Do you not believe that there are pregnancies where the mother's life is in serious danger due to the pregnancy? Such as pre-eclampsia or a ruptured placenta that causes a hemorrhage?
It's easy to dismiss these cases until it affects you, personally. A person can believe they know what they will do in scenarios such as those, but until that time actually comes, it's impossible to know for certain what action they will take.
I live in a very conservative area of the country and most people I know are very pro-life. And some of my friends and family, who are very pro-life, and voted to ban abortions....eventually found themselves in situations where they chose to terminate their own pregnancy.
One case was a mother of 5 who developed pre-eclampsia and had three strokes before she and her husband decided to terminate.
Another was a 13-year-old who was attacked by a child predator.
The last was a pregnancy where the baby had severe physical problems and would not live very long after birth and would only know suffering.
I would hope that no matter what stance a person holds, they would still have empathy for others.
No abortion is needed to preserve the life of the mother. Delivery can always take place without a direct killing of the child. If the child is too young to survive, it will not be by direct abortion. You also don't kill a child directly if the doctors say it will suffer because they have been wrong on this point countless times. Even to the point of telling parents something is wrong with their child which often turns out to be utterly false. The conviction we live by HAS to be "do not kill innocent people" which means let GOD be the Author of life and death.
They said I and my brother would never be able to walk, she never told us. I was even a ballerina and we both danced any chance we got. She told us when we were in our 30's.
If you think there is no risk to the mother going into an abortion clinic and having her living, feeling child in the 2nd trimester torn apart limb from limb without anesthesia to the child (because that's how they do it at that stage) as compared with a C-Section delivery in a medical setting, then accompanying the child in its dying process, you are very mistaken. Perforation of the uterus in 2nd trimester abortions are very frequent. Also, hydroencephaly is NOT profoundly rare. People deliver their innocent babies with this condition all the time, and choose to hold their children until natural death. You said, "That wasn't a life anymore than a plant is a life." WOW You know what, human beings don't suddenly lose their humanity because of a handicap or a developmental defect. I can't even believe you wrote such a thing. But I guess, tell yourself what you want to, since it was a family member. But that doesn't make it right or accurate.
I'm sorry to hear about your family's tragic outcome. There are more cases like that than most people know.
The general population is largely ignorant of all the things that can go wrong in pregnancy unless they work in the field or have experienced it themselves, or know someone who has.
I aim to hopefully persuade people to become more educated on the things they have such strong opinions about.
I also hope to get people to look at things from various perspectives and to remember to have empathy for their fellow man.
Thank you for adding your experience to this post.
No, ectopic pregnancies are embryos and fetuses that get implanted outside the uterus. They are just as much a living being as embryos and fetuses inside the uterus.
There have been a few, very rare instances of ectopic pregnancies surviving full term.
With all due respect, you're rationalizing why abortion would be ok in this scenario.
If you're removing the fetus from the mother, how is that not directly intending the death of it?
Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. That's it. If it's a fetus, and you deliberately remove it from the mother, no matter the reason, it's an abortion.
Trying to manipulate language into rationalizing the end of the life of a fetus is nothing less than what pro-choice people do when they talk about how fetuses don't feel pain at certain ages, therefore the fetus is not a person. Or that if a fetus can't survive outside the mother, it's a parasite and not a person.
Again, all you're doing is justifying the death of a living entity.
One thing I've learned over the recent years is that most illnesses that doctors like to explain away with gentics this, genes that, and "it just happens" are actually caused by malnutrition. As in, it's preventable.
The other thing I learned is that people would rather die than question the word of modern doctors.
It is rare and is treatable. So if 70,000 mothers die from it (worldwide, by the way, as it is highly preventable and treatable especially in the US - it's high blood pressure!) but also 500,000 fetal deaths, I cannot believe every HONEST effort is being made not to terminate the pregnancy.
Yes, I know quite a lot of people. I also work in healthcare.
Unfortunately, young girls getting impregnated by sexual predators is not that rare.
Neither is preeclampsia. But the condition the baby I mentioned had is extremely rare. Tay Sachs.
