The recent failed SpaceX Starship launch flushed out the "Flat Earth" retards in droves, making "FIRMAMENT" trend on Elon Musk's X.com. Is it a psyop targeting fuckwits? Yup. Check this graphic sowing the obvious #'d BOT ACCOUNTS. Each account tweeted random Flat Earth faggotry. INFORMATION WARFARE!
🧠 These people are stupid!

Mods: this is a q board, no flat earth.
Also mods: sticky flat earth post.
Birds are a psyop.
I am not Allowed to bring up ChemTrails / Weaponized Weather/ UHF . VLF/ Facts……
But this shit is Stickied ?
Watch out he may ban you and call you a faggot in the process for questioning it.
Atleast the downvotes show the truth. /u/TrustTheTruth
Comped just like voat.
Or tell you that your brain is no smarter than yogurt I was told that once
"This shit" isn't about FE, it's about the bots on X pushing fringe conspiracy retardation
Ponder your existence
Just another 2 tier system
Prolitariat life. Prolo!
Use your brain. This is not a Flat Earth post. It's about the psyop, about the bots on X.
Anything to take a dogshit swipe at the mods.
What does blocked on X mean for sure?
I’ve not deep dived into FE, but wouldn’t be surprised, because my mind is open that we’ve been conditioned to certain views ‘just because’ someone said. The ‘earth is round’ was a strange concept in the past, until we trusted the science. We are psyoped all the time. Normies think GAW is a psyop. Don’t we wish normies had an open mind? This whole discussion merely divides. This is a GAW site, not an FE site. To publicly tar and feather for one thinking differently is beneath us. Love you all ❤️
Khazarians jews lied about everything except the earth. They told the truth on that one.
Lied about everything else but will tell you the truth about the earth. I got you! LOL
Khazarians had nothing to do with flat earth, flat earth was a teensy tiny movement that us on 4chan realized we could join and spread purely because of the "I can't tell if you're kidding or serious" that comes with printed media. We were talking about Poe's law and how funny it would be to demonstrate it with our sarcastic support of these amusing loons.
It does however seem like the CIA has latched onto this funny prank, obsessively salting our ranks with fake accounts that SAY they know about Q shit and SAY they are one of us, but believe in this flat earth hype.
But hey, umm, Cabal? Is this mic on?
We don't give a shit how you try to defame us with these fake accounts saying dumb shit for a screenshot, as a matter of fact, thank you for assisting in labeling these dumb fucking trolls so we can better discern who is real 🤡🌎
You're not wrong on the conditioning. Separating what one truly knows from what they've been told is critically important. The Buddhists call it "beginner's mind".
Now that being said, anyone willing to spend $500 in parts from radio shack can figure out that the earth is round. The FE nonsense is absolutely a psyop to dirty up the "conspiracy theory" crowd to the normies.
radio shack doesn't exist. that aside, what's this proof that can be had for $500?
This exactly. And the dipshits who get riled up when you tell them this… it is a good way for me to know to stop taking them seriously, they latch onto anything. If I decide to become a cult leader someday I guess they might make good followers.
What you say is true, in general, especially in science, religion, and history, but we're talking about something you can walk out your front door and test for yourself.
Flat Earthers are too invested in how their "special knowledge" places them a step above other people; therefore, they never pay any heed when their theories are crushed and melted.
Right. And who cares if it’s flat.
You think people think the Earth is round because "someone said"? Really?
Thinking/believing is not knowing. Most "flat-earthers" are really just recognizing that they don't know, and that opens their minds to other possibilities Calling these people retarded really just reflects on you. It suggests that you have an emotional attachment to a theory.
Most people? Absolutely. Doesn't make it flat, but most people 100% absolutely believe it because it's what they were told ever since they could think. And because of that, they don't think about it, they just believe it.
Unless you think the blue haired libtards who think there are 87 bazillion genders understand the science behind the shape of the Earth? I wouldn't bet on it, seeing as most of them can't even point to China on a map.
this. exactly this. a bunch of argument about flat earth and no one else is commenting about that list of user names? really?
It’s not that difficult to figure out.
Butthurt gonna butthurt!
It’s for your own safety.
You either believe NASA or the Bible.
or literally 1000's of years of maritime navigation, navigation that requires a round earth to work properly
Ponder your existence
Genesis 1:20: "“Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.”
Oops, it's the atmosphere