Lahaina 2.0 in Acapulco Mexico
I will let you be the judge. There seems to be a news black out about Acapulco. Are they going to make a smart city out of the rubble? It has a large very poor population. The government is blocking aid from getting into the city and travel to the poorer areas surrounding the resort is all but impossible. The people were given no warning. Communications down. Sound familiar? I don't care for Jeff Berwick, but I will let the photos and videos speak for themselves. No one seems to be reporting on this with all the air being sucked out of the room and focused on the ME and the DC circus.
Lahaina 2.0 in Acapulco Mexico
Appears that the NWO is partial to beaches.
Knew there's a reason I prefer the mountains...
Of course there's looting going on. Web search that's one of the first videos Reuters posts...not coverage that everything is f'd and help can't get there... looting so optics will display they're unworthy criminals.
Just watched Jeff Berwick's report on Tuesday's Cat. 5 hurricane (that left no rain, but totally destroyed a big city):
(esp. the reason "Why Acapulco? at 44:44). After all, Acalpulco is where Jeff hosts a huge anti-WEF conference every February, and is where Max Igan lives (who makes loads of videos on Bitchute). What won't the mother-WEF'ers do next? Come hunting their enemies one by one, destroying the cities where they live?
He thinks "Trumps Space Force" is responsible, or he at least alludes to it, for Lahaina, with space lasers, and then he asks, and you think Trump is going to save you?🙄 Nope I think God will save me, Trump is working for The Lord.
I don't blame Jeff for feeling that way. He's Canadian by birth and never lived in the US. He only watches US politics from a distance so I can give him a pass for being ignorant on Q.
Someday it will become clear even to him, but until then I still consider him an ally.
I had not thought of Max. Has anyone heard from him?
He made a video the other day saying that he was visiting the US when the hurricane hit. He hasn't been back yet but he said his home and computer might have been destroyed.
Thanks. I don't watch Max or Jeff on a regular basis. The only reason I found Jeff's stuff is because it seemed like he was the only one getting any information out there about this tragedy. Jeff said his home in Acapulco was damaged as well - he had been trying to sell it in addition to his boat. It's all moot now. Jeff also has not been able to get in contact with a gal he had hired that is like family. They had built a place for her on his ranch to move her to after the house was sold, but so far have not been able to find her. Max and Jeff both moved there to be safe? So much for that.
And yet other sources say there was loads of rain, a landslide triggered, river overflowing it’s banks. So much conflicting info.
Obama and Oprah need new land dirt cheap. Muh climate change.
You noticed that too. Much easier to traffic contraband of all kinds.
I wonder if this is a similar land grab.
If you can control The Flow of Information, you can Control The Masses.
The Truth is Like A Lion. You just Set It Free, and It Will Defend Itself.
Weaponize the weather and cover up the crime scene.
It's especially modern thinking that a hurricane has no rain.
Sticky for nothing on any News outlet about this due to Israel-Gaza being the main focus for most. But some serious damage in Acapulco. Place didn’t get burned, but some serious hurricane damage to a lot of the beach front. Unknown injuries or deaths so far.
Correct, Lahaina 2.0
Family in Canada has commented. Odd how nothing in US news right now.
The injuries and deaths at this point are hard to nail down. The hillside areas where the poorest people live from what I understand are inaccessible and the government does not seem to want to help. Not a lot of information coming out of there. I have a friend from Acapulco and they have still not been able to make contact with family. Musk wants to put up Starlink in Gaza. Someone needs to alert him to Acapulco.
I heard the same, I also heard that their was almost no rain, just wind.
I watched this thing intensify quickly, make landfall, and then just disappear. No rain and wind further inland. I have never seen anything like it in all the years I have been watching hurricanes. You are right. The reports I am getting said there was not the heavy rains you would expect to see with this level of storm. It was all very high winds.
