Has anyone ever seen an airplane crash debris field with no visible plane parts. OK, I’m not referencing 9/11. There are several sources of photo’s of the recent lost F-35 in South Carolina debris field. You certainly see a lot of downed trees and a pathway, but no plane debris. Could all the plane parts have been cleared prior to news photos, I think in less than 24 hours? Wouldn’t there be witnesses and news crews showing the clean-up? I’m sure this is now a dead story to be backshelved.
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It probably auto-landed intact, but then the failure of a 25 cent bolt caused it to spontaneously collapse to the ground and dissolve into the dirt. We know it can happen, Building 7 proved it, and the government would never lie to us.
So now someone has an unaccounted for stealth airplane that can penetrate any countries air defense network and drop precision weapons on any priority target and get out again without anyone knowing it was even there. It allows that anyone can be blamed for an incident and the US can claim ignorance. Who would want that option ?
Yea, it seems strange. You would think someone would have seen or heard the crash. Maybe my searches for witnesses have not been good, but I have not found an account of one. While population may not be extremely dense, the area is not void of life. How can you lose a plane and conveniently have a transponder malfunction? Did the pilot really eject from the craft? Then the debris field photo’s turn up. Strange?
of course it was! 😂😂😂😂
No chance these guys would have been brought in either. Just Sayin'
Here is a map showing the plane would have to fly by Shaw AFB on the way to Florence. https://militarybases.com/south-carolina/
They probably crashed an old F16 then sent the F35 to Ukraine and will use it to strike Russia. This will kick off WW3.
Probably should google those pics, more than likely recycled.
Is anyone really buying this story? An F-35 crashes and we don't know where it is. I can put a gps tracker on my car $5000 Toyota Corolla to locate it if it gets stolen. But we don't have anyway of tracking the location of a crashed F-35. Really? Two possibilities, our government is far more incompetent than we could ever imagine or they are lying to us. Well, now that I think of it, both can be true.
TBH, if I was designing a stealth Corolla, first thing I'd do is remove the lojack and GPS.
File pics of some previous accident. They look old.
That's one stealthy aircraft.
Yeah it was right there in the pics, but since it is a stealth fighter you can't see it.
Just heard on the news that the "pilot" ejected, but the plane was able to fly an additional 60 miles at 1,000 feet before crashing. Yeah, this sounds legit...
That's possible bc they don't want anyone to see the stealth technology put into it , for example you might be able to identify carbon fiber from aluminum in a pic. Several years back , a British harrier crashed near a friend's farm, they scraped the top 10 inches of soil for hundreds of square yards around the crash , they also purchased all his sheep and destroyed them .
Ya, I have wondered why they destroyed them , perhaps radioactivity from gauges or debris of the plane , and they were afraid the sheep would ingest it somehow.
That was my first thought I had also……where are the plane parts at the crash site. Where is the plane?
Hmm…looking at trees - those burn marks do not look consistent with the temperature scoring that a fire of that magnitude would cause.
Any frens in SC care to comment on what current fire danger is in the forests and how dry it is? Might provide some clues. At first glance looks like some stock photos from a crop duster
To be fair - if the plane ran out of gas the fire wouldn't be huge. I doubt it actually did, since the mission wasn't over and it "crashed" close to the area. It should've had enough fuel to complete their mission and return to base.
The whole "weather" thing???
The B-2 is stored in a $5 million specialised air-conditioned hangar to maintain its stealth coating. Every seven years, this coating is carefully washed away with crystallised wheat starch so that the B-2's surfaces can be inspected for any dents or scratches.
A key reason for this cost is the provision of air-conditioned hangars large enough for the bomber's 172 ft (52 m) wingspan, which are needed to maintain the aircraft's stealth properties, particularly its "low-observable" stealth skins.[36][37] Maintenance costs are about $3.4 million per month for each aircraft.[38] An August 1995 GAO report disclosed that the B-2 had trouble operating in heavy rain, as rain could damage the aircraft's stealth coating, causing procurement delays until an adequate protective coating could be found. In addition, the B-2's terrain-following/terrain-avoidance radar had difficulty distinguishing rain from other obstacles, rendering the subsystem inoperable during rain.
🧐Remember that time that a plane, headed for WTC7, crashed in some random field, but the building was controlled demolishioned anyways? It seems like they couldn't find the 'plane parts' then either...🧐