the traitor. To be the most disgusting, shameless, in your face embodiment of the Bush GOP he can be and push as many people as possible away from them.
He's playing his role magnificently. Chris Miller would probably think so too...
Yep, it's a work. Anytime you think of Pence, think of Vince McMahon's stooges Briscoe and Patterson.
In my humble opinion, Pence is on a reputational suicide mission against the R establishment. That is his role now. And Chris Miller knew that when he gave that speech.
Pretty much, Mike is playing his role to perfection....so is "Rob" DeSantis. (he's robbing the swamp of some serious dosh right now with how "bad" he's performing for them.)
When will people figure out Trump is the grandmaster of kayfabe and has stated time and time again that if he wasn't in real estate he would be in hollywood? He's directing his masterpiece in front of the world and he's got pretty much everyone fooled except the Biden Admin who are his actors. Can't wait for him to book himself into a federal prison soon, I did predict a prison stint 2 years ago and it's either now or never for that as primary voting season starts January - I think it's still required for part of the Great Awakening as not enough are there yet, but we're getting closer.
Just when I thought I couldn't despise this fake son of bitch any more than I already do, he just had to open up his cocksucker mouth again.
Here we go again with the ol' Horatio at the bridge, stunning and brave stand for morality, etc routine again. I don't know that kicking the results back to the states was the solution, but Judas Mike did take the path of cowardice. The REAL moral stand would have been to have called out the fraud and said he wouldn't accept it. Of all people Mike should have known full well there was rampant fraud, yet he certified the election anyway. Get bent, Judas Mike. We are done.
What a pair of clown shoes.
He is on our list, he's a little dog barking at a Rottweiler, who thinks he is a big dawg.
This dawg bites pedo traitors like Mikey, but don't worry, GITMO has a brand new hospital waiting to stitch his bite wounds up. We also have nice orange pajamas and flip flops for him to wear while eating his PB&J lunch.
Edit: The pink socks and underwear he will be issued are just for laughs
Who the hell does this think is going to vote for him? The Dems that made fun of him for 4 years?
Seems like some of these guys instead of just walking away must die on their own swords. What makes a good movie?
How many times can one campaign commit suicide? Possible to go into negative percentages??
Pence has become so tonedeaf, he doesn't even realize he's a hated man.
He drank the demon juice.
I hold judgment on Mike Pence and Wray.
You forgot to include his middle name - Thirty
All you need to know about Pence is here:
I never trusted him from Day 1. He looks like a serial killer.
"As your President"...
Not bloody likely.
Pence is such a beta.
go back to your gayclubs mike
Compromised loser. Go away. Your political career is done.
Who’s Mike Pence?
just wondering when the rape tape is coming out ?