I don't work in an abortion clinic. You assume much. And quite wrongly. I work in a free clinic in a very poor area in Mississippi. We do not provide abortions.
The Tay Sachs case was a cousin by marriage. The pre-eclampsia case was an old high school friend. The 13 year old was a patient at our clinic.
When you work in healthcare, your friends and family tend to come to you for free advice.
Just like accountants have friends and family ask for help during tax time. Or interior decorators are always asked what color to paint their walls.
It's just a reality that people who work in certain professions are constantly hit up for free advice from family and friends. Healthcare workers and lawyers are probably at the top of the list where they are constantly asked for free advice from friends and family.
Why would you assume I work in an abortion clinic when I clearly stated in one of my posts that I was against abortions?
I dont think you are. I think you like to bring up the one in a billion medical cases to derail the consensus that would otherwise be here. Which is that killing unborn babies should generally be illegal
Pre-eclampsia is one of the most common causes of death in pregnancy. I think it is found in around 1 in 25 pregnancies.
Ectopic pregnancies are also quite common. I believe they count for 1 in 50 pregnancies.
Have you not been paying attention to what is going on concerning pedophiles and children being trafficked sexually? And even disregarding child sex trafficking, young girls are way, way way too often targeted by sexual predators.
The only example I listed that is super rare is Tay Sachs. On average, less than 20 pregnancies a year in the US have a Tay Sachs diagnosis. The average yearly number of pregnancies in the US is around 4,000,000. So 20 pregnancies out of 4,000,000 getting a Tay Sachs diagnosis each year is still much more often than one in a billion. It's about 1 in 200,000.
How are my posts derailing the consensus that abortion should generally be illegal?
All I've done is point out that there are cases where many people would support terminating a pregnancy. This was in response to posts that were dismissive of cases where the mother's life was in danger. The cases that I've brought up are a drop in the bucket of the number of abortions performed. So it doesn't jeopardize the consensus here that abortions should generally be illegal. The key word is "generally".
As I've said before, my goal is to get people to think about things from different perspectives, have empathy for others, and become more knowledgeable about things that they have strong opinions about.
Abortion is not just “terminating a pregnancy”. That white washed, clinical jargon is part of the problem.
If there is a situation whereby a baby has to be prematurely removed to save the mother’s life, then by all means do so as long as every attempt is made to also save the baby’s life. If those attempts fail, that is not murder.
What is murder is saying “the mom’s life might be in danger; time to chop up the baby’s limbs and suck its brain out with a syringe!”
And yes, that’s how abortions are actually done, and it is utterly barbaric. Future civilizations will think of abortion the same way we think of slavery and human sacrifice.
Ditto for incest and rape. Why butcher the baby for the sins of its parents? Since when has that ever been fair or just?
Attempting to save the life of both the child and the mother is neither an abortion nor murder, even if the child has to be prematurely removed from the mother.
That is why I said that abortion is more than just terminating a pregnancy. That deceptive use of language is how the Left disguises what abortion actually is. Abortion is murdering a child by chopping up their limbs and/or sucking the brain out through the back of the skull with a syringe.
Go watch some videos showing what abortions actually look like. You will rapidly find that there is nothing life-saving or "healthcare"-ish about them at all. It is a gruesome sacrifice laid on the altar of convenience and fornication. Moloch is alive and well to this day.
If that's what your definition of "not an abortion" is, I think you'd be surprised at how many liberals agree with you.
I'm aware of what abortions look like. I am pro-life.
My intention here is to hopefully compel people to remember to be empathetic, and acknowledge that sometimes we don't truly know how we will act in a situation until we are actually in that situation. Also, I hope to get people to be a bit more knowledgeable about things if they're going to speak on it with certainty.
I also like to speak of things philosophically. Such as your definition of abortion being through mechanical means. But what of medicinal abortions? Do you believe those to be abortions?
Sorry Al. This is the same dusty argument that abortion supporters have been saying forever. Americans don't need unlimited (up to the time of or even after birth in some states) access to abortions to address these health or moral issues.
