Tens of Thousands of Elderly Secretly Euthanized to Boost ‘Covid Deaths’ In The UK
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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Cuomo whitchner also killed grandmas
Don't forget Newsome. These Grandma's died alone bc they wouldn't let their families see them (Covid). They should be held accountable.
That's part of the point here!
These numbers included two of my family members, one in early 2021 and one in 2022. I was told that I “didn’t know what I was talking about” when I asked other family to investigate, ‘cause they (in hushed tones) “died of Covid” and in one case “because there were hateful unvaccinated around them”. GRRRRRRR!
Should NOT have deleted the articles and links, but the reason the elderly were primarily targeted for mass murder was to hide the fact that the retirement/pension funds have been emptied - no claims filed = nobody knows funds are gone.
The increase in mortality to jack up the Covid-19 deaths was a secondary objective.
Any anons knew or read about this - “is anybody out there” Pink Floyd 🌑🌒🌘
Yes, however, not sure there were ever retirement/pension funds. My guess is the funds collected were always thought of as the parasites' slush funds. Most Americans pay less than 50% of their income in taxes and fees to feed the parasites. Europeans pay over 65% of their income to feed the parasites.
Yes, they starved and murdered the elderly in residential care on public assistance (medicaid, for the most part) to up the mortality of the "virus" to scare people into taking the death poison.
No, I can no longer cite the sources of this information. However, it was made public years ago through congressional hearings from the very beginning of the depopulation agenda. It is known.
Don’t forget there were 5 governors that put Covid patients in nursing homes. They need to be charged with murder.
Midazolam Murders.
DNRs ('Do Not Resuscitate') became all the rage in 2020. Why?
That picture makes me nauseous. The psychological damage done to the trusting and vulnerable elderly.
Wolf and Levine in PA dog the same thing, just by forcing them all into nursing homes.
after Levine removed HIS mother from the nursing home before putting coff positive people in there.
Yes, then got a phat job as a reward.
And in my W PA town, 84 patients died in 2 weeks. Wolf called the NG in to 'clean up'. Clean up what? Evidence?
Bring back the gallows to the UK.
bring back the gallows world wide.
how many times do governments need to kill it's citizens before people come to understand that governments kill it's citizens?
Sauce: https://twitter.com/CKellyUAP/status/1756437290287812993
data basis: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377266988_Excess_Deaths_in_the_United_Kingdom_Midazolam_and_Euthanasia_in_the_COVID-19_Pandemic
They basically did the same in Quebec where they let 6700 of our elderlies die off on their own, forced out their loved ones and literally locked them up in their quarters, without any care and/or food. They were found dead , helpless, often in their feces. The Legault Government fuckers blocked out an inquiry into the matter and incredibly, they applauded themselves after doing so...... What a mess we're in.
This is truth.