Business and an economy cannot thrive in a shithole. I remember SanFran from a visit many, many years ago, when it still was a vibrant city. I wouldn't go there today if they PAID me. Not unless I could go with several of my veteran friends and we were all strapped to the max.
Seen the cycle over and have a nice mall .thugs start hanging out .then white people only go during day..then not at all.and the show moves farther away
Yup, happened here too, a few years ago. A mall on the east side of town (where minority neighborhoods are) opened up and quickly became overrun by said minorities...and it was a swift downhill trip from there. The mall is abandoned now. I once, back when it was still open, went to see a movie there one night, but there was a crowd of screaming and shrieking "teens" with their car radios blasting rap crap, a scuffle was going on between two females of the species... and I just turned my car around and went home.
Happening in Sydney , they’re modus operandi is bike lanes instead of through traffic which kills off all the commercial, the property owners are then unable to rent then along come the developers with the bucks buying up the vacancies and paying off the local government who then permit the development of apartment blocks for their 15 min communities
same happening in many UK towns and cities, sad. In Oxford there were mass demonstrations but the city council still went ahead with road closures. Pitchfork time!
The scamdemic played its part as well with business owners struggling to survive with the loss of patronage whistle the the big chain supermarkets where subsidised by the government in order to pay and keep their workforce during the lockdowns
This is a mirror image of Downtown Portland, Oregon. Bike 🚴 lanes over car 🚗 lanes, closed streets = CLOSED restaurants and shops 🏬.
Seeing beautiful SanFrancisco in the toilet and comparing it to what I have seen personally in Portland, Philadelphia and Boston screams of a term from my past career. MO(modus operandi) a term used in law enforcement to describe a series of crimes with the exact set of circumstances. It is the “finger print” left behind by a criminal that once decoded usually only points to a specific individual or a specific group who committed the crime.
IMHO decode the bike lanes and it’s creator and it will lead to finding the communist responsible for the urban decay.
I got sucked into this. If you want to see SF and how it is fallen, check it out. It is 15m or so. This guy does some leg work.
I kept thinking as I watched
The 'rich' against the 'blue collar'? Starve normie out, buy them all up, plant the new commie flag in the shitmud. Throw rainbow sprinkles everywhere. New guvmint money incoming for '15m city.' Only black people can live there however. Sorry if you are not black.
That video was horrific and I couldn’t stop watching in amazement and shock. The Dems want to put up Gavin as a candidate but parts of his state are turning into Detroit. How far does Cali have to sink before the people there rage against the machine?
Just dispair..... Great job Nancy Pelosi, and throw in Gavin Newsome,,, and all of the other CA politicians that have never run a business except to run it into the ground.
The stupid fucktards that live there voted for this. FUCK THEM. Liberals are a virus they never learn. You are witnessing Darwinism in real time. Just let it happen.
The problem is that cancer spreads. “The stupid fucktards” that voted for this 💩 don’t like it now and they are moving to the red states and they are bringing their communist ideology and their votes with them. They must be stopped 🛑 at all costs or our children and grandchildren will have to face our lack of action. God Bless America and it’s true Patriots.
I’m not combined anymore that any election is legit. Either way, you are correct. You can run but only for so long because if we don’t defeat this idiotic ideology it’s coming to a town near you. Or to your town.
I'm convinced that once Dems get into power, they rig the game indefinitely. I think it's been going on since at least the 50s at the local level, and really ramped up by the 70s as the hippietards got into power in the party.
It's never been "vote blue no matter who". It's "vote blue or we'll do it for you".
I mean why would you go to a restaurant and have your car stripped while eating and dodging human waste..then get carjacked
alright! Stop. You had me at stripped. I'm going to SF for all the fun! It's safe and effec.. sorry, programing kicks in occasionally.
Business and an economy cannot thrive in a shithole. I remember SanFran from a visit many, many years ago, when it still was a vibrant city. I wouldn't go there today if they PAID me. Not unless I could go with several of my veteran friends and we were all strapped to the max.
Seen the cycle over and have a nice mall .thugs start hanging out .then white people only go during day..then not at all.and the show moves farther away
Yup, happened here too, a few years ago. A mall on the east side of town (where minority neighborhoods are) opened up and quickly became overrun by said minorities...and it was a swift downhill trip from there. The mall is abandoned now. I once, back when it was still open, went to see a movie there one night, but there was a crowd of screaming and shrieking "teens" with their car radios blasting rap crap, a scuffle was going on between two females of the species... and I just turned my car around and went home.
