I woke up this morning with a thought: If the WTC towers came down as "officially" stated, wouldn't the upper few floors of the buildings have remained as identifiable parts of buildings at the top of the pile? The upper floors were not subject to incredible weights from above crashing down on them. Another way to look at it, when has a 5 or 6 story building ever collapsed into a total rubble pile, UNLESS it was imploded? This may seem obvious, but I hadn't thought about it until this morning!
Yes! I think any explosives expert would agree. It took a long time for me to admit that 9/11 was an inside job, conceived, planned and carried out by our own government. In subsequent years with survivor stories, 9/11 witness accounts, documentary footage, revelations of missing Pentagon funds and other DS operations (especially in the O’Bastard years) and in light of C19 it’s the only conclusion. Crimes against humanity- pure evil.
For a long time, I believed that physics played a big part of the destruction until I saw video of first responders on a ground floor blown sideways by an explosion. I am still wary of explanations of all the powdered dust coming out of the site-it may have been the physics of detonation or the grist mill of floors grinding out of existence.
What has become evident to me of its inside job aspect. Those responsible or profited off of it, may their lives be pure misery..
9/11 was a movie executed by the NWO Majestic 12. The script was written years prior and the players and actors all had roles to execute. Those roles were well documented in classified briefings.
9/11 was a movie.
All lights camera FAKE NEWS!
Which exotic space weapon was used on the WTC?
Q. Given 9/11 was accomplished by the use of black ops technology of some directed energy source to “dustify” the towers and contents, it would imply Majestic 12 was involved to bring all 7 towers down. How do you justify this? How many members of MJ12 were involved?
A. At the time, 4 MJ12 members were involved in orchestrating 9/11. Technology used include Looking Glass, Time Travel, DEWs, Mockingbird Media, Blue Beam, and several other Highly Classified programs.
Why was Never A Straight Answer involved in the rerouting of the "planes" used for the 9/11 attacks?
Who gave the stand-down orders, and did they follow the chain of command?
9/11 required Bush to be in office because Gore was not signed into the programs pertaining to the stand down orders given, the actual technology used, and the money/records that were washed as a result of the damage. Part of keeping NWO legal is to destroy all evidence pertaining to the bad components of the organizations - the blackmail, the child trafficking, the snuff films, etc. Many cases and clients represented by people associated to businesses within the WTC overall ecosystem were directly involved in systematically causing illegal regime change throughout the world to somehow fulfill a prophecy given to us by our "founding fathers" to destroy the planet in a nuclear holocaust. This was supposed to take place in 2017 soon after Hillary Clinton would have been confronted by the Military with evidence of treason, pedophilia, human trafficking, ritualistic sacrificing of children, and least of all pay to play and even less than that, the illegal server in your bathroom with Majestic SAP programs on it that you were selling to China/Russia/Iran/North Korea/Venezuela/Saudi Arabia/+ many others that are beyond the current public knowledge level of her criminality. Florida and specifically Broward County played a key role in guaranteeing that Bush was sworn in as President to oversee the execution of the destruction of the WTC building because of how essential it was to establish a major shift in consciousness and at the time, take control over the Government. Bush was selected to oversee this, his lack of visual intelligence deceived many people into believing he was a Patriot. He believes he is, because he serves the NWO.
An energy weapon doesn't explain the thermite that was used to cut the support beams, the same thermite that was still burning/oxidizing for weeks after inside all the rubble.
Incidentally, thermite is used in every bldg implosion. It's one of the few explosives strong enough to cut thru the hardened composite steel and alloys used in modern day skyscraper construction.
My POV is that the energy weapon (invisible to the untrained eye) that was then “overlapped” on the plane crashing to both WTC 1,2 is what we were shown on MSM TV (amateur videos dont show any planes on both) and the thermites finished the job.Same thermites used in building 7 that fell on its own as announced by BBC reporter before actually collapsing.
That’s my theory with NO Q or MJ12 level clearances. 😆🤭😜
When it was happening I “believed” the plane part crashing into the building, but the moment it collapsed on it’s own and the MSM harping “jet fuel” - that part I knew was a big FAT LIE even without an engineering, architect, construction background and NEVER seeing a controlled demolition live or recorded before 9/11.🤬😡😤
Two years after 9/11 I went to college as a freshman in civil engineering and my first building class (statics) blew the 9/11 Commission Report into tiny pieces. It’s perfectly impossible that those buildings weren’t brought down intentionally.
