Reason 15: He want's to ban gay marriage again. So unless he proves himself to be a RINO, I'm fine with this for the time being. We need someone who wants to put an end to the faggotry that's been legalized and pushed down everyone's throats the last several decades.
Yeah sorry I'll never agree with making gay marriage illegal. You want to stop the proliferation of homosexuality, be more persuasive, and raise your kids right. This is America. Government has no business pretending they have control over who consenting adults choose to live with, pledge their lives to, or how they interact with one another physically. Nobody should need a fucking license to get married in the first place. Christian fascism can suck my dick like every other kind of fascism.
Oh get over it already and accept the fact that homosexuality is a "gateway deviancy" into all the morally degenerate crap we see going on today. Every single time in history the homosexuality became openly accepted, it's always led to various forms of degeneracy, with the end goal being pedophila in every case. Ancient Greece/Rome, Ancient Japan, Weimar Germany, etc. etc.
Every single time, it always ends the same. I personally believe it's a mental illness and there's probably a cure for it, but regardless, the historical evidence speaks for itself. Homosexuality, leads to rampant degeneracy.
If two people wanna be queer behind closed doors, fine. That's between them and God and I agree the government has no right to decide what happens in a private home.
That's why I'm against things like the old Texas "Anti-sodomy law" that let Texas Police break into someone's house if they were accused of being gay (similar to red flag laws).
But open acceptance of homosexuality has led to nothing but degeneracy where we have queers in San Fransisco singing about forcibly converting children into being gay, public schools brainwashing children into being gay, trans, non-binary, etc. etc. and pedophile drag queens dressing up as LITERAL DEMONS, reading gay propaganda to children in libraries.
When you're defending homosexuality, YOU ARE DEFENDING THAT DEVIANCY.
And that's all there is too. So stop trying to take the "moral high ground" on this. Even if you're not religious, historical facts speak for themselves. Homosexuality is ALWAYS a net negative. Name a single time in history that open acceptance of homosexuality has led to anything positive in society?
Nice strawman. I'm not defending homosexuality are you illiterate? I said the government has no business offering marriage licenses to ANYONE. They have no right at all to require such a thing. Thus, whether people can or can't get married under the state shouldn't even be an issue. And since we agree that we can't make anti-sodomy laws, then we both agree they can't make homosexuality illegal. Like I said, be more persuasive, and raise your kids better. I'd like to eliminate homosexuality as well, but that isn't done by making it illegal.
You literally need to read better before replying to people, bro. This whole reply ignored everything I argued, is a strawman, and a joke. Again, who consenting adults choose to live with, dedicate their lives to, and how they choose to engage with each other physically, is up to them. You can't constitutionally make laws against that. Fucking duh, bro.
Notice how you refused to list a single time in history that open acceptance of homosexuality has led to any positive in society? I'm not going to argue about retarded fallacies, since that would be nothing more than a back and forth. So I'll still be waiting for you to list a single instance of "positive homosexual influence" to counter my multiple examples of negative homosexual influence.
By the way, I didn't mention it initially, but since you're calling my logic flawed and calling me illiterate, I'll mention it now. Your logic is flawed. You can make homosexuality illegal, Poland has done it, Hungary has done it, Russia has done it. All you have to do is make it illegal to advertise ANY sexuality in public, and magically, all the gays go away for the most part. Of course there are still small populations of the alphabet crew in those countries, but when they can't spread gay propaganda out the wazoo without it being a felony, then "magically" the number of gays decreases and the ones that do exist actually keep it in the bedroom behind closed doors like most want them to.
So yes, you CAN ban homosexuality, and every other perversion that leads to moral degeneracy.
The whole "raise your kids" better argument doesn't work here when LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE INSTITUTION IN THE WORLD is coming against you in order to brainwash them. Are you just going to keep your children in a bubble on the family farm? That may work in the short term, but what about when they have to leave your hundred acres to start socializing and meet people to start their own family?
This is why you have to have top down solutions for certain problems. I'm generally not a fan, but certain problems have no other solution when literally every institution and person of power is colluding towards a single goal. It doesn't matter how well you raise your kids, if the moment they leave your carefully crafted bubble, they're inundated with brainwashing propaganda every single moment of every single day.
