The Hunger Games is especially poignant to me, given I’m convinced the architects behind January 6th used The Hunger Games’ First Rebellion and its fall out as a blueprint.
They staged an insurrection and then, much like the First Rebellion, slander as “insurrectionists” anyone who opposes the tyranny of The Capital, remind the public incessantly of what happened with the First Rebellion any time negative opinion swells, and hold it over them as reason to justify boundless abuse and tyranny, in the name of never allowing a rebellion ever again.
Problem is, this meme is also being used by anti Trump groups. I think a lot of people have these thoughts, but too many are hopeless to actually resist. Which is why it has to get worse before it gets better. There are military, and then there are civilians, who are not trained or disciplined to be effective in an uprising. We are soft, and we can switch channels or turn it all off and go have ice cream. We all have our roles. I encourage everyone I know to at least be prepared and to not have fear when the shtf. Why would a person resist if they are getting a paycheck, have a home, kids are healthy, getting ready for Spring, maybe they have to budget tighter, but for the most part, we are not running to bomb shelters or having to deal with home invasions or restricted travel (now that the covid farce is over),
"I am a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan."
"You are an authoritarian, racist, misogynist, transphobic, homophobic, pedophobic, xenophobic, slutphobic, fatphobic fascist, and part of the MEGA movement! Take her away! #Resist"
The Hunger Games is especially poignant to me, given I’m convinced the architects behind January 6th used The Hunger Games’ First Rebellion and its fall out as a blueprint.
They staged an insurrection and then, much like the First Rebellion, slander as “insurrectionists” anyone who opposes the tyranny of The Capital, remind the public incessantly of what happened with the First Rebellion any time negative opinion swells, and hold it over them as reason to justify boundless abuse and tyranny, in the name of never allowing a rebellion ever again.
Remember what happened at the end? The rebels say they're giving the citizens medicine in turns out to be bombs not medicine.
Sound familiar?
They used to be against all war, now they support the war in the Ukraine because their wars are good wars......
Nice! They also are somehow blind to how their own side is guilty of what their leaders/media blame on our side.
Credit goes to Wyatt on X.
I posted it here before Wyatt did on X.
I got it from 9gag.
From here:
It was later in the day that I posted it here that Wyatt posted it on X.
9gagger strikes again.
Appreciate the clarity, SS.
This is great!
Problem is, this meme is also being used by anti Trump groups. I think a lot of people have these thoughts, but too many are hopeless to actually resist. Which is why it has to get worse before it gets better. There are military, and then there are civilians, who are not trained or disciplined to be effective in an uprising. We are soft, and we can switch channels or turn it all off and go have ice cream. We all have our roles. I encourage everyone I know to at least be prepared and to not have fear when the shtf. Why would a person resist if they are getting a paycheck, have a home, kids are healthy, getting ready for Spring, maybe they have to budget tighter, but for the most part, we are not running to bomb shelters or having to deal with home invasions or restricted travel (now that the covid farce is over),
Yikes. 👍👍👍
Fuck yes! This! The Harry Potter generation can figure out who the bad guy is when they literally punished him writing I will not tell lies…
What is the simple question
when its fiction they easily see it, when its real they are blind to it, why????
So good. So well said!
This is the perfect question to consider what I have suspected many times.
We side with the resistance but I believe there many people who side with the opposite.
Simple, when they watched those shows they paid to see them. While they watch this show they get paid. Don't upset their gravy train.