Intensify quickly is quite the understatement. Clif high said yesterday that in the few hours it took to go from tropical storm to cat 5, it absorbed more energy than what was produced in all the electric plants in all of North America combined during those hours. Where did all that energy come from??? It sure didn't leave a frozen ocean in its wake, so there must have been another energy source??? Just like Lahaina....
In all the years that I have been watching hurricanes, I have never seen anything like it. So much wrong with this. It was hard to get a read on it because it was so far south. Usually I look for certain types of interference that look like manipulation. This thing developed so quickly that the normal things I look for were not there. Convenient that some of the feeds seemed to be missing. ????
We had a storm like that in Louisville Ky, I watched it on radar. One minute nothing, then a massive storm appeared over the city with almost no rain but huge electrical storm. My friend said during the storm the fluorescent tube‘s in his light fixtures were flickering and glowing during a power outage.
That's pretty intense. I used to see freak electrical storms out in the Badlands of NM. Lit up the night sky like it was daytime. Incredible sight.
And yet other sources say there was loads of rain, a landslide triggered, river overflowing it’s banks. So much conflicting info.
I'm beginning to think the want to milk it for deaths to pump up the deportation numbers. Plus what's the off chance that many of those acupulcans are in the u.s.a. with all the others while thisnwent down. Are we gonna find this city full of the next wave of invaders from the south? Turned up my tinfoil hat there for a minute.
At this point, nothing would surprise me. I can only go by what others like Jeff and Max are saying about where they live. I think they would have noticed by now if there had been lots of people leaving. Although, I fully expect there to be some moving north given what has happened there. Mexico has no social safety net. They will have to do something if there are no jobs in Acapulco.
They got hit hard. Seems to me this is the type of disaster you rally around for and help people.
The problem is that no news about this is getting out - at least not here in the States. So no one is aware they need help. Jeff has an organization already set up and on the ground to help people. There are ways to help through his charity group. Other than Jeff, I don't know of any other organizations down there trying to help. People just simply don't know they are in trouble.
Agreed. It is very difficult for the average person to wrap their heads around this kind of evil. That is why they can get away with this level of destruction and blame it on something else and most people will accept it. You are right. Those that do these things are not human.
But it's a functional exercise to try and understand. and fun in a morbid way.
It will be interesting to see if the people are displaced to Mexico City and Guadalajara, their designated C40 cities.
Or they will be displaced to the US. One thing if for certain, the local economy there looks pretty finished.
When trump said maybe we should drop a Nuke on the hurricanes he was speaking of the machine they have out their that create them?
Hard to say what they have that we don't know about. The disturbing thing is that whatever the hell they have, it seems they can wield it at will on whomever they wish. I also saw a bunch of DEW'd cars from a "sudden fire" last month - I think in Argentina. It was a massive amount of cars near some beach completely torched. Palms still standing with leaves however, even though palm trees are usually torches. The report I saw was claiming 20K cars. I can't verify that count, but the video was showing a hell of a lot of cars that looked like they belonged in Lahaina or CA. It may have had something to do with their elections. They were sending a message to someone - don't think your going to get any ideas about moving out of lockstep with the mother WEFers. Either that, those bastards were just having some fun playing with their toy.
Thanks for posting. The devastation is unreal.
Not sure I'd call it Lahaina 2.0 until I see something outside the realm of hurricane damage tho.
Any reports of fire tornadoes or weird anomalies etc?
This storm went from a low grade tropical storm to a category 5 in about eight hours. The other thing I heard was than there was little to no rain. It was mostly wind. In addition, it petered out as soon as it made landfall. In other words, the storm was limited to Acapulco. Most hurricanes will continue tracking inland with rain and winds - although at much lower intensity. This thing just disappeared. This was not a normal storm. I have watched hurricane and other weather events for years. Something was seriously wrong with this one.
Interesting... thanks for the added info.
And yet other sources say there was loads of rain, a landslide triggered, river overflowing it’s banks. So much conflicting info.