I'm sorry that you don't understand what a Constitutional right is. You clearly don't adequately appreciate the line you walk when you start banning speech of any kind and the can of worms it would open upon all of us. Banning speech isn't the answer to this problem. Ending foreign control of our economy and elections, and actually breaking up monopolies in a clear and consistent manner is the solution.
Were it not for Blackrock and Vanguard owning more than half of the S&P 500 and all their subsidiaries, the ESG score wouldn't be a thing, and private companies would be free to market to their audiences preferences, rather than engage in propaganda that clearly doesn't appeal to the vast majority of us. As Elon so eloquently put it "ESG is the Devil."
You sound just like a Democrat right now. And Democrats are fascists. You haven't thought through the cause and effect of this policy you're proposing. You're seeing a problem or something you don't think should exist and you're thinking you can just attack those things directly and everything will be all better without any unintended consequences, but that's not the case.
If filmmakers want to keep putting gay characters and gay scenes in their movies, and advertisers in their ads, I fully believe they should have the right to do so, and face the grassroots canceling that we've seen in recent years with the likes of Bud Light and others--not face legal repercussions in the land of the free.
The problem is that these companies stand to lose more in their stock price by threats from these corporate monopolies that hold most of their stock than they do from their actual customers--many of whom are either addicted to their products, or are too poor or too stupid to know where else to look to acquire their goods and services.
Sorry, but you're not making yourself part of the solution here. I hate the propaganda as well, but legally banning depictions of gay characters in film, ads, art, and literature isn't the right solution. The best disinfectant is sunlight and public discourse, not fascism.
I find that my heart is joyful that Mike Johnson is our new speaker. But I am still watching because so many I thought were good went for the lure of K-street.
“Trust but verify” is my stance today.
McCarthy, McHenry, & RINOs are the reason that this process took so long. Matt Gaetz explains what happened in this three minute video. If you had ANY DOUBTS about McCarthy or wanted to give him any benefit of the doubt, this should SETTLE IT FOR YOU.
I think he had to. Let's see just exactly how he doles the money out and under what constraints. I'm giving him a wide berth to see how he grabs this bull (Congress) and subdues it
While pandering to Christians in hopes of manufacturing consent to send our children to die for the Israeli government. Are we really going to fall for this again?
Pro-life and abolitionist are two different terms with different meanings. Pro-life is the expression of a moral opinion about abortion, while abolition is the expression of a moral action to end injustice. Abolitionists have a different strategy, ideology, and theology about ending injustice than the pro-life movement does. The Abolitionist movement is the only biblical stance against abortion.
To be more clear; Pro-life is the expression of a moral opinion. Abolition is the expression of a moral action. When you call yourself “pro-life” you are letting people know what you think about abortion. When you call yourself an abolitionist, you are telling them what you aim to do about it.
I'm just hoping Trump and other white hats are only sucking Israel's dick for optics because they know deep down that Israel knows they're saving those fuckers for last and they're not going to give them any "antisemitism" ammo in the meantime to give them some political wiggle room.
Well, we don't know. All we can do is hope for the best. Although the Dems probably were glad he got it instead of Trump or some other less favorite option.
"He has consistently voted AGAINST Ukraine aid, except for the very first aid bill."
This is very important. We needed someone who can learn from their mistakes.
Wasn't the first aid bill just like, food, medical supplies, etc and then we started handing over cash and weapons?
I believe so. We would do something like that for many of our allies or strategic partners (depends on why we want/need them).
think he will do ok...we will see
Reason 15: He want's to ban gay marriage again. So unless he proves himself to be a RINO, I'm fine with this for the time being. We need someone who wants to put an end to the faggotry that's been legalized and pushed down everyone's throats the last several decades.
Yeah sorry I'll never agree with making gay marriage illegal. You want to stop the proliferation of homosexuality, be more persuasive, and raise your kids right. This is America. Government has no business pretending they have control over who consenting adults choose to live with, pledge their lives to, or how they interact with one another physically. Nobody should need a fucking license to get married in the first place. Christian fascism can suck my dick like every other kind of fascism.
Oh get over it already and accept the fact that homosexuality is a "gateway deviancy" into all the morally degenerate crap we see going on today. Every single time in history the homosexuality became openly accepted, it's always led to various forms of degeneracy, with the end goal being pedophila in every case. Ancient Greece/Rome, Ancient Japan, Weimar Germany, etc. etc.
