Video: Thug Attacks Employee at Indianapolis Subway Restaurant - Brave Customer Steps in to Administer Instant Justice In The Na...
Gabriel Pitzulo just wanted his usual sweet onion, chicken teriyaki foot long sandwich on flat white bread. On March 22,
Not all Heroes wear capes!!
People are getting fed up with criminals.
If Joe Biden knew about that he would throw him in PRlSON for protecting Subway.
He might send the Feds, especially after his God-loving comment!
But they wear caps. Baseball caps..
No cap.
Someone was raised correctly!
That's not the instant justice I was expecting from the title.
Wow, if this was in NYC, he’d be arrested, if he done that in Washington DC he’d be put into the gulag, just saying
“All glory to God.” Enough said, hero. Enough said.
No, THIS time it was the actual BAD guy who got arrested, anon!
Amazingly, the good Samaritan who flung him down on the floor and held him wasn't charged with a hate crime this time. Sumbuddy dun fukk dup!
I just WISH someone would pop off like this in front of me. Not fair that I don't get to tackle people for lawful good reasons on a regular basis.
Proper fetching up
based, I sometimes wish I took some kind of MMA training
I love a happy ending.
Yep, and we've a dumb fuck Dem mayor who was "placed/elected?" back into office. Indy gets the Chicago gangs. This joke of a mayor can't put his ass in front of a camera fast enough except when he's asked about crime, pot holes, gangs etc.
He ought to get free lifetime subs for that