They were turned to dust by an energy weapon or you are correct they would have been visible. Also the towers sat on a concrete basin in the Hudson River that would have been destroyed by that much weight collapsing on them, resulting in the flooding of downtown Manhattan
Downtown Manhattan is not below sea level! It would be possible flood subway tunnels and bridge tunnels, which DID happen, but otherwise, no flooding like was seen during the Sandy storm.
The Towers sat in a concrete basin in the Hudson river.
The Basin would have been broken by that much weight falling on it.
Nice that you just ignore that though
Good Lord are you really this dense. The concrete is built up with the rock as a base. Nobody says the rock broke but the concrete wouldn't have stood that weight. There are seismic recordings that show the impact was way below expected. The concrete and steel was turned to dust on the way down. Lessening the impact.
Possibly the most stupid response ever posted.
How do you know more about the cause because you were there than people who are not. Should we scrap the Jury system as they were not present during the crime?
**For goddsakes if you weren't there, on the pile,you cannot make any sort of analysis from one photo. Most everyone making a mint on the blood of those lost in 9/11 WERE NOT THERE.
And those who where there and spoke out, whose voices weren't co-opted for some agenda, their voices are drowned in the propaganda from both L and R.**
Please post a photo that shows that the upper few floors were visible on the pile. The only photos I have ever seen are virtually total rubble, except for a few of those mesh-looking steel pieces sticking up here and there.
I knew as soon as I saw the footage of the buildings collapsing it HAD to be an inside job. I've always had a fascination with controlled demolitions of large building because of how cleanly they come down and the precision required to pull it off. It's the only way a building can come straight down, without falling over. If it was one, they may have gotten away with the hoax by claiming coincidence, but 3 times on the same day, with one building that hadn't been attacked before hand? That's statistically impossible.
With the collapse of the two towers, we would expect to find multitudes of sheet metal desks and filing cabinets smashed as in a trash compactor, and bloody human remains squished in among it all. But of all that rubble, there were very few desks or filing cabinets found. But the entire city was covered in dust.
In addition to that, I've always wondered how 100 floors filled with desks, cubicles, filing cabinets, etc somehow compressed to less than 10 stories of rubble from a "collapse"...
The top three floors are equipment and.. oh yeah, huge water tanks.
The construction was a wonder of minimal material use.
The ESB has almost three times the construction material per square foot of floor.
They just do not build them like that anymore, nope not allowed.
if that doesn't explain to people that direct energy weapons were used, idk what else to say.
yes there could have been thermite used, but the MAIN PROPONENT was DEWs.
imagine the sheer weight of both towers coming down onto the streets below... there would be no streets left. Manhattan would have been crushed & flooded.
nearly (1,500,000) TONS that would have come crumbling down over the Hudson
Actually, all the fingers point not to our government, but to a country in the middle east. Not an Arab one though. Certain members of our government were aware of what was going to take place however. Seems that there were no jews at work in the WTC that day. A coincidence, I'm sure.
Weren't there a bunch of foreign art students who were allowed to occupy a floor and had large wooden crates brought in with explosive symbols on them?
I woke up this morning with a thought: If the WTC towers came down as "officially" stated, wouldn't the upper few floors of the buildings have remained as identifiable parts of buildings at the top of the pile? The upper floors were not subject to incredible weights from above crashing down on them. Another way to look at it, when has a 5 or 6 story building ever collapsed into a total rubble pile, UNLESS it was imploded? This may seem obvious, but I hadn't thought about it until this morning!
Yes! I think any explosives expert would agree. It took a long time for me to admit that 9/11 was an inside job, conceived, planned and carried out by our own government. In subsequent years with survivor stories, 9/11 witness accounts, documentary footage, revelations of missing Pentagon funds and other DS operations (especially in the O’Bastard years) and in light of C19 it’s the only conclusion. Crimes against humanity- pure evil.
Same for me. My husband knew that day. He called bullshit and told me the govt did it. I didn't believe him 🙈
For a long time, I believed that physics played a big part of the destruction until I saw video of first responders on a ground floor blown sideways by an explosion. I am still wary of explanations of all the powdered dust coming out of the site-it may have been the physics of detonation or the grist mill of floors grinding out of existence. What has become evident to me of its inside job aspect. Those responsible or profited off of it, may their lives be pure misery..
