The MSM’s response to the Epstein docs has been telling…They are not outraged that high-profile politicians raped child sex slaves… They are only outraged that people are pointing it out… We knew it was coming, yet their shamelessness still boggles my mind.
EVIL… 😡🤡🌎

Obsessed? It boils my blood to think of anyone looking at a child in a sexual manner. Children are innocent. They are a blessing from God. I do not wait a second to step in anywhere when children are involved. I would rather apologize than know I could have stopped evil because I didn't want to cause a wave.
God bless you!!!
Amen, fren.
I can’t friggin wait until the Marines knock on their doors!
how soon before the guy that wrote this gets busted for kiddie porn?
that's coming in 3....2.....1......
Guy, that's a good assumption.
Just like MSM and Hollyweirds silence to 85k missing children.
8M world wide, but USA is providing over 10%.
They can never justify their silence to these crimes.
85k was months ago. Wonder what that number is now.
Good question. I am susoect it is way north of this.
Traffic from Korea too.
@CatherineKimNY Catherine Kim is global head of digital news for NBC News & MSNBC.
Thank you for the link.
MSM’s response: “How Dare You tell the real Truth!”
The real question is why they’re not interested
Why does Korea have one of the lowest birth rates in the World ?
"Obsessed"?? Bitch please! We wouldn't be "obsessed" with justice for sex traffickers if the left wasn't so obsessed with trafficking!
Will expand this to have your quote and politico’s ownership chain
Someone here said once… “no matter how much you hate the msm, it isn’t enough”
It’s because their guilty themselves!
"Why the far right are obsessed with child sex trafficking and while we try to hide it from you"
Fixed it for you
Chinese writers obsessed with Qanon
I haven't posted for awhile,just wondering if anyone had seen this. Notice in the article several towns have implemented these already. People are out of their minds.
Read the article. Unbelievable. Daycare in general is terrible for kids, this article says it toddler “sex education” isn’t happening, but the fact that someone introduced the idea… so sick.
Their response has been "there is no evidence in the Epstein docs of high profile politicians raping etc"