From the chans via X. Dont know if it is true..but SOMETHING happened.
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Toss bits and pieces from previously damaged F35's and then add a wee bit of Avgas, you've got the setting for some nicely doctored pics.
Yeh, just like what they did on 911 for the Pentagon.
1st reporter on scene reported live there was no evidence of aircraft wreckage hitting. Then they shut the site down for 24hrs due to "safety", then reopened for photos next day and magical plane parts appeared...and many not even belonging to the airframe they said hit.
Same thing for the gash in Pennsylvania where another augered in, but if you compared google maps, that gash was always there as part of the landscape. They also shut that for 24hrs, lit it on fire and trucked in cadavers and plane junk to spread around as whistleblowers from 1st responders leaked.
In short, no plane hit either spot.
Sauce? I don't for a minute believe that any "reporters" were able to access the physical scene initially. Nothing "magical" about identification of airplane components that had been mixed in with the building destruction. Did you expect them to pop out all on their own? And how would any be identified as "not even belonging to the airframe" when passenger accommodations (for example) are not matched to the airframe serial number?
Same question for the Pennsylvania crash. What "whistleblowers"? And how are they verified? Frankly, conspiracy zealots are not above perpetrating a hoax (e.g., chemtrails). Interesting how much factual information they have to deny and push under the rug. Where did the airplane go? What happened to all the passengers? And the passenger attack on the killer pilots was all part of the conspiracy to cause a seeming crash? These questions are more serious than any puzzlement over the crash, and any alternative "theory" must have answers for them. Or it's all just a brain fart.
Pennsylvania Flt 93 "Crash site" from 1994:
Article detailing every aspect (one of several that popped up):
Article plus vid of the missile hitting the pentagon, NOT an aircraft: Plus many links to follow further. The mistake in the article is saying it was some sort of Thermonuclear warhead which, obviously, is false, but it was indeed a hi-penetration warhead used for reinforced concrete targets.
All this info is still out there if you know where to look. I used Yandex and basically gave the first or second link....several more to choose from if this is something you want to prove to yourself....or break open the box the MSM and government has put you in.
Edit: take it or leave it, I'm not going to convince someone who's already been fooled for so many years. Herein lies the only reply on this.
And it is bunk. I happen to be quite familiar with the dimensions of the AGM-86 cruise missile (having walked many times past inert bodies in a transportation corridor in a building on plant) and if it had been one, it wouldn't have been visible in that video. The fuselage is only 2 feet in diameter. That was a cherry-picked poor video with no resolution. There is a better one that shows the 757 fuselage in profile with the distinctive American Airlines livery. Nor do such missiles follow a trajectory so close to the ground. And if such a missile had clipped a streetlight (witnessed, verified), it would have ripped off the wing and the missile would have gone out of control.
All this shows me is that you are very easily gulled by people who are not qualified to make such identifications, nor are you expert enough to know what you are seeing. You are convinced only because it panders to your desire for bias confirmation. I haven't been fooled for many years. You have been fooled for maybe 20 years.
Yeah you fell for a fake video
So we're going with a fact check from a world CNN (AP) now? Oh, ok.
Aside from that, no plane hit the Pentagon. I've put my credentials on several threads now as to why and how I know this so, one more time: I served 24 years in the Air Force. One of the many hats I wore was as an Engine Mishap Investigator and Aircraft Mishap Investigator. I was also deployed most of that 24yrs over in the sandbox. Having that "luxury" allowed me to see both cruise missile hits, as they happened, and aftermath. The Pentagon had every marker of a cruise missile, not an aircraft of any type.
You can believe all the smoke and mirrors bullshit you want. I trust the extensive training I went thru, as well as multiple first-hand reports and incidents I was involved in.
Wikipedia, any MSM, etc are going to tell you what they want you to know, even a complete fabrication. I thought we'd learned this by now.
I'm just saying the video that you're referring to is fake. You may not like the source, but you can see for yourself the edited and the real video. Touting it does cost you credibility.