MAJESTIC 12 AND THE SECRET GOVERNMENT By William Cooper https://archive.org/details/majestic-12-files
Source unless otherwise specified https://www.docdroid.net/nT0Shkt/version-2-majestic-messages-of-disclosure-pdf
9/11 was a movie executed by the NWO Majestic 12. The script was written years prior and the players and actors all had roles to execute. Those roles were well documented in classified briefings.
9/11 was a movie.
All lights camera FAKE NEWS!
Which exotic space weapon was used on the WTC?
Q. Given 9/11 was accomplished by the use of black ops technology of some directed energy source to “dustify” the towers and contents, it would imply Majestic 12 was involved to bring all 7 towers down. How do you justify this? How many members of MJ12 were involved?
A. At the time, 4 MJ12 members were involved in orchestrating 9/11. Technology used include Looking Glass, Time Travel, DEWs, Mockingbird Media, Blue Beam, and several other Highly Classified programs.
Why was Never A Straight Answer involved in the rerouting of the "planes" used for the 9/11 attacks?
Who gave the stand-down orders, and did they follow the chain of command?
9/11 required Bush to be in office because Gore was not signed into the programs pertaining to the stand down orders given, the actual technology used, and the money/records that were washed as a result of the damage. Part of keeping NWO legal is to destroy all evidence pertaining to the bad components of the organizations - the blackmail, the child trafficking, the snuff films, etc. Many cases and clients represented by people associated to businesses within the WTC overall ecosystem were directly involved in systematically causing illegal regime change throughout the world to somehow fulfill a prophecy given to us by our "founding fathers" to destroy the planet in a nuclear holocaust. This was supposed to take place in 2017 soon after Hillary Clinton would have been confronted by the Military with evidence of treason, pedophilia, human trafficking, ritualistic sacrificing of children, and least of all pay to play and even less than that, the illegal server in your bathroom with Majestic SAP programs on it that you were selling to China/Russia/Iran/North Korea/Venezuela/Saudi Arabia/+ many others that are beyond the current public knowledge level of her criminality. Florida and specifically Broward County played a key role in guaranteeing that Bush was sworn in as President to oversee the execution of the destruction of the WTC building because of how essential it was to establish a major shift in consciousness and at the time, take control over the Government. Bush was selected to oversee this, his lack of visual intelligence deceived many people into believing he was a Patriot. He believes he is, because he serves the NWO.
George “Dubya” say what? “He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping.” https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2006/09/20060915-2.html https://twitter.com/nomandatesco/status/1652342114976694276 https://youtu.be/lSlH-MZ9J6M
George “Dubya” in classroom with kids: “Plane must hit kite steel” https://youtu.be/jrZgtUtI0m8
The covert intelligence group covering up UFOs: New documentary lifts lid on 'Collins Elite' - secret Pentagon group …. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12318961/The-covert-intelligence-group-covering-UFOs-New-documentary-lifts-lid-Collins-Elite-secret-Pentagon-group-believe-craft-buzzing-skies-demonic.html
An energy weapon doesn't explain the thermite that was used to cut the support beams, the same thermite that was still burning/oxidizing for weeks after inside all the rubble.
Incidentally, thermite is used in every bldg implosion. It's one of the few explosives strong enough to cut thru the hardened composite steel and alloys used in modern day skyscraper construction.
I’m NOT disagreeing with you.
See my comments - been “pushed” down on my post which include links to official government sites in “directed energy” and space based …..
My POV is that the energy weapon (invisible to the untrained eye) that was then “overlapped” on the plane crashing to both WTC 1,2 is what we were shown on MSM TV (amateur videos dont show any planes on both) and the thermites finished the job.Same thermites used in building 7 that fell on its own as announced by BBC reporter before actually collapsing.
That’s my theory with NO Q or MJ12 level clearances. 😆🤭😜
When it was happening I “believed” the plane part crashing into the building, but the moment it collapsed on it’s own and the MSM harping “jet fuel” - that part I knew was a big FAT LIE even without an engineering, architect, construction background and NEVER seeing a controlled demolition live or recorded before 9/11.🤬😡😤
Two years after 9/11 I went to college as a freshman in civil engineering and my first building class (statics) blew the 9/11 Commission Report into tiny pieces. It’s perfectly impossible that those buildings weren’t brought down intentionally.