I would not doubt it. No real reliable sources - only people that have limited knowledge or their interpretation on what they witnessed.
Plus we don’t really know who’s lying or the extent of the lies. Was footage/photos taken from a different time and/or place? Were they doctored to support a false narrative? When they cut off communication like Lahaina or now Acapulco truth will seep out even more slowly. I was looking at Ventusky while the storm was allegedly hitting and it was no more than a tropical storm. Another site which has historical data showed almost no wind whatsoever - and then gaps in that data started to show then large chunks of it seem to have been deleted. Some after-the-storm photos depicted scenes from a hefty wind storm with palm fronds on the ground, thatched “tiki bar” roofs ripped up and unsecured plastic chairs and tables toppled over just outside a seating area. A Cat5 would have sent those “projectiles” five miles down the road. This was not, as you say, “a normal storm”.
One of the weird things I noted was the information on Ventusky compared with what I was seeing on College of DuPage. I like COD because I can easily bounce through the different ABI bands. Otis seemed to have turned into a beast in just a few hours. I can't explain the discrepancies with other sites other than someone is jacking with information. Unfortunately, I did not record and download the feeds I was watching.
I have seen some crazy spikes emanating from NEXRADS on COD - especially when it appears like manipulation of systems. I have seen what looks like the directing of major systems for several years now. I don't think I have seen any major event in the US from the last decade that did not look like there was some manner of interference in either direction, intensity, or timing.
Back during the CA fires, on the COD NIR you could see beams appearing to hit the multiple hot spots where the fires were - multiple fires that seemed to ignite simultaneously. The NIR was the only band where it was visible. I have no idea as to the source of those beams - satellites? On some bands you can see strange wave type patterns in the atmosphere that appear very similar to what you see looking at water in an ultrasonic cleaner. I cannot explain the observations.
I take everything with a huge grain of salt because there is no source out there that can be taken with certainty given the level of control. We end up having to put multiple pieces together in order to give us some kind of picture of what is actually taking place with any event. What is clear to me at this point with regards to Acapulco, is that there has been no attempts to create a follow-up narrative being spun my media. The entire event dropped from coverage. This makes me think that this was for Mexico. Why?
I am still looking into this, but it seems that the timing of Otis could be linked to Mexico's recent balking on some aspect of the latest round of a North American environmental cooperation agreement. Nothing surprises me anymore.
Thank you for this info. I’m going to look into the CoD tracking you describe.
One thing I noted during the recent Acapulco incident was that just the prior day a dozen or so police officers had been assassinated there by some kind of criminal cartel gang. I’ll go dig up the link… take a look and tell me if all or even most of these guys look as if they’re actually dead because it seems to me there’s a whole lot less blood than I’d expect on most of them and their surroundings.
For all I know this may have been a WH operation to take out bad guys, stage a “massacre” to throw off the puppet masters then stage a weather event that would allegedly cut out comms while WH soldiers hunt other bad guys down, perhaps even rescue trafficked humans. (An anon can dream…)
Anyway, here’s the link I found last week…
Honestly, those pics look like typical narco executions to me - low caliber head shots. It doesn't make a huge mess. This was not a shoot out. I suspect that someone on the inside set these guys up - that's why it doesn't appear to have been a struggle. These types of executions are not uncommon in Mexico. I also think it is a message to others that no one is untouchable - typical turf war stuff. If they did not want those pics out there circulating, they would not be.
There is not one single criminal organization in operation in Mexico and Central America. There are constant turf wars that take place because the stakes are so high - billions of dollars involving all manner of contraband. They fight with each other over control and the citizens are always caught in the middle. Life is cheap. The cartels are imbedded at all levels of government and law enforcement. You can't trust anyone. They struggle for power to be part of the contraband supply chain with the apex predator being the Western intelligence agencies. This is a huge part of how intelligence funds their operations. It is all one big grift.
