Ailyn Carmona on LinkedIn: This is interesting. It touches on the united states corporation, nesara… | 26 comments
This is interesting. It touches on the united states corporation, nesara, gesara and a little bit of history. Perhaps a few things Trump did while in office… | 26 comments on LinkedIn
Nope. Its not paid off. The debt cant be paid off. It has to be erased or reset. If the debt here is reset or erased, then it has to be globally. In 2016, the swamp was in everything.
If you look at the documents more closely here
It says the debt is discharged which would be correct in this case.
Indicating that it was arguably "inappropriate" in the first place IMHO. Therefore discharged. That's what I'm guessing.
Paying it off, albeit with confiscated banker money, is effectively erasing/resetting, but it is following UCC/Roman/contract law requirements. Contract fullfilled without violation prevents future endless litigation by globalist bankers over “Breach of Contract”.
The UCC is a weapon of the cabal, so it is getting used against them in the most ironic way possible. Rule of Law.
On LinkedIn no less! I got kicked off permanently for trying to promote RFK Jr’s book ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’.
Love the video/photo of the Pope’s face during Trump visit! He is clearly not a Happy Camper. I believe he was put into submission, probably by military force behind the scenes. How that happened exactly is going to be a stunning read if it is ever made public.
In 16?
The letter in the video is dated March 2017. So this was after Trump took office.
Dates of military action appear to be between Election Day and Inauguration Day. This appears to be an important time period for legal “covert action” as we witnessed in both 2016-17 and 2020-21 “transitions”.
that’s interesting & reminds me of President Trump’s rally comment on Saturday; said he will start signing things as soon as he wins…while he’s walking up the steps to his plane. won’t even bother to change his suit🐸
Possibly some COG special circumstance that will allow President-elect Trump, and suspected C-I-C (if he takes back his devolved authority) to take action immediately after election. Likely related to State-Of-War.
Military appears to have some sort of “Constitutional transition oversight” responsibility, especially during these post-election, pre-Inauguration intervening time periods. They are likely taking Constitutional action or action intended to ensure compliance with the Constitution specifically during this period while staying behind the scenes.
It brings up that video of cankles being chucked into the meat wagon and how we wondered if she was really being arrested. Now, that was several months before the election. So if she was arrested, would that lend more ideas to the military having taken over Obama's Presidency?
The US Dollar will be replaced the US Note.
Trump and the white hats confiscated the Rothschilds gold supply stored at the Vatican Bank to decentralize the global economy through giving portions of the confiscated gold to BRICS countries and the rest to back the US Note.
The segment of centralize banking that will still exist is the US Treasury in producing gold backed currency, ending usuray controlled currency (US Petro Dollar).
Trump also reduced global oil production by countering the attempted Saudi Royal Coup'd'etat at Mandalay Bay Las Vegas Casino which turned into the Mass shooting of the Country concert as a cover story for the hitman staying at the hotel to kill the current Saudi crown prince who was in Las Vegas.
Prince Alaweed and Saudi DS family members, that backed Obama and the 16 year plan to destroy the USA, were arrested and tortured in turn to reduce OPEC oil production so US could become the global oil net exporter during Trumps first term.
Do we already have a US Note/Gold Certificate in circulation? Look at the right side front of bluestripe $100 bill. Lots of Republic references, gold watermarks, and no “Federal Reserve” present anywhere. These are 2009 series that got delayed by 1st Obama admin until 2012-13. It looks to me like the END of Federal Reserve was supposed to have happened in 2008 or 2009.
Potentially exchange-able for new currency/gold/silver by cutting it just to the right of the bluestripe?
I believe the US Note is being manufactured by the US Mint, but not in circulation since the Federal Reserve is pushing Fed Now for managing the introduction of CBDC.
The FED is currently under control of the US Treasury.
Trump has bankrupted the DS, by reducing global oil production (OPEC) and has removed the Rothschilds gold backing.
Soros is the last DS holdout.
The white hats have to gain full control of the DS finance pool. CBDC exchanges will give WH's full control of DS wealth not already confiscated.
CBDC's will be locked and DS finance will be completely located and frozen.
Note that silver and gold eagle production was moved to West Point (US Army control) in 2021.
If you look at US debt clock you'll see US Treasury Note.
Yep. I did notice that recent change. It is reasonable that a debt-free “Greenback II” would be the approach, imo, leveraging all the legalities previously worked out by Lincoln and his military admin.
Now THAT is very interesting. Are they being tricked or compelled into putting all their wealth into CBDC?
BitCOIN looks like a truly decentralized, non CBDC, digital Bill of Rights (esp 4A control of labor as property). Do you think it will become exchange-able for gold at some point to make it a TRUE CURRENCY?
CBDC's are the last option for DS to increase money supply to prop up the bull market that has existed since the 2008/2009 bank bailouts.
The US dollar pool is the water of the swamp. CBDC/crypto enables the DS to keep the swamp full.
Crypto currency is now DS controlled due to Larry Fink CEO of Blackrock having a position at Bitcoin.
Blackrock has been rumored to own 1/3 of total bitcoin.
Hostile takeover by financial infiltration, not invasion.
Trump has called crypto a scam.
I think electronic currency will continue to exist, but valuation will be parallel with physical gold backed currency and scarcity will based on gold value .
I dont know if it will be bitcoin but blockchain tech of some sort backed by metals is definitely the future.
The HSBC docs look legit to me. No obvious signs of forgery. Is it HSBC because that’s where The Crown had stashed their funds? It does not appear to be funds from China since COVID happened in 2020 after this, but I believe Trump had mentioned something like $21 Trillion in reparations from Chy-na.
In your opinion will “reparations from China” be used as cover for the funds appearing out of nowhere to pay off the debt? Or will there be public disclosure of “seized cabal assets”?
HSBC is part of the DS central banking. Any bank that trades in US Dollar or any DS fiat currency is controlled by the DS.
China is part of BRICS.
Chinese reparations is cover optics for the normies for the Rothschilds gold confiscated.
Reparations is really a public awakening for the CCP going bankrupt and collapsing. Xi will use the BRICS currency to usher in capitalism to China since it is Gold Backed.
All BRICS nations control their own gold supply now.
The US dollar will be the last global reserve currency.
can't be paid off, for every dollar printed you owe back more than a dollar.
You can, if you earn other people's money and use that. It's how you pay off your home and cars. But the Rothschilds get the vast majority of the fruits of our labor and creativity, when we finally get the house paid off. When I moved into Sonoma County, it was debt free. They just brought a lot of money in. If USA traded and manufactured intelligently, we could pay down the debt although it's huge. Best thing for the planet is a jubilee; debt cancellation.
Sure you can. Just write them a promissory note worth a dollar plus final interest. Done.
Here is an article I found discussing these documents.
That accent is awful kek had to turn it off.
She can't read 🙈 I couldn't listen anymore either. Not so much the accent, but the stumbling over the words - geez, practice read a few times before recording?
Who paid it off?