From X reports that Sniffin joe is to retire - interesting timing if true considering camel toe is
I’m the UK for an AI conference at Bletchley Park
🔍 Notable

dUscussed? Geesh.
Totally credible. Not fake or gay at all.
U is right next to the I key
It's not so much the typo, it's the lack of proof-reading.
Damn autocorrect...sposed to be disgust.
Kum-dump was on Sixty Minutes last night. They are warming us up to her, I suppose.
Just added another link to a further post that says donors are quietly being asked to switch support to newsome
No way.
It's either Newsome, "Swingin' Mick with the Swingin' Dick" Fauxbama,...or both.
Interesting. At the beginning of the Patriots - Dolphins game yesterday the announcer mentioned how a certain fishy looking play couldn't have been any better if it were scripted. You hear that a lot in the sports these days. It's a hint...
Anyhow, the very last (pointless) play of the game looked like a WWF style in air mashup of 3 players. Mac Jones (same initials as SOTH) targeted Brandon Jones (FJB Brandon) for an interception between two Patriots players who appeared to take him down hard, drawing a penalty for unsportiness. But in reality the 2nd Patriot was there to catch him and cushion his head for the landing.
The message appears to match.
LOL "the president"
LOL "Biden"
Everything is so fake
oh? Is she getting a software upgrade?
Kek she definitely has the artificial bit nailed but is absolutely in need of an install for the Intelligence DLC
This seems like a fairly safe prediction to make.
I do wonder though, what is the purpose of procrastinating on the announcement? Whoever the DNC anoints as their next candidate would be better served to enter the race sooner than later.
I wouldn't be surprised if they end up sacrificing Biden and running on the solemn sentiment of his "death". Pulling heartstrings and all that.
As long as Biden is "running" nobody will announce. They'll slip somebody (probably Newsome) in at the last minute to guarantee their chosen one faces no scrutiny in the primary cycle.
The ironic thing is that none of the scrutiny that takes place during the primary will happen. Every accusation leveled against the Dem will be brand new and damaging. If it comes out during a primary it's then "old news" come time for the big event.
Better to wait not early. They want ro protect from attacks by keeping them out of race until the have to announce.
Yeah I'm surprised, I figured they'd nominate him and then have him have a "medical event" that would require a substitute at the last minute-- Michelle probably
Isn't Jimmy Carter still hanging on out there? Could become a BOGO.
Keep in mind the fuckery that is possible by the DNCs use of super delegates.
Terror attack to encourage patriotic enlistment AND get a US president style mass Funeral? Sounds like a sound deep state strategy and a mega case of neverending distractions.
By not seeking reelection, he is hoping people forget about his crimes against the people. That ain't gonna happen.
None of these choices are being made by him, only for him. The pedo death cult will have no problem throwing him into the lion's cage.