Mexico is a narco state and has been for a long time. They are very efficient at what they do and law enforcement is often in on the grift. They eliminate those that cause them any difficulties or know too much. This is nothing new and has been taking place for decades. Anyone that even tries to bypass or restrict the cartels' operations is taken out - often along with their family. These guys don't mess around. I have seen their work first hand. Although, IMO, they don't hold a candle to Ukrainian and Russian operators. They take sadistic cruelty to a whole new level.
When I was in El Paso, it was not uncommon to have people executed on the streets of Juarez in broad daylight. It takes care of what ever issues the cartels have and keeps the population in fear at the same time. No one steps out of line. Juarez had a van that drove around the city every day picking up the bodies - they called it the meat wagon. Those vans were kept busy. It was an daily occurrence to see a body or two thrown onto the street from some vehicle and left there. In fact, there was a huge 3 story market place that had been there for years burnt to the ground over some internal turf struggle. I don't remember how many people died in that fire. These people don't give a shit. Some of the violence occasionally spills over into El Paso. That's usually when American interests apply some pressure to have them scale back - because the American interests don't like the attention. As long as all the BS stays South of the border, its all good. Out of sight, out of mind.
Sorry, but I don't buy into the WH operation stuff. Things are not that simple as good guys versus bad guys - everything is more a shade of gray with varying degrees on a continuum between good and evil. The lines are not that clear. It is a nice thought because people want to believe in heroes - but the reality is much different. There are several entities behind the scenes all struggling for power and control, often with the same financial backing fueling the entire structure. Puppet masters and their puppets. That is not to say that occasionally there isn't a well placed monkey wrench thrown into the machine. But large scale operations conducted in well entrenched enterprises are too hard for me to believe. I just don't see any evidence for it. Thanks for the link.
And Canada is Still on fire
At about 4:45 of the 4th video, a McDonalds Golden Arches sign is the only thing standing and has color. So sad :-(
I saw that. I don't know how the city survives this unless someone has it slated for a smart city. But that will take time and is not going to help the poor people there now.
Yea the MSM silence about Acapulco has been deafening. FWIW this channel is covering it live en Espanol. Still the footage speaks for itself even if no comprende. Looks like it could use some more subscribers.
Is there any time stamped radar imagery available?
Unfortunately, I did not save any video on this. Someone posted some video the other day that was from a site that had bad data. It was showing wind speeds of around 45 mph. It certainly didn't match up with what I was watching on College of DuPage.
Now we know what happens to a tropical storm when you shoot a space laser into the eye and heat the ocean to a boiling point!
They had to have done something to this.
The crazy thing is these storms just appear from nowhere. They don’t travel across the country and build over the course of a day or two, one minute they’re not there and boom a huge red and purple stationary splotch forms on the radar. Also I have followed many storms back to their origin, and many seem to form all day from single small pin point. It’s weird, it looks like a smoke bomb in a cornfield that all the storms across the states generate, when I zoom in it’s all forming from one corn field in Missouri for example. Very strange indeed.
so when is the USA going to be sending Mexico billions?
If that were the case, they would be talking about it.
i asked when, didn't say it was happening.
Most of the government money that Mexico uses is filtered through NGOs. So I guess it is no different than having a direct earmark - all printed out of thin air. I just wonder what the land grab here may be.
I noticed a few responses on this board right after it happened saying it was a nothing burger and they were calling BS - at least that was according to the climate site they were watching. They posted the links and said there were no high winds - I saw the posted links and it did show very low wind speeds. So... someone is lying and posting false readings on the web. Why? The site I was following, College of DuPage, was tracking this beast too. I saw a monster storm and it intensified quickly - less than 8 hours. A couple of days prior it was a tropical storm and their models showed nothing significant - so everyone went about their business as usual. Those people had no warning. I heard the prior evening it would make landfall around 5am. It actually hit between 12-1 am. The destruction on the videos are devastating. It is a resort economy - just like Lahaina. Too many similarities.
Agreed. First I’ve heard of it.