It's not a race's a problem race
Happening in Sydney , they’re modus operandi is bike lanes instead of through traffic which kills off all the commercial, the property owners are then unable to rent then along come the developers with the bucks buying up the vacancies and paying off the local government who then permit the development of apartment blocks for their 15 min communities
same happening in many UK towns and cities, sad. In Oxford there were mass demonstrations but the city council still went ahead with road closures. Pitchfork time!
until these council workers have nowhere left to work, it will keep on happening.
Damn electronic voting machines keep hiring them
The scamdemic played its part as well with business owners struggling to survive with the loss of patronage whistle the the big chain supermarkets where subsidised by the government in order to pay and keep their workforce during the lockdowns
This is a mirror image of Downtown Portland, Oregon. Bike 🚴 lanes over car 🚗 lanes, closed streets = CLOSED restaurants and shops 🏬.
Seeing beautiful SanFrancisco in the toilet and comparing it to what I have seen personally in Portland, Philadelphia and Boston screams of a term from my past career. MO(modus operandi) a term used in law enforcement to describe a series of crimes with the exact set of circumstances. It is the “finger print” left behind by a criminal that once decoded usually only points to a specific individual or a specific group who committed the crime.
IMHO decode the bike lanes and it’s creator and it will lead to finding the communist responsible for the urban decay.
I got sucked into this. If you want to see SF and how it is fallen, check it out. It is 15m or so. This guy does some leg work.
I kept thinking as I watched
The 'rich' against the 'blue collar'? Starve normie out, buy them all up, plant the new commie flag in the shitmud. Throw rainbow sprinkles everywhere. New guvmint money incoming for '15m city.' Only black people can live there however. Sorry if you are not black.
Reparations, bigot
That video was horrific and I couldn’t stop watching in amazement and shock. The Dems want to put up Gavin as a candidate but parts of his state are turning into Detroit. How far does Cali have to sink before the people there rage against the machine?
Just dispair..... Great job Nancy Pelosi, and throw in Gavin Newsome,,, and all of the other CA politicians that have never run a business except to run it into the ground.
It’s part of the plan to destroy small business and independence. Everyone must feed on the teet of Blackrock or vanguard subsidiaries
@4:16 Of course the idiot on the scooter doesn't follow the law. Because duh.
Holy effing shit
Then the "summer if love" where blue cities were just burned down
SF will be the first 15 minute utopia the elites build. Watch it get DEWED in preparation.
The stupid fucktards that live there voted for this. FUCK THEM. Liberals are a virus they never learn. You are witnessing Darwinism in real time. Just let it happen.
The problem is that cancer spreads. “The stupid fucktards” that voted for this 💩 don’t like it now and they are moving to the red states and they are bringing their communist ideology and their votes with them. They must be stopped 🛑 at all costs or our children and grandchildren will have to face our lack of action. God Bless America and it’s true Patriots.
I’m not combined anymore that any election is legit. Either way, you are correct. You can run but only for so long because if we don’t defeat this idiotic ideology it’s coming to a town near you. Or to your town.
I'm convinced that once Dems get into power, they rig the game indefinitely. I think it's been going on since at least the 50s at the local level, and really ramped up by the 70s as the hippietards got into power in the party.
It's never been "vote blue no matter who". It's "vote blue or we'll do it for you".
Hey now...I'm a conservative hippietard
Are you as rare as that sounds?
I navigate freely at dead shows Phish shows billy strings and trump rally's (wear my Trump hat to them all)
Kids at roger waters asked if I was wearing hat " ironically" lol
So this "news" is coming to you courtesy of a Spanish speaking person. You think this guy gives a sh*t? He's bragging.
0:20 - is it a Christmas tree in the window?
Every city was closed on the Christmas Day, which is when I guess this video has been recorded.
Fake, misleading, intentional.
Yep, they sure looked like they were just shut for the day. FFS, use your brain.
Funny like people liked your response and the shills have downgraded mine, as if they act in hordes.
Your comment got two downvotes, minegot two upvotes. Hardly a horde.