I actually don't support abortion. I simply think empathy is needed for other people. I also see how often people change their mind on the matter when it happens to them.
I think what people need is all the information about what happens when a living baby is killed and removed from the women's womb. There are tremendous emotional, spiritual and sometimes physical ramifications from having an abortion that the woman will deal with for the rest of her life. Whether for the life of the mother or a rape situation those outcomes will still be there.
While we are certainly compassionate towards those suffering from a complicated pregnancy or rape, killing and removing the baby will leave the mother with side effects that will be profound. This is what's NOT being discussed anywhere.
No. Absolutely not. It's just that I don't know about other countries. I do know how to the US medical industry, MSM et al obfuscate the reality of abortion.
I'm curious, how much does the US's access to good healthcare contribute to the stance someone holds on abortion?
Would opinions change if a person were pregnant, with serious medical issues during pregnancy, and living in a country with poor healthcare and no means of heroic measures being taken to save a high risk pregnancy?
How much does our healthcare system factor into our stances on abortion, considering so many of the pro-life arguments concern our ability to use advanced, routine healthcare to save high risk pregnancies?
I simply try to get people to think about things from different perspectives, encourage them to have empathy, and suggest that they be knowledgeable about the subject if they feel strongly about it.
I tend to look at things from a philosophical standpoint, and that tends to upset people for some reason. I think perhaps people don't like their opinions challenged and don't feel comfortable exploring their own beliefs very deeply.
That was really, really good! I'm loving Tucker more and more.
I have wondered how he can be so brave, to expose himself so much, and this explained that to me.
"If you're afraid of dying..." this is how I feel. Really the only thing that frightens me is my grandchildren suffering if the SHTF. I need to go to confession and now that my back is better, my husband and I will start attending traditional Latin Mass. Guessing my adolescent and now adult opposition is kicking in because the fact that Francis is anti-Latin Mass makes it more appealing.
In my everyday life, I help others where I can. Faith, Hope, and Charity are guidelines I try my best to live by.. I'm not always successful, especially with Joe, Hillary, Francis, Zelensky and their ilk but I do pray for their conversion from dark to light.
They have tried since the last page was written. God simply will not allow it, until the last day. The day that the salt runs out will be the last day.
even a document like the US Constitution needs an authoritative interpreter or living voice (Supreme Court).
who has the authority to interpret and adjudicate on a document such as the Bible? Can an individual human being interpret authoritatively? What if another human being has a different interpretation?
Ah yes, just like how "shall not be infringed" is "open for interpretation". This mindset is a disease. There is one Truth and God will not hear excuses for not seeking it.
There is only one authority. Jesus is the head of the church and anyone who claims otherwise is just trying to get you to worship them instead.
The last time I told someone that she said, and I quote, "...the Bible WE gave you by the way, you're welcome."
To those people Jesus said, "I never knew you. Depart from me, you who practice lawlessness."
The concept of the Constitution being a living document is the exact idea that the Uniparty has used for a century to get us to our current position.
The question “what if someone has a different interpretation” presupposes relativism; that there can be “your” truth that is just as valid as anyone else’s.
The reality is that there is only one interpretation; the one that the author intended and that the words actually convey.
For the Constitution, its meaning can be easily derived by actually reading it, and reading the FF’s other writings can help provide context.
For the Bible, its meaning can also be derived from just reading it and letting it speak for itself. Believers have the extra advantage of having the Holy Spirit to help explain things.
who has the authority to interpret and adjudicate on a document such as the Bible?
Historically, that has been the role of priests, pastors, preachers, ministers, etc....
What if another human being has a different interpretation?
That's the reason why there is something like 40,000 different denominations of Christianity worldwide.
It's the reason why a town of 400 people will have four Baptist churches, three Methodist churches, two Presbyterian churches, and then have a large Mennonite population as well.
People pick their places of worship based on how much they agree with the interpretation of the minister, or preacher, or what have you. I know of several churches in my town that split because of the minister's stance on abortion or homosexuality or the role of women in church.
Straight from my cousin obgyn fetal medicine doctor. The only dangerous thing to a pregnant woman is getting an abortion.. nick an artery in the uterus and your gonna bleed out fast. High incidents of infection as well. Danger is all you accomplished besides outright murder.