Every single time, it always ends the same. I personally believe it's a mental illness and there's probably a cure for it, but regardless, the historical evidence speaks for itself. Homosexuality, leads to rampant degeneracy.
If two people wanna be queer behind closed doors, fine. That's between them and God and I agree the government has no right to decide what happens in a private home.
That's why I'm against things like the old Texas "Anti-sodomy law" that let Texas Police break into someone's house if they were accused of being gay (similar to red flag laws).
But open acceptance of homosexuality has led to nothing but degeneracy where we have queers in San Fransisco singing about forcibly converting children into being gay, public schools brainwashing children into being gay, trans, non-binary, etc. etc. and pedophile drag queens dressing up as LITERAL DEMONS, reading gay propaganda to children in libraries.
When you're defending homosexuality, YOU ARE DEFENDING THAT DEVIANCY.
And that's all there is too. So stop trying to take the "moral high ground" on this. Even if you're not religious, historical facts speak for themselves. Homosexuality is ALWAYS a net negative. Name a single time in history that open acceptance of homosexuality has led to anything positive in society?
I'll wait.
Nice strawman. I'm not defending homosexuality are you illiterate? I said the government has no business offering marriage licenses to ANYONE. They have no right at all to require such a thing. Thus, whether people can or can't get married under the state shouldn't even be an issue. And since we agree that we can't make anti-sodomy laws, then we both agree they can't make homosexuality illegal. Like I said, be more persuasive, and raise your kids better. I'd like to eliminate homosexuality as well, but that isn't done by making it illegal.
You literally need to read better before replying to people, bro. This whole reply ignored everything I argued, is a strawman, and a joke. Again, who consenting adults choose to live with, dedicate their lives to, and how they choose to engage with each other physically, is up to them. You can't constitutionally make laws against that. Fucking duh, bro.
Notice how you refused to list a single time in history that open acceptance of homosexuality has led to any positive in society? I'm not going to argue about retarded fallacies, since that would be nothing more than a back and forth. So I'll still be waiting for you to list a single instance of "positive homosexual influence" to counter my multiple examples of negative homosexual influence.
By the way, I didn't mention it initially, but since you're calling my logic flawed and calling me illiterate, I'll mention it now. Your logic is flawed. You can make homosexuality illegal, Poland has done it, Hungary has done it, Russia has done it. All you have to do is make it illegal to advertise ANY sexuality in public, and magically, all the gays go away for the most part. Of course there are still small populations of the alphabet crew in those countries, but when they can't spread gay propaganda out the wazoo without it being a felony, then "magically" the number of gays decreases and the ones that do exist actually keep it in the bedroom behind closed doors like most want them to.
So yes, you CAN ban homosexuality, and every other perversion that leads to moral degeneracy.
The whole "raise your kids" better argument doesn't work here when LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE INSTITUTION IN THE WORLD is coming against you in order to brainwash them. Are you just going to keep your children in a bubble on the family farm? That may work in the short term, but what about when they have to leave your hundred acres to start socializing and meet people to start their own family?
This is why you have to have top down solutions for certain problems. I'm generally not a fan, but certain problems have no other solution when literally every institution and person of power is colluding towards a single goal. It doesn't matter how well you raise your kids, if the moment they leave your carefully crafted bubble, they're inundated with brainwashing propaganda every single moment of every single day.
I'm sorry that you don't understand what a Constitutional right is. You clearly don't adequately appreciate the line you walk when you start banning speech of any kind and the can of worms it would open upon all of us. Banning speech isn't the answer to this problem. Ending foreign control of our economy and elections, and actually breaking up monopolies in a clear and consistent manner is the solution.
Were it not for Blackrock and Vanguard owning more than half of the S&P 500 and all their subsidiaries, the ESG score wouldn't be a thing, and private companies would be free to market to their audiences preferences, rather than engage in propaganda that clearly doesn't appeal to the vast majority of us. As Elon so eloquently put it "ESG is the Devil."
You sound just like a Democrat right now. And Democrats are fascists. You haven't thought through the cause and effect of this policy you're proposing. You're seeing a problem or something you don't think should exist and you're thinking you can just attack those things directly and everything will be all better without any unintended consequences, but that's not the case.