I believe Dr Judy Wood , it was some weapon. The thermite, explosions, and jet fuel were distractions. It was dustified. https://youtu.be/NZJZRxBrS4I?si=R1fivKnT2a8RP3Kv
They were turned to dust by an energy weapon or you are correct they would have been visible. Also the towers sat on a concrete basin in the Hudson River that would have been destroyed by that much weight collapsing on them, resulting in the flooding of downtown Manhattan
Downtown Manhattan is not below sea level! It would be possible flood subway tunnels and bridge tunnels, which DID happen, but otherwise, no flooding like was seen during the Sandy storm.
The Towers sat in a concrete basin in the Hudson river. The Basin would have been broken by that much weight falling on it. Nice that you just ignore that though
How do you break a basin which is carved into rock? You break it and make it a bigger basin? smh
Good Lord are you really this dense. The concrete is built up with the rock as a base. Nobody says the rock broke but the concrete wouldn't have stood that weight. There are seismic recordings that show the impact was way below expected. The concrete and steel was turned to dust on the way down. Lessening the impact.
Jeeeeeesus Christ, the crap I keep hearing from people who were not there.
Possibly the most stupid response ever posted. How do you know more about the cause because you were there than people who are not. Should we scrap the Jury system as they were not present during the crime?
“MIFY” - “Memed it for you”!
Perfect, this is the money shot!
Nice! I'll save it for appropriate posting on twitter and FB (maybe the 9/11 anniversary is a really good time :) )
**For goddsakes if you weren't there, on the pile,you cannot make any sort of analysis from one photo. Most everyone making a mint on the blood of those lost in 9/11 WERE NOT THERE.
And those who where there and spoke out, whose voices weren't co-opted for some agenda, their voices are drowned in the propaganda from both L and R.**
Please post a photo that shows that the upper few floors were visible on the pile. The only photos I have ever seen are virtually total rubble, except for a few of those mesh-looking steel pieces sticking up here and there.
I knew as soon as I saw the footage of the buildings collapsing it HAD to be an inside job. I've always had a fascination with controlled demolitions of large building because of how cleanly they come down and the precision required to pull it off. It's the only way a building can come straight down, without falling over. If it was one, they may have gotten away with the hoax by claiming coincidence, but 3 times on the same day, with one building that hadn't been attacked before hand? That's statistically impossible.
With the collapse of the two towers, we would expect to find multitudes of sheet metal desks and filing cabinets smashed as in a trash compactor, and bloody human remains squished in among it all. But of all that rubble, there were very few desks or filing cabinets found. But the entire city was covered in dust.
In addition to that, I've always wondered how 100 floors filled with desks, cubicles, filing cabinets, etc somehow compressed to less than 10 stories of rubble from a "collapse"...
What was underneath WTC is the answer to that question. Bubbling lava or a major sinkhole?
WTC7 enters the chat.
What's the thought?
Edit: nvm you were still typing it out when I posted this. Sorry for being impatient!
You have to post a photo before you can add the thought :)
Which is why I don't trust Rudy. Which also makes me wary that he's on team Trump.
In support of your thought, the Hat Trusses at the very top of it all completely disappeared.
I can't believe it wasn't until today that I even thought of how odd this little fact is!
The top three floors are equipment and.. oh yeah, huge water tanks. The construction was a wonder of minimal material use. The ESB has almost three times the construction material per square foot of floor. They just do not build them like that anymore, nope not allowed.
the towers were TURNING TO DUST in MID-AIR...
if that doesn't explain to people that direct energy weapons were used, idk what else to say.
yes there could have been thermite used, but the MAIN PROPONENT was DEWs.
imagine the sheer weight of both towers coming down onto the streets below... there would be no streets left. Manhattan would have been crushed & flooded.
nearly (1,500,000) TONS that would have come crumbling down over the Hudson
Actually, all the fingers point not to our government, but to a country in the middle east. Not an Arab one though. Certain members of our government were aware of what was going to take place however. Seems that there were no jews at work in the WTC that day. A coincidence, I'm sure.
Weren't there a bunch of foreign art students who were allowed to occupy a floor and had large wooden crates brought in with explosive symbols on them?