I was referring to the ambulances being called "without sirens" to LEGAL clinics for serious damage to the mothers. Happening across the country in "SAFE" and "LEGAL" clinics. You really have an axe to grind...
Sure. But you must realize that when abortions are banned in safe, legal clinics, many women and girls turn to what they can get, which are illegal abortions in unsafe surroundings by people who aren't qualified to do them.
These were some of the arguments that originally led to Roe vs Wade being passed.
Women will get abortions either way. The most humane thing to do would be to allow them to have safe, legal abortions in clean clinics with competent staff.
It also prevents women who are having miscarriages from being prosecuted for the idea she was trying to abort the baby herself. Many women who have miscarriages in places that ban abortions don't seek help because they're afraid they'll be charged with murder and put in jail. So they suffer through the miscarriage by themselves and then sometimes start hemorrhaging due to torn.placenta and then get bad infections and sepsis.
Quite a few women and girls went through this prior to Roe Vs Wade and those cases also led to Roe Vs Wade being passed.
Those things are happening again now in some states. Women not seeking help for miscarriages because they don't want to be treated like a criminal.
Hey, you know, you never answered my other questions.
Since you approve of "indirect" abortions for some cases, do you approve of "indirect" abortions for others?
Not sure what you mean they're not in good faith. I'm sincerely interested in having a conversation with you about it. I'm curious as to why you first say that no mother needs to get an abortion to save her life, and then agree that aborting ectopic pregnancies is ok, because it saves the mother's life.
There's a very glaring problem in your argument there, if you haven't noticed.
But if you're not interested in having a conversation with me, then feel free to click on the button that says block below and then you won't have to see me at all.
most people are way beyond lazy to study anything that takes work to understand. health, biology, law, etc.
they give up their own freedoms willingly, they put their lives & the lives of their children in someone elses hands who is more than likely thinking of $$$$$.
if you can't expect from yourself, to study what matters, don't expect others to save you. doctors have many bills of their own pay, mortgages, fancy vehicle payments, etc.
basically, if someone is running a business, they are going to look for ways to make MONEY off you.
remember how as children, everybody in your family wanted you to go to school, so you could "be a doctor & make lots of money"? well, some people took that to heart & became doctors for the sole purpose of MAKING LOTS OF MONEY.
He didn't answer the question... why has child killing been touted throughout the Bible and all history? Lucifer's lies. All along, it has been. And still is.
Where has child killing been promoted in the Bible as a universal rule?
The whole reason God had the Israelites wipe out the Canaanites is because the latter practiced child sacrifice. Wherever child killing is found in scripture, God and His servants intervene with overwhelming lethal force to end it.
Do you not believe that there are pregnancies where the mother's life is in serious danger due to the pregnancy? Such as pre-eclampsia or a ruptured placenta that causes a hemorrhage?
It's easy to dismiss these cases until it affects you, personally. A person can believe they know what they will do in scenarios such as those, but until that time actually comes, it's impossible to know for certain what action they will take.
I live in a very conservative area of the country and most people I know are very pro-life. And some of my friends and family, who are very pro-life, and voted to ban abortions....eventually found themselves in situations where they chose to terminate their own pregnancy.
One case was a mother of 5 who developed pre-eclampsia and had three strokes before she and her husband decided to terminate.
Another was a 13-year-old who was attacked by a child predator.
The last was a pregnancy where the baby had severe physical problems and would not live very long after birth and would only know suffering.
I would hope that no matter what stance a person holds, they would still have empathy for others.
No abortion is needed to preserve the life of the mother. Delivery can always take place without a direct killing of the child. If the child is too young to survive, it will not be by direct abortion. You also don't kill a child directly if the doctors say it will suffer because they have been wrong on this point countless times. Even to the point of telling parents something is wrong with their child which often turns out to be utterly false. The conviction we live by HAS to be "do not kill innocent people" which means let GOD be the Author of life and death.
