What deep state lackey will replace Jeff Dewit? Probably the #2 person in the Arizona RNC. This should wake a lot of people up as to how deep the Deep State has infliltated all levels of the RNC. Thus, the RNC needs to go away and a new MAGA party take its place.
Arizona has been corrupt for many years. Then No Name Cartel was running it for decades. The NNC will likely find another POS associate to take the reins.
Did anyone else think it sounded scripted at all? In the back of my mind, I kept thinking, “this sounds scripted….was it part of the show?” I’m not saying it didn’t happen, I’m saying it sounded planned. I love Kari so it’s not that I think she was did anything bad, just part of the “movie” not looking for hate here.
DeWit is dirty, he is in on the scam operation. He should be squeezed for information on who his nefarious contacts (out East) are.
rich men north of Richmond.
What deep state lackey will replace Jeff Dewit? Probably the #2 person in the Arizona RNC. This should wake a lot of people up as to how deep the Deep State has infliltated all levels of the RNC. Thus, the RNC needs to go away and a new MAGA party take its place.
Jill Norgaard is now the Acting Chair of the @AZGOP! And Kari praises her. I hope Jill is good.
'out East' probably means Washington DC (or some place where rich pedos congregate) considering they are in Arizona..
That phone call was something else.. like.. if House of Cards had dialogue like that, it would have been the best show ever made
Rich men north of Richmond.
I loved how her response in an ostensibly private conversation was identical to her public persona. That speaks volumes about her character.
This.. she was 100% her public persona.. feisty and ready to fight.. basically exactly what kind of person this country needs.
Or the Chinamin
That sounds like that could be interesting.
If they were smart they would bring in Kari to replace DeWit.
Arizona has been corrupt for many years. Then No Name Cartel was running it for decades. The NNC will likely find another POS associate to take the reins.
That's not good, they can't even try plausible deniability on this. Wow.
Did anyone else think it sounded scripted at all? In the back of my mind, I kept thinking, “this sounds scripted….was it part of the show?” I’m not saying it didn’t happen, I’m saying it sounded planned. I love Kari so it’s not that I think she was did anything bad, just part of the “movie” not looking for hate here.
He can’t even explain without adding to his lies
As someone who has unleashed pure hate upon everyone who retypes this tiresome line this pains me but...
Trump/Lake ticket...lake..hmm...what is a lake? A body of water
I hope media hounds him for all the “powerful people” IDs
If I were him, I'd be hiring some serious security.
He just became a big liability to people that don't want to be exposed, and those people see murder as just a useful tool.
Arizona might be under cartels control, the real violent ones from south America
DeWit did not kill himself!
one might argue that after this conversation :)