President Trump does everything for a reason. This one is revealing the corruption in our legal system.
"Trump’s Legal Team Reveals Shocking ‘Conflict of Interest’ in E. Jean Carroll Case"Judge Lewis Kaplan and E. Jean Carroll’s Lawyer Roberta Kaplan Worked Together at Same Law Firm..."
Even to a non-American like me, it is becoming obvious that the US legal system is not working properly. We can predict the outcome of cases based purely on the politics of the accused. No need for a trial at all.
How do you plead: Republican or Democrat?
So true.
I don't think it's that clear, unfortunately. Many "Republicans" are hidden Deep State operatives. But yes, it is painfully obvious that the system is corrupt.
I can’t wait for the headline “Carrol ordered to pay trumps legal fees” just like stormy
I'm waiting for "E Jean Carroll admits this was all a farce to show the corruption in the justice system [of New York]."
Trump will win on appeal, we know that. This is all a distraction.
The cool thing is, Trump is losing ZERO support over this witch cunt.
Their fondest hope was to pin on him some sort of conviction for a sexual assault charge or at least something related to it, like this "defamation" bullshit (defamation, ghod the irony given how much Trump has been defamed) right before the election. But Trump's supporters both old and new don't pay attention to MSM smears and kangaroo-court action against him any more. He's gaining supporters by the thousands DAILY.
We are the news now.
It is meant to be a distraction, but it's also an exposure of corruption to normies.
depends on the political make up of the judge(s)
Not so sure he'll win on appeal
He should of course. But will he?
Just take a look at the laundry list of items that exonerate DJT that the judge wouldn't allow in the trial. The crazy bitch literally made up her story based off an episode of Law & Order: SVU.
I think he will.
Hope her dumpy attorney has told the crosseyed sex freak not to start spending that 83 mil just yet.
I wonder if Trump and his team knew about the conflict of interest before the trail and didn't report it until after the trail.
That's my thought.
This certainly seems like the string that will show the normies how the swamp permeates out from government to law firms. I’ve been noticing the pattern lately. The Q team looks to have set up individual stories connecting swamp to Hollywood, media, financial institutions, law firms, etc. Each time a new string is brought to light connecting to swamp to another sector of our country, the web expands and strengthens. We’ve been aware of the depth of the corruption for quite some time, but it really does feel like we’ve been going from drips to flood gates with this information hitting the public.
I agree. Seems like a lot more is being displayed. They almost seem to be desperately trying to get Trump, which is making them sloppy.
That vile woman (Carrol) was on the CBS morning show today. I watched about 1 minute and had to turn it off. The complicity of MSM is all these things is sickening!