As ridiculous as it sounds: the FDA claims that ivermectin does not work against COVID-19, but in order to prove that point, they link to studies that say that it does.
🧠 These people are stupid!
Exposing the FDA’s Orwellian Lie About Ivermectin | Facts Matter The Epoch Times Facts Matter Views 449.1K • Jun-05-2023
It seems like the messaging that’s coming down to us, the American citizens, from our own federal government resembles the world of George Orwell’s 1984 more and more. Case in point: over on the FDA’s website, they maintain a page called: “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19” However, when you dig into it, you’ll find that the clinical trials that the FDA points to (the ones that are listed on that page) say the exact opposite.
As ridiculous as it sounds: the FDA claims that ivermectin does not work against COVID-19, but in order to prove that point, they link to studies that say that it does.
? Our Analysis: https://ept.ms/3C7QG5R
? 89 Study Repository: https://ept.ms/3qqz2HT
? FDA Recommendation: https://ept.ms/3qgU5fI
Fuck the FDA and CDC. You know those people were taking and hoarding all of the good/safe/effective meds like Ivermectin and HCQ.
Fuck those people, and any of the garbage spewing from them.
Same tactic they take with fake news they dish up of any sort. Print their desired headline. Body subject content doesnt matter because the peabrains only look at the headline.
I found similar Orwellian language in a British government study where the statistics proved the mRNA drugs were ineffective against covid after comparing vaxxed and unvaxxed groups. The written summary of the study completely contradicted the data and said "See, here's proof the vaccine works!"
If it's good enough for multi million dollar racehorses........ it's good enough for everyone.
Luckily, many of us now realize the doublespeak that the FDA uses to try and dismiss and debunk, known useful cures by using incidents of random misuse examples to paint a Nobel-prize winning cure as a non-starter.
Damn them all.
Ivermectin is terrible. I feel so bad for all the worms in my poop. They were so happy and warm, that shit kills them!! Save the worms!!
Just like the masks. They say that they work, but then they give studies that show it doesn't. Clown world on steroids.
Meta analysis of 100 studies: https://c19ivm.org/meta.html
HIGHLIGHTS Ivermectin reduces risk for COVID-19 with very high confidence for mortality, ventilation, ICU admission, hospitalization, progression, recovery, cases, viral clearance, and in pooled analysis. Ivermectin was the 4th treatment shown effective with ≥3 clinical studies in August 2020, now known with p < 0.00000000001 from 100 studies, and recognized in 22 countries. We show traditional outcome specific analyses and combined evidence from all studies, incorporating treatment delay, a primary confounding factor in COVID-19 studies. Real-time updates and corrections, transparent analysis with all results in the same format, consistent protocol for 66 treatments.
Check the other links on the side panel. Paxlovid was found to be effective in 15% of studies vs. 61% for Ivermectin
Take it daily. Fenbendazole. Don’t believe their bullshit. It works. Plus I can run like a thoroughbred.
Is this a pill you take? Where do you get it?
No. I use the horse deworming pastes. Any feed and tack store.
Thanks for your reply. I think I’m going to get some tomorrow. Been dealing with an upper respiratory infection 18 days and it’s turned into an ear infection. Went yesterday for antibiotics, felt like I didn’t have a choice because I was stupid and didn’t have any paste here. I’ve never tried it.
I think you’ll be happy with the results!
Speaking of antibiotics. Fishmox. Exact same amoxicillin as prescribed by doctors. Available on line. They used to carry it at pet stores but they pulled it. Can’t have folks healing themselves.
Thanks I’ll look into it. I believe at amazon pharmacy you can order some medicine with out prescription from doctors. It cost a lot more but heck you don’t have to deal with the BS. I’m not 100% against doctors. There are times we need them. A year ago today they saved my life. I went to ER hip pain and couldn’t stop throwing up. Air lifted to bigger hospital and had 8mm kidney stone blocked urethra. In ICU three days then two surgeries in march. It’s the bs of prescription pills and not addressing the problem. Exactly why I almost died. Told multiple drs over two years something was wrong.
I believe it’s France they are passing law you can’t talk negative about the vax and it was something about alternative medicine they were ruling against. The hippocrosy of the terrm “alternative medicine” just pisses me off. It’s the original medicine before they took over the medical schools, doctors and hospitals. That poison should be alternative!
Hi, got some questions. I can research but wouldn’t mind hearing your feedback. What’s your preferred brand? I’m a little confused on how you get your dosage. The ones I looked at Tractor Supply had minimum weight dose is 250 pounds. How does a person under 250 do a dosage with a syringe or some rolled around? Thanks
The larger bottle of liquid is more cost effective.
Thanks I didn’t see it but wasn’t looking for it. How’s the taste or do you put in something? A while back in a conversation here someone said they freeze multiple dots of their dosage and swallow with out tasting it. I thought that was good idea.
The taste I’ll deal with. I don’t need anything to coverup taste. And the dosage is 50mg/Kilogram
Get your weight in kilos then multiply by 50milligrams
Thanks so much for your help with this.
Ask India if it works, wasn't them who discovered it? They had two or 3 towns that used it early while other major cities in India didn't and once the data was out it was clear as day. After which the whole nation used Ivermectin and we didn't hear about covid in India on the news anymore. Also no one ever points out that we never once heard about Africa suffering mass deaths due to them using Hydroxychloroquine for years over the counter for the purpose of Malaria being an issue for decades in Africa so they had their cure too.
The miracle of Uttar Pradesh province
Imagine the lefties going to those articles in search of confirmation Ivermectin is bad/ineffective only find RED PILLS straight from the FDA… sounds Genius!
IF “You can’t tell the people the truth, you must show them” then the question becomes: How do you get stubborn ones to look?
Joe Rogan is the walking example of ivermectin’s effectiveness.
Fuck the FDA and CDC. Stop the mandates.
Screenshots are great: just gotta get it quickly before the paywall pops up.
Exposing the FDA's Orwellian Lie About Ivermectin | Facts Matter is the account in the screenshot on the site. Not sure what social media that’s from. • Jun-05-2023 It seems like the messaging that's coming down to us, the American citizens, from our own federal government resembles the world of George Orwell's 1984 more and more. Case in point: over on the FDAs website, they maintain a page called: "Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19" However, when you dig into it, you'll find that the clinical trials that the FDA points to (the ones that are listed on that page) say the exact opposite. As ridiculous as it sounds: the FDA claims that ivermectin does not work against COVID-19, but in order to prove that point, they link to studies that say that it does.
Our Analysis: https://ept.ms/3C7QG5R
89 Study Repository: https://ept.ms/3qqz2HT
FDA Recommendation: https://ept.ms/3qgU5fl