Then Olberman, DeNiro, Kathy Griffin, and all the late night talkwads gotta be beyond demonic. Even Satan must be cringing at how awful their misdeeds are.
I used to blog on OlbermanWatch when he had his "Countdown" hour of mellodrama and manic hysteria. This guy is the scum that scum scrapes of it's shoes.
Those who are the loudest keep the most skeletons.
Then Olberman, DeNiro, Kathy Griffin, and all the late night talkwads gotta be beyond demonic. Even Satan must be cringing at how awful their misdeeds are.
Please God. Could you just grant me 10 minutes of alone time with this fool. i think I can change his mind.
That leaves you just 9.59 to dig a hole
This guy is always wound up. I'm surprised that he hasn't had a vax collapse yet.
Here he seems to suggest his face is currently covered with urine?
Keith is chaneling his inner Whoopie. kek
He'd have to have a mind before he could lose it.
He’s losing his mind every day.
This guy needs pills and lots of them
"Lost" past tense, not "losing"...
I thought he left " X" when Soon bought it.
Unhinged lunatic
Call for an insurrection when you aren’t able stop someone who is falsely accused of an insurrection…oh …
He lost it years ago.
I used to blog on OlbermanWatch when he had his "Countdown" hour of mellodrama and manic hysteria. This guy is the scum that scum scrapes of it's shoes.
TDS Olbermann is a pedo. He's freaking out because one of those sealed indictments has his name on it.
I'm enjoying their melt down, I enjoy reading it from all of them.
I would ask if he's been fired yet again, but I don't believe he has a job.
Keith actually believes he is influential.