They said I and my brother would never be able to walk, she never told us. I was even a ballerina and we both danced any chance we got. She told us when we were in our 30's.
If you think there is no risk to the mother going into an abortion clinic and having her living, feeling child in the 2nd trimester torn apart limb from limb without anesthesia to the child (because that's how they do it at that stage) as compared with a C-Section delivery in a medical setting, then accompanying the child in its dying process, you are very mistaken. Perforation of the uterus in 2nd trimester abortions are very frequent. Also, hydroencephaly is NOT profoundly rare. People deliver their innocent babies with this condition all the time, and choose to hold their children until natural death. You said, "That wasn't a life anymore than a plant is a life." WOW You know what, human beings don't suddenly lose their humanity because of a handicap or a developmental defect. I can't even believe you wrote such a thing. But I guess, tell yourself what you want to, since it was a family member. But that doesn't make it right or accurate.
I'm sorry to hear about your family's tragic outcome. There are more cases like that than most people know.
The general population is largely ignorant of all the things that can go wrong in pregnancy unless they work in the field or have experienced it themselves, or know someone who has.
I aim to hopefully persuade people to become more educated on the things they have such strong opinions about.
I also hope to get people to look at things from various perspectives and to remember to have empathy for their fellow man.
Thank you for adding your experience to this post.
Are you familiar with ectopic pregnancies?
No, ectopic pregnancies are embryos and fetuses that get implanted outside the uterus. They are just as much a living being as embryos and fetuses inside the uterus.
There have been a few, very rare instances of ectopic pregnancies surviving full term.
With all due respect, you're rationalizing why abortion would be ok in this scenario.
If you're removing the fetus from the mother, how is that not directly intending the death of it?
Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. That's it. If it's a fetus, and you deliberately remove it from the mother, no matter the reason, it's an abortion.
Trying to manipulate language into rationalizing the end of the life of a fetus is nothing less than what pro-choice people do when they talk about how fetuses don't feel pain at certain ages, therefore the fetus is not a person. Or that if a fetus can't survive outside the mother, it's a parasite and not a person.
Again, all you're doing is justifying the death of a living entity.
I can be your bodyguard
Beg pardon?
Yout username. CallmeAl
I'd long ago given up that anyone would get the reference that I had forgotten why I chose this name!
Absolutely. That's apples to oranges, not a direct abortion at all.
So indirect abortions are ok?
One thing I've learned over the recent years is that most illnesses that doctors like to explain away with gentics this, genes that, and "it just happens" are actually caused by malnutrition. As in, it's preventable.
The other thing I learned is that people would rather die than question the word of modern doctors.
Really, you just happen to personally know 3 people with some of the rarest circumstances known to man
None of which necessitated an abortion for the life of the mother.
EXACTLY right... And Dr. Anthony Levatino, who also testified before Congress, agrees:
Pre-eclampsia is a serious risk to the.mother. Many women do die of it.
Please look up pre-eclampsia. It's one of the most common causes of maternal deaths. Around 70,000 die yearly due to it.
And 500,000 fetal deaths
Yes. It's not uncommon, as you see. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here, though.
It is rare and is treatable. So if 70,000 mothers die from it (worldwide, by the way, as it is highly preventable and treatable especially in the US - it's high blood pressure!) but also 500,000 fetal deaths, I cannot believe every HONEST effort is being made not to terminate the pregnancy.
Yes, I know quite a lot of people. I also work in healthcare.
Unfortunately, young girls getting impregnated by sexual predators is not that rare.
Neither is preeclampsia. But the condition the baby I mentioned had is extremely rare. Tay Sachs.
Well it doesnt count as "people you know" when you work in an abortion clinic and you just start rattling off reasons people came to you
I don't work in an abortion clinic. You assume much. And quite wrongly. I work in a free clinic in a very poor area in Mississippi. We do not provide abortions.
The Tay Sachs case was a cousin by marriage. The pre-eclampsia case was an old high school friend. The 13 year old was a patient at our clinic.
When you work in healthcare, your friends and family tend to come to you for free advice.
Just like accountants have friends and family ask for help during tax time. Or interior decorators are always asked what color to paint their walls.
