Kick over the rotting corpse of the Deep State and, LIKE CLOCKWORK, yup, this maggot falls out. Here's Mike Rothschild, peddling his pseudo-intellectual debunking: "The rise of social media-driven plots like PiZzAgAtE AnD QaNoN has a dark and psychologically compelling edge." LOSER!
Comments (26)
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Hey Mike, if Epstein was not trafficking children to powerful elites like Thomas Pritzker, then who was he trafficking them to?
Must've been regular working class folks who snowbird in the Carribean when not managing their mom & pop businesses.
Every. Damn. Time. Ukraine literally sits atop what used to be Khazaria.
If we only knew full context of everything with all narratives, I am convinced the vast majority of the world would agree on most subjects & squabble over details.
Y'all need to get off the Jew obsession. Is Bill Clinton Jewish? Hillary? Huma?
Yes, there is a Jewish component, just like there's a Vatican component. That doesn't mean we have to blackball the 99% of regular Jews who have no idea what Mossad is up to.
Is that the best canned response you could've chosen?
Re-read what I said. Slowly if you have to.
99% of Jews have no idea what Mossad is doing. Blaming "Jews" is the same corrupt logic as saying all cops are bastards because a few are bad.
Unlike you, I actually have real world experience with this subject because I know Jews personally, whereas you got your ideas about Jews from the internet.
Pedophiles always speak up to defend their fellow Pedophiles.
You'd think by now Mikey could write on at least a 10th grade level. Oh well, it's only the 4-6% who are still reading him.
Especially since Alefantis is a Rothschild himself, son of (Babuchka Lady) Philippine, the fat wine lady with a disgusting vampire grin.
Fall of the Cabal has it all.
You mean this channel? Seems like it.
When you only hear one part of the pizzagate story it’s does sound crazy. Then you hear another part. And then you hear another part, all crazy sounding, until they start connecting.
Exactly. Also their code is not very coded. It took anons nanoseconds to figure out the podesta email coded language like cheese pizza being CP and hot dogs being little boys, walnut sauce, etc.
In b4 he logs into GAW and downvotes this. We see you mike you chosen-pedo goof tapeworm
I've heard that he isn't even an actual Rothschild either.
(No relation.)
So this is the hill Mike Rothschild and chosen to lay down honor. Defending child molesters. 2024 Bingo card ENHANCED.
Archived link
Fuck giving these faggots any money
He has got to be on so many nasty lists.
This is the same as the lone gunman theory. Trying to pin massive conspiracy on one man. Playbook known.
Projection at its finest.
His headline is actually quite accurate,
He is in fact describing himself.
Er, he doesn't consider pimping children a crime?
I know... I know... Mike I am so sorry that Epstein took your daddy's money & it was a terrible ROI for the fam. Truly a crime each & every one of us Anons should care about. I mean how many private islands & yachts were not purchased due to this absolutely criminal poor return on your family's investment.
Shame on every single anon here for not caring about their lost potential wealth.
Personally looking forward to seeing justice served and it is just coming through the swinging doors now...