Death is to easy. March them through the streets in shackles from 1 coast to the other. If they die on their route so be it. Otherwise, let everyone see what a traitor looks like
This is the best idea I’ve heard yet. It’s fantastic really. March them from NY to LA and back again if they survive. We could take bets on how far they’ll make it. I like this. I’m onboard. Where do I sign?
Death to traitors.
He'd look good in a noose
They should probably waterboard him first and the have Mugabe Clinton Drone him.
Then charge her for his murder.
I suspect part of the reason for dragging this out - delayed justice - is fear and panic is it's own form of torture.
One of the 51
Death is to easy. March them through the streets in shackles from 1 coast to the other. If they die on their route so be it. Otherwise, let everyone see what a traitor looks like
There's no point in becoming the new cabal. Punish them according to the law and let's move on.
This is the best idea I’ve heard yet. It’s fantastic really. March them from NY to LA and back again if they survive. We could take bets on how far they’ll make it. I like this. I’m onboard. Where do I sign?
I can't think of a better comment in the history of this site.