It's just a reality that people who work in certain professions are constantly hit up for free advice from family and friends. Healthcare workers and lawyers are probably at the top of the list where they are constantly asked for free advice from friends and family.
Why would you assume I work in an abortion clinic when I clearly stated in one of my posts that I was against abortions?
I dont think you are. I think you like to bring up the one in a billion medical cases to derail the consensus that would otherwise be here. Which is that killing unborn babies should generally be illegal
These are not one in a billion medical cases.
Pre-eclampsia is one of the most common causes of death in pregnancy. I think it is found in around 1 in 25 pregnancies.
Ectopic pregnancies are also quite common. I believe they count for 1 in 50 pregnancies.
Have you not been paying attention to what is going on concerning pedophiles and children being trafficked sexually? And even disregarding child sex trafficking, young girls are way, way way too often targeted by sexual predators.
The only example I listed that is super rare is Tay Sachs. On average, less than 20 pregnancies a year in the US have a Tay Sachs diagnosis. The average yearly number of pregnancies in the US is around 4,000,000. So 20 pregnancies out of 4,000,000 getting a Tay Sachs diagnosis each year is still much more often than one in a billion. It's about 1 in 200,000.
How are my posts derailing the consensus that abortion should generally be illegal?
All I've done is point out that there are cases where many people would support terminating a pregnancy. This was in response to posts that were dismissive of cases where the mother's life was in danger. The cases that I've brought up are a drop in the bucket of the number of abortions performed. So it doesn't jeopardize the consensus here that abortions should generally be illegal. The key word is "generally".
As I've said before, my goal is to get people to think about things from different perspectives, have empathy for others, and become more knowledgeable about things that they have strong opinions about.
Which of those motivations do you disagree with?
Still not an excuse to murder the child.
Abortion is not just “terminating a pregnancy”. That white washed, clinical jargon is part of the problem.
If there is a situation whereby a baby has to be prematurely removed to save the mother’s life, then by all means do so as long as every attempt is made to also save the baby’s life. If those attempts fail, that is not murder.
What is murder is saying “the mom’s life might be in danger; time to chop up the baby’s limbs and suck its brain out with a syringe!”
And yes, that’s how abortions are actually done, and it is utterly barbaric. Future civilizations will think of abortion the same way we think of slavery and human sacrifice.
Ditto for incest and rape. Why butcher the baby for the sins of its parents? Since when has that ever been fair or just?
So you support abortions in certain situations?
No, I do not.
Attempting to save the life of both the child and the mother is neither an abortion nor murder, even if the child has to be prematurely removed from the mother.
That is why I said that abortion is more than just terminating a pregnancy. That deceptive use of language is how the Left disguises what abortion actually is. Abortion is murdering a child by chopping up their limbs and/or sucking the brain out through the back of the skull with a syringe.
Go watch some videos showing what abortions actually look like. You will rapidly find that there is nothing life-saving or "healthcare"-ish about them at all. It is a gruesome sacrifice laid on the altar of convenience and fornication. Moloch is alive and well to this day.
If that's what your definition of "not an abortion" is, I think you'd be surprised at how many liberals agree with you.
I'm aware of what abortions look like. I am pro-life.
My intention here is to hopefully compel people to remember to be empathetic, and acknowledge that sometimes we don't truly know how we will act in a situation until we are actually in that situation. Also, I hope to get people to be a bit more knowledgeable about things if they're going to speak on it with certainty.
I also like to speak of things philosophically. Such as your definition of abortion being through mechanical means. But what of medicinal abortions? Do you believe those to be abortions?
Sorry Al. This is the same dusty argument that abortion supporters have been saying forever. Americans don't need unlimited (up to the time of or even after birth in some states) access to abortions to address these health or moral issues.
I actually don't support abortion. I simply think empathy is needed for other people. I also see how often people change their mind on the matter when it happens to them.
I think what people need is all the information about what happens when a living baby is killed and removed from the women's womb. There are tremendous emotional, spiritual and sometimes physical ramifications from having an abortion that the woman will deal with for the rest of her life. Whether for the life of the mother or a rape situation those outcomes will still be there.
