Developing: McCarthy Reportedly Lied Again - Cut a Side Deal for Ukraine Funding with McConnell and Biden | The Gateway Pundit |...
Earlier today the US House of Representatives passed a last-minute spending bill to keep the government funded for an additional 45 days, narrowly averting a government shutdown that would have commenced at 12:01 a.m.
The more they fund Ukraine the more I am ROOTIN 4 POOTIN. Wipe out every last Nazi and Kidfukker in Ukraine.
Shower thought... is the Ukraine aide going to the funding of our southern border invation? The illegals aren't getting here for free. Some how it seems like their MO to try to use the stolen monies of the assulted to assult them even more.
Someone said the UN was doing this recently. Prophets also mentioned them trying to hurt the us
Your typo "Bummer Sticker" would be an awesome name for a business. "Bummer Stickers to Make Leftards REEEEE".
Username checks out! : -)
Replace the lying weasel.
Why, when he's doing such a great job of waking up America to the reality of "SWAMP"?
Wake up time is over in my book.
Oooooohhhh, love the “Im-such-a-bad-ass” pose…you are a DS fluffer, Kevin.
Is anybody gonna mention their army is a bunch of Nazis. This is wild.
What a colossal waste of time.
It's in the script..the plot depends on it......
Yeah i know but there's still that residual mind-programming left over that causes me to still get pissed.
Time=$,$$$ Or in the case of Ukraine: $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$
So again, McCarthy says watch my hands because I cheat.
At this point, I can only laugh. I think if I stop laughing I'll probably cry from cringing too hard.
We really are watching a movie.
What would it take to remove the government in its entirety?
Govern-ment = literally translates to "mind control". Who in the right mind what their mind controlled by someone else? Why would we need the government in the first place? We keep talking about all the intricacies of workings of government but hardly anyone asks about very existence of the government, because, once again, they fooled our minds focusing into wrong things!
Purge is a movie without government for 12 hours on a specific day out of the year.
These People are Stupid. Kevin McCarthy, Unipartiy Globalist, on Display for us all to see.
Screw treasonous McCarthy. Time for his ass to vacate. Edit: His JOB is fucking toast. Certainly NOT advocating violence against the person.
Understanding is better than reacting.
If you are reacting, you're still functioning under the deep state programming you've been subjected to for <decades>.
Good catch. Read, understand, consider the implications, and how to communicate the best response that elicits no violence or malice. Information wars require discernment and strength of the mind and will.
45 days Hmmm
Hey MTG, believe us now?
Wth ? you’re just stating a fact ! Why the downvote? Can whoever did it explain ? The loser McCarthy himself gave DJT all the credit for his position . We love our President , obviously there is a reason why DJT pushed for him to be speaker , we don’t know why yet ,, I for one always disliked the Benedict bum.
Thanks for that.
It is so sad McCarthy can not tell the truth to the American people. Bye bye you …