If filmmakers want to keep putting gay characters and gay scenes in their movies, and advertisers in their ads, I fully believe they should have the right to do so, and face the grassroots canceling that we've seen in recent years with the likes of Bud Light and others--not face legal repercussions in the land of the free.
The problem is that these companies stand to lose more in their stock price by threats from these corporate monopolies that hold most of their stock than they do from their actual customers--many of whom are either addicted to their products, or are too poor or too stupid to know where else to look to acquire their goods and services.
Sorry, but you're not making yourself part of the solution here. I hate the propaganda as well, but legally banning depictions of gay characters in film, ads, art, and literature isn't the right solution. The best disinfectant is sunlight and public discourse, not fascism.
Even date-fags?
Law fags? Plane fags? He must be new
And he's only 51 years old which is young by politician standards.
He is my rep and some of our church’s ministers have been his ministers at previous churches and they believe he is a genuine born again Christian.
I find that my heart is joyful that Mike Johnson is our new speaker. But I am still watching because so many I thought were good went for the lure of K-street.
“Trust but verify” is my stance today.
As long as he's a born again American I don't care what religion he follows.
McCarthy, McHenry, & RINOs are the reason that this process took so long. Matt Gaetz explains what happened in this three minute video. If you had ANY DOUBTS about McCarthy or wanted to give him any benefit of the doubt, this should SETTLE IT FOR YOU.
I hope he has good security, we can't let anyone "undo" this. I'm really optimistic things might start turning around soon!
Thank you for this. I hope he stays true to the mission to Make America Great Again.
OKAY! Let's get down to business!
I love what I just read... go Mike
And then he instead motions to send our taxes to Israel. Smh
I think he had to. Let's see just exactly how he doles the money out and under what constraints. I'm giving him a wide berth to see how he grabs this bull (Congress) and subdues it
Yep, too early to say for sure, he looks good on paper, we shall see.
While pandering to Christians in hopes of manufacturing consent to send our children to die for the Israeli government. Are we really going to fall for this again?
Must have missed where he said he was sending our children to die in Israel. Or are you just making shit up per usual.
You actually take the time to memorize what specific posters have said in other threads or are YOU just making shit up right now?
i hope to god this guy doesn't turn into ron desantis.
Good VP candidate for Trump.
I like & follow WallStreet Apes on TS.
He posted an very old tweet from Mike Johnson saying a priority was to get vaccines in arms....
While I am against the vax, and I think MJ was wrong or misguided wanting that ... He stood against the unconstitutional mandates CONSISTENTLY.
If we had leaders that followed the Constitution we'd have a much healthier nation.
He is a constitutional lawyer not a doctor or a Pharma chemist.... The KNOWINGLY part of this genocide is going to come into focus, which is good.
I think people are gonna get all pissed off over this old tweet.... and miss the point of how important our Constitution is.
Pro-life and abolitionist are two different terms with different meanings. Pro-life is the expression of a moral opinion about abortion, while abolition is the expression of a moral action to end injustice. Abolitionists have a different strategy, ideology, and theology about ending injustice than the pro-life movement does. The Abolitionist movement is the only biblical stance against abortion.
To be more clear; Pro-life is the expression of a moral opinion. Abolition is the expression of a moral action. When you call yourself “pro-life” you are letting people know what you think about abortion. When you call yourself an abolitionist, you are telling them what you aim to do about it.
Waiting for the RINO's response to this. Because they love to keep outing themselves.
I'm just hoping Trump and other white hats are only sucking Israel's dick for optics because they know deep down that Israel knows they're saving those fuckers for last and they're not going to give them any "antisemitism" ammo in the meantime to give them some political wiggle room.
👀🤗Watch the full speech, enjoy Frens.🙏☮️💚☯️🐢
M =13 J = 10 = 23 = PAIN! 👊
Hopefully not just another RINO
Yeah, but he’s into continuing funding of Israel, one of those zionist Christians. “All Wars Are Banker’s Wars!”
Already wants to push a bill in for Israel
If Democrats are clapping for him, then I'm not convinced. I know Jordan would of released the J6 tapes. I don't know if this guy will.
Well, we don't know. All we can do is hope for the best. Although the Dems probably were glad he got it instead of Trump or some other less favorite option.
Sleepers Activated
No fuck this guy he wants to get us involved in protecting the Khazarian bachelor pad in Palestine aka Israel
Awesome, I fully expect even STRONGER worded letters now.