Part 1:
My Q proof relies on Trump's inmate number being a specific number.
P01135809 (Trump's inmate number)
2024 election
1135809/2024 = 561.170454545
I searched through the Jail Records of Fulton County, GA and Trump's inmate number wasn't chosen at random to make the math work for my Q proof.
On Monday, August 21, Trump announced that he would surrender on Thursday, August 24. (where he would receive his inmate number)
Dividing inmate numbers in this range will yield 561.17(something), which isn't enough to say that's a Q proof. It had to be that inmate number.
I'm more speechless. Either the Patriots are that damn good with planning or we live in a matrix. You religious folks can even say it was divine intervention. Or I could just be wrong.
(supporting data in comments)
Here is an explanation of this Q proof to date.
It all started with this post.
Here we had P01135809 (Trump inmate number) over 2024 (the election year).
I divided the two and got 561.170454545. (I nearly fell out of my chair.)
Anyone can play around with numbers to come up with something that looks like something if they try hard enough. Now why would I divide these two numbers in the first place? Why would my "playing around" be better than someone else's? Because Q has already showed us.
2020/30330 = 0.06660072535 (666, plain as day) Look at the Deep State and their numerology.
Back to 561.170454545. Here we have the following.
We have a well known Q drop by that number and that was enough to raise an eyebrow.
When digging around to find more about 561, I came upon this.
Trump said in a fundraising email that he faced up to 561 years in prison just a couple weeks before he was arrested. This was likely comms; otherwise, why mention it and give a specific number? So that was enough for me to create my first post. (I had already figured out the math here, but it wasn't enough for me to create a post.)
Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. If you don't know by now, 17 comes up over and over again related to Q stuff.
Nice separator between 17 and the repeating 45s. Makes the Q proof really pop. This also caught my eye because of another recent post where we see a zero as a separator. The zero is used as a separator, but zero is also where the + falls on a cell phone so this may mean something as well. Previous dicussions of this:
Trump is the 45th president. "45" is often used when referring to Trump.
So, how was Trump given his inmate number? In order to get the math to work, the numerator must be 1135809. If he was simply assigned that number then we know Patriots had a hand in it to make this Q proof work.
1135808/2024 = 561.169960474 (has 561, but that's it, not even a 17 behind the decimal, big whoop)
1135809/2024 = 561.170454545 (bullseye)
1135810/2024 = 561.170948617 (has 561, has two 17s, but not really enough to say "aha!")
1135811/2024 = 561.171442688 (has 561, has one 17, but nothing)
I ran these all the way up to 1135829 where I lost the 561.17
The problem is his inmate number appears to be just the next new inmate number on the day and time of his arrest and so that prompted this second post.
Fulton County inmate search.
Data I commented with in this thread.
Like I said, I'm speechless. Either the Patriots are that damn good with planning (to get Trump to Atlanta on the right day at about the right time for him to be given that inmate number) or we live in a matrix. You religious folks can even say it was divine intervention. Or I could just be wrong.
Fun facts as provided by other Anons.
561 is the sum of the numbers 1 through 33.
561 is the area code where Mar-A-Lago is located.
Edit: I just found that 561 is a triangular number. Remind you of anything?
Edit 2: Even the Democrats are computing numbers based on Trump’s inmate number.
Great job! It is almost incovfefeable.
Does drop 561 have any bearing? (Judgement day)
The most significant fact about 561 is, I believe, that it is 17 times 33.
17 is obvious, but 33 is... well, it's everything.
Like it literally means "everything" (or close enough to).
For example, you can read about the 33rd degree of Scottish Rite freemasonry here. Here's a relevant snippit:
This ties into Chakras and other similar ideologies from various spiritual endeavors throughout history. This is just one example of this number. and it's importance in history/occult mysteries. My research turns this particular number up everywhere.
Interesting info, thanks.
Yeah, I had posted basically that before. Also interesting that another Anon said that the summation of numbers 1 through 33 = 561.
I need to do some more research. Who knows? Maybe there will be a Part 3 of all of this.
didn’t know that about the spine😳 also think it has something to do with the trinity & Jesus 33 years. and Jesus tells of the parable of the wheat & the tares at the end times. the tares were planted ‘among’ the wheat; isn’t that 1/3?
The symbolism for "33" is literally everywhere, not just in Christianity. As far as I have found, the most important numbers in, well, in everything, all the symbology are 3, 7, and 33.
Of course other numbers are important too (10 and 66 notably), but those are the ones that pop up the most with the most importance attached to them.
There may be a Part 3 post coming. Though Trump said he faces up to 561 years in prison, the various media outlets have that number at 641. So this makes me think even more so that 561 was comms to go with my Q proof and point to drop 561. Digging…
Edit: No Part 3 for now.
Here is the rest of my research on this Q proof.
I think it means that those in the MSM that knowingly participated in propaganda will be prosecuted for treason and/or seditious conspiracy. They will be judged, just like the rest.
But the current year is 2023 not 2024.
Election year is 2024, but I see what you’re saying. Maybe I’ve just learned enough to be ahead of the next Q drop? Haha
OP awesome work - thanks fren
Mind Bending that 35 is JFK, 35th Prez and 8+0+9 = 17. And 11 and 135 are Covfefe comms, that is some serious White Hat Wizardry to fit all those numbers together.
Amazing analysis. It's shit like this that makes me think they have a time machine.
I'm still analyzing. The more I dig, the more it like this looks like at least two coincidences (Trump writing "561" and the remainder indicating 17 and 45) or they have a freaking time machine.
The decimal portion of my Q proof is 345/2024s (or 15/88s). 0.17045454545
Other remainders could also indicate Q and Trump. I haven't gotten far enough along to entertain that.
Edit: I have computed all numbers 1 through 2024 divided by 2024 and haven't found anything nearly as interesting as 0.17045454545.
So, a number ending with that remainder rolls around every 2024 times since the election year to make the math work is fixed at 2024 in order for my Q proof to work.
Trump fundraising email was on August 2 saying he faced 561 years in prison.
Politico printed that it would be 641 years on August 2. (other news outlets apparently repeated this number)
Did Trump purposely say 561, knowing it was closer to 641, as part of comms? Or is this a pure coincidence. (ignore the Q drop that could be associated with 561, just focus on the math)
Trump was indicted on Monday, August 14.
Trump was told he had to surrender by noon on Friday, August 25.
Trump said on August 21 that he would surrender on August 24.
Booking# Inmate#
2312400 P01135147 August 2
2313827 P01135809 August 24 Donald J.Trump
1427 bookings between those numbers. Inmate number increased by only 662 because repeat offenders don't get new inmate numbers.
Roughly the inmate number only increments 46.39% of the time. This means roughly the remainder would only happen every 4363 bookings.
Basically, other than Trump being booked on that day and in the proper order, there was no opportunity for Trump to be booked prior to then in order for the math to work out with the remainder it did; nevermind “hitting” the 561 as well.
Edit: I’m going to post again about this Q proof on Tuesday after everyone is back from the long weekend. (in the US)
Edit 2: At this time, I'm not going to post on Tuesday. I don't think I've found anything really new to warrant a post. I did compute all of the decimal combinations of 1 through 2024 divided by 2024 to see if any remainders were eye catching like 0.17045454545. I found two. (0.045454545 and 0.454545455) Those do raise an eyebrow, but not like the first. (with obvious 17 and 45 separated by a zero) I don't think I would have claimed a Q proof with either of those. (really need that 17 in there as well) I also computed all of the ones for 2023, but came up empty.