Allegedly, 1200 people are still missing from Hawaii — Reports suggest that "the children were sent home." — "What if they never reached home? What if they were gathered on a bus and transported to Epstein's clients?" — Were the fires in Hawaii a cover up for a massive child trafficking operation?
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡

I hate that we live in a world where I can't say it's obviously too big, too risky for something like that to happen.
But I don't think these pedos have any limits and will continue to escalate until they're stopped. It's impossible to believe, but experience have taught me it's not impossible that itt'l happen.
Yes. Maybe someone thought we'd love to join in on the sin but every horror only drives me closer to God.
If this was definitely in play, I believe it is a measure of their desperation as the Ukraine and other third world baby farms are cut off and arrests of pedo rings continues to accelerate.
The fags and the clowns probably helped them do it.
If Oprah is nearby....
Song comes out about minors on an island and boom now we have missing minors on an island.
please let it be not true
Remember that they have underground tunnels on Maui.
What do you think they are used for? Where do they go?
Are they only for off-loading and on-loading submarines?
Or, do they connect to the other islands?
Oprah has 3 separate sections of land on Maui (a total of 2,000 acres) that she owns with at least one large mansion. Where are the tunnels in relation to her property?
X Post for Context
I saw this and others on X & TS discussing the same. 💔🙏
I thought that too. Especially since the mayor has no idea how many children are missing
Gen Flynn's relative.... the one that was made a huge commander of the pacific is there on Maui now.
I hope that's good news ....
Dear Lord please help us.
Well, they have been screaming in the street… We are coming for your children!
Yep, been thinking this as well as many others. Sick! It wouldn't surprise me one bit, these damn demons. Was there anything special about that date 8-8?
Actually, yes . . .
There is a pattern of events and happenings occurring on the 8th of the month.
Also, there is the CONPLAN-8888 military document . . . I did a post about it a year ago.
There is also the possible connection to Q's 88th post mirroring the Cabal's symbolism of the number 8.
This post references a rogue missile strike which aligns with Q post 1728 which has a direct reference to Hawaii.
That's right, I forgot all about that. Good recall!!
This is too heartbreaking to think about. I can't imagine being a parent with a missing child, and not knowing if they were rounded up and are being tortured, or dead. It's just too much to think about :(
The inner loop of Lahaina is older rent homes & working class poor. The $2mil+ homes above the loop were not touched. The gubner has made real estate changes & dissolved historical Hawaiian Lahaina districts. It appears to be as much of a WEF/NWO 15m city land grab as a convenient way to disappear 1k kids (conveniently home from school due to "wind")
Dear God they might be holding them hostage as some kind of insurance policy against a Trump victory, or some kind of sacrifice to their pagan god as tribute for its aide in their fight to keep their power
This kind of stuff is why, time after time, it looks like something is going to happen and then it just fades away.
There is a reason why "nothing ever happens" and this is it.
Well we do know how much the elite love their islands.
Wait, I thought schools were cancelled for the day before the students arrived?
This post seems to be saying children were at the school and then sent home.
Does anyone have any information on which it was?
Thanks for this. I'll have to do some digging.
1200 kids is 2400 parents. Where are the individual parent posts about this? Psyop.
If this is true and we find bones etc, some folks? who-are going to be delt with very harshly
what does Q say? anything there that might point to this?
I was thinking the same thing
I call bullshit. You are going to tell me not one decent human being noticed and said something?
They most likely canceled school before kids went.
Would not surprise me in the least if this is what occurred.
Sent home from school in mid August? When do they start? I've always known school to start in September..
Schools start at the 1st or 2nd week in August now and some places have them going year round even so it's not uncommon. One more reason to homeschool. Plus how could 1200 kids just be sitting around going "I smell smoke, I see flames, I'll just chill here til mom and dad get home" And yeah, 2400 parents (give or take considering single parents, grandparents, and other relatives) and not a single one called their kid like "It's near the house, get out" or said to the boss "My neighborhood is on fire, I got to go get my kids".