While we are certainly compassionate towards those suffering from a complicated pregnancy or rape, killing and removing the baby will leave the mother with side effects that will be profound. This is what's NOT being discussed anywhere.
It's especially tragic when the baby is planned, loved, and wanted, and yet it places the mother's life at risk.
Of course, losing a baby you wanted is tragic. (Killing a baby you didn't want is tragic, too). Let's not lose sight of what's being said here.
Tucker is talking about how abortion in this country is now celebrated by the left. That's a tragedy also.
And yet, abortion is not limited to the left. Let's not lose sight of that, either.
I know it may be hard to hear, but there are plenty of women who consider themselves conservative, vote Republican, and still get abortions.
They just do it quietly, in my experience.
I also wanted to ask, why do you specify Americans here? Are there countries where you would support abortions?
No. Absolutely not. It's just that I don't know about other countries. I do know how to the US medical industry, MSM et al obfuscate the reality of abortion.
I'm curious, how much does the US's access to good healthcare contribute to the stance someone holds on abortion?
Would opinions change if a person were pregnant, with serious medical issues during pregnancy, and living in a country with poor healthcare and no means of heroic measures being taken to save a high risk pregnancy?
How much does our healthcare system factor into our stances on abortion, considering so many of the pro-life arguments concern our ability to use advanced, routine healthcare to save high risk pregnancies?
I believe you are missing my point Al. I see you have an axe to grind on this subject.
Hopefully you can get some answers to your concerns.
I simply try to get people to think about things from different perspectives, encourage them to have empathy, and suggest that they be knowledgeable about the subject if they feel strongly about it.
I tend to look at things from a philosophical standpoint, and that tends to upset people for some reason. I think perhaps people don't like their opinions challenged and don't feel comfortable exploring their own beliefs very deeply.
Imagine closing your church and not knowing how much you just exposed yourself. Amazing.
Betty, please clarify what you mean by "expose yourself".
Do you mean - expose yourself to the demonic? Or expose yourself as "not practicing what you preach"? Or something else?
That was really, really good! I'm loving Tucker more and more. I have wondered how he can be so brave, to expose himself so much, and this explained that to me.
Thanks for this!
"If you're afraid of dying..." this is how I feel. Really the only thing that frightens me is my grandchildren suffering if the SHTF. I need to go to confession and now that my back is better, my husband and I will start attending traditional Latin Mass. Guessing my adolescent and now adult opposition is kicking in because the fact that Francis is anti-Latin Mass makes it more appealing.
In my everyday life, I help others where I can. Faith, Hope, and Charity are guidelines I try my best to live by.. I'm not always successful, especially with Joe, Hillary, Francis, Zelensky and their ilk but I do pray for their conversion from dark to light.
Someone in my family voted to have their church be non denominational, I think that is correct word, and they will just follw the bible
Is there something wrong with non denominational?
Serious question
I don't think there is. The church is corrupt like the government. The bible is not. Although they are trying to change that as well
They have tried since the last page was written. God simply will not allow it, until the last day. The day that the salt runs out will be the last day.
Well you are wrong. Trust me these people are not that. I don't know specifics but everything will be voted on by everyone.
even a document like the US Constitution needs an authoritative interpreter or living voice (Supreme Court).
who has the authority to interpret and adjudicate on a document such as the Bible? Can an individual human being interpret authoritatively? What if another human being has a different interpretation?
What are you talking about
Ah yes, just like how "shall not be infringed" is "open for interpretation". This mindset is a disease. There is one Truth and God will not hear excuses for not seeking it.
There is only one authority. Jesus is the head of the church and anyone who claims otherwise is just trying to get you to worship them instead.
The last time I told someone that she said, and I quote, "...the Bible WE gave you by the way, you're welcome."
To those people Jesus said, "I never knew you. Depart from me, you who practice lawlessness."
The concept of the Constitution being a living document is the exact idea that the Uniparty has used for a century to get us to our current position.
The question “what if someone has a different interpretation” presupposes relativism; that there can be “your” truth that is just as valid as anyone else’s.
