233 It's Riggers Randy, Riggers. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by WolfsDragoons 1 year ago by WolfsDragoons +236 / -3 42 comments download share 42 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Of course the actual southpark episode had N_GGERS, and the answer was naggers, funny as hell though.
Just one of so many instant classics
"The Sheriff is NEAR!"
I thought you hate Mel brooks and that set of satanic Jews?
You must have me confused with someone else..
What’s wrong with wholesome Christian comedy? Like Blimey Cow. You make me sick with this Jewish evil humor!!!
Thank you. :)
Next you're going to spoiler that the game itself was rigged because R was already in play!
It took until i saw the post 2 below this one to ubderstand the context lmao
I was inspired by Trump's truth where he all caps'd RIGGERS.
The new jogger
Is jogger racist now?
Okay, I'm gonna be "that guy"...
He can't guess "R" because its already been taken.
The usual "R" is a "P"
Had to change it, I did leave the N Randy picked so it clearly couldn't be the "other" word.
Damn it, Randy!
Literally one of the best moments in South Park history.
Why does Trump say "that" when it should be "who" ? u/Greekish ?
Brilliant 👍 and funny 😅
Reposted with a correction to the reflection. :) Thanks to nipplesalad for the noticing.
nipplesalad to the rescue!
"Our elections are rigged, and we all know the riggers--for the last 8 years the country's been run by--"
abraham lincoln swoops in on an eagle
Bahaha epic
I'm just that rigger guy.
That was Corney
I know!!!! JIGGERS!!!
Hey now...go easy. I use one nightly to make my Old Fashioned. And I'm fond of my jigger.
So who was the Head Rigger in Charge?
Wouldn't the leading 'R' already have been filled in?
"DIGGERS" is my only politically safe guess at this point...
I changed the R to a P to make it work. Bent the rules for a meme, i understand that the wheel truists might not agree with my artistic license.
I think the next iteration, I'll update it to T D S L E
“That RIGGER guy”
Total Rigger Death
Hahaha I love it
Need more anti politically correct shows like this one.
What a banger meme