1,600+ scientists, including two Nobel laureates, have signed a declaration by CLINTEL denying a climate emergency and questioning climate models.
"carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth, contrary to the popular alarmist narrative"
Yup, I really hate it when the fear mongers act as if CO2 is a poison. Actually, if we continue to lower the concentration of CO2, we may approach the minimal level for plant growth.
There is a reason greenhouse farmers inject extra CO2 in their greenhouses.
They are going after Nitrogen now also (destroy fertilizer to limit crop production to starve the population). Air is 78% nitrogen. Nitrogen is taken from the air to make fertilizer and is returned to the air upon plant use and degradation. These climate activists are really retarded in their thinking.
CO2 is breathing.
These Air Heads are sucking on the O2 hose WAY to much and are beginning to sound like Daffy Duck...BTW...they are DAFFY!!!!
People used to say if they could tax the air, they would.
Well, they figured out a way to tax the air.
NoooOo do u hav a PeeR ReVieWeD PaPeR PrOViNg ThIs?
But, but girls read on cereal boxes that fuzzy pandas will die. Pre-teen emotional girl turned college activist KNOWS she's right... THE CEREAL BOX TOLD HER SO!!!!
in my day it was polar bears.
Patrick Moore, but he is no longer a member of Greenpeace.
He was one of the founders, not a member. Just saying, as it adds more deserved weight to his criticism of the current green peace and the climate agenda.
Heโs a PhD Ecologist too. And was on the first Greenpeace mission on the Rainbow Warrior, with photos, if anyone tries to deny his history as a founding member.
That's great, especially the Nobel guys, but the Left has already and will again come up with tens of thousands of "scientists" to sign the exact opposite declaration. For normies, the number in the article title is what hits the hardest.
The problem is we've had a cultural respect for "scientists" but no actual stringent definition for the qualifications of what a "scientist" is and whether or not someone has to authority to speak on science. You could probably have a dental assistant or some college computer science intern sign a piece of paper about climate change and still claim to technically be a "scientist."
The word "scientist" is almost as untrustworthy as the word "experts." Almost.
When they say โ97% of scientistsโ, thatโs a trick, because it actually refers to 77 people that they hand selected in one particular mail-in study. โ97%โ makes you picture thousands and thousands of scientists all nodding in agreement. But itโs not even 97 people! It was 77.
... i'll inject [ Doctor ] into this also
GREAT. But a BIG BUT. We must never FORGET that our misguided reverence for so called Professionals got us into this mess in the first place! I knew that climate shit, covid shit ,etc etc was BULLSHIT because I understood they were all cabal trained and owned and payed by.
Al Gore and his thugs are going to spend billions of dollars hiring scientists, experts, etc. to say the world is warming and all these problems are due to climate change. Then they will restrict us accordingly.
Pollution will continue, but Al Gore and Co. will collect TRILLIONS of dollars selling "CARBON CREDITS" to people who emit pollution. They don't care about pollution, just green money.
The root of evil is the FAKE monetary system.
Can't wait to see this on the BBC tonight... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
You need 50 former Intel officers to get your point across. Come on man!
This is why they changed the term from global warming to climate change. Politicians claimed global warming, scientists said global cooling so change the term and you dont know what your tax dollars (and fines) are going for.
Wait, I thought ALL the scientists agreed on Climate Change? LOL