The reality is that there is only one interpretation; the one that the author intended and that the words actually convey.
For the Constitution, its meaning can be easily derived by actually reading it, and reading the FF’s other writings can help provide context.
For the Bible, its meaning can also be derived from just reading it and letting it speak for itself. Believers have the extra advantage of having the Holy Spirit to help explain things.
The supreme court is a fraudulent creation. B.A.R.
Historically, that has been the role of priests, pastors, preachers, ministers, etc....
That's the reason why there is something like 40,000 different denominations of Christianity worldwide.
It's the reason why a town of 400 people will have four Baptist churches, three Methodist churches, two Presbyterian churches, and then have a large Mennonite population as well.
People pick their places of worship based on how much they agree with the interpretation of the minister, or preacher, or what have you. I know of several churches in my town that split because of the minister's stance on abortion or homosexuality or the role of women in church.
Thanks for the link. It looks interesting.
A thousand amens!
Straight from my cousin obgyn fetal medicine doctor. The only dangerous thing to a pregnant woman is getting an abortion.. nick an artery in the uterus and your gonna bleed out fast. High incidents of infection as well. Danger is all you accomplished besides outright murder.
Completely agree! Countless perforations and mangling of women by these butchers. It's all kept hidden, though.
Especially when the abortions are performed by illegal back alley abortionists.
I was referring to the ambulances being called "without sirens" to LEGAL clinics for serious damage to the mothers. Happening across the country in "SAFE" and "LEGAL" clinics. You really have an axe to grind...
Sure. But you must realize that when abortions are banned in safe, legal clinics, many women and girls turn to what they can get, which are illegal abortions in unsafe surroundings by people who aren't qualified to do them.
These were some of the arguments that originally led to Roe vs Wade being passed.
Women will get abortions either way. The most humane thing to do would be to allow them to have safe, legal abortions in clean clinics with competent staff.
It also prevents women who are having miscarriages from being prosecuted for the idea she was trying to abort the baby herself. Many women who have miscarriages in places that ban abortions don't seek help because they're afraid they'll be charged with murder and put in jail. So they suffer through the miscarriage by themselves and then sometimes start hemorrhaging due to torn.placenta and then get bad infections and sepsis.
Quite a few women and girls went through this prior to Roe Vs Wade and those cases also led to Roe Vs Wade being passed.
Those things are happening again now in some states. Women not seeking help for miscarriages because they don't want to be treated like a criminal.
Hey, you know, you never answered my other questions.
Since you approve of "indirect" abortions for some cases, do you approve of "indirect" abortions for others?
Your questions aren't in good faith and didn't deserve an answer. Done wasting time on your hot air.
Not sure what you mean they're not in good faith. I'm sincerely interested in having a conversation with you about it. I'm curious as to why you first say that no mother needs to get an abortion to save her life, and then agree that aborting ectopic pregnancies is ok, because it saves the mother's life.
There's a very glaring problem in your argument there, if you haven't noticed.
But if you're not interested in having a conversation with me, then feel free to click on the button that says block below and then you won't have to see me at all.
most people are way beyond lazy to study anything that takes work to understand. health, biology, law, etc.
they give up their own freedoms willingly, they put their lives & the lives of their children in someone elses hands who is more than likely thinking of $$$$$.
if you can't expect from yourself, to study what matters, don't expect others to save you. doctors have many bills of their own pay, mortgages, fancy vehicle payments, etc.
basically, if someone is running a business, they are going to look for ways to make MONEY off you.
remember how as children, everybody in your family wanted you to go to school, so you could "be a doctor & make lots of money"? well, some people took that to heart & became doctors for the sole purpose of MAKING LOTS OF MONEY.
He didn't answer the question... why has child killing been touted throughout the Bible and all history? Lucifer's lies. All along, it has been. And still is.
Where has child killing been promoted in the Bible as a universal rule?
The whole reason God had the Israelites wipe out the Canaanites is because the latter practiced child sacrifice. Wherever child killing is found in scripture, God and His servants intervene with overwhelming lethal force to end it.