why is the off iron tied in place on the near side?? Horse people know what I mean.. for those that aren't horse people the Off side is the right side of the horse.. the iron is the stirrup iron and the near side is the left side of the horse.. when I blew up a still shot the iron is clearly tied in place over the withers on the near side and the near iron is hanging free from the leathers where it should be... I've NEVER used this in any training of horses in my long life.. wondering if there is a meaning here...
The off Stirrup (Iron) has simply been thrown over the wither, either from the canter or maybe when the Trooper on the horse fell off? Done it many times.
OMG, this is huge. I don't know what it means and I'm not even going to guess but exactly what you said, we know the last time was followed by Rothchild's death. What in the world could mean. Remember, that before Jesus return, everything must be revealed and I believe it has started. I was in the hospital and our of pocket for three solid weeks and when I returned I decided to look at just the titles of articles people post (gotta admit some of them are hilarious) and as I went down the list there were way more positive articles than negative and that is the very first time that has happened since 2017. Cool, huh?
I do not believe that is real blood... horse is not showing lameness or injury to produce that much blood and the pattern is all wrong. I'm not seeing droplets flying off either with that much "blood"
Possibly, however if it's arterial bleeding it may well be that color on a grey horse. Wouldn't have to be lame after having a cut, seen this many times whilst out hunting back in the day.
Most likely hit something with its chest, horses carry a huge amount of blood. A vet was seeing to a horse of mine that had "choke". A tube is lubricated and passed down the throat to remove the choke, usually food.
Well this vet caught an artery with the tube, and I must have carried several buckets full of blood before it stopped bleeding! The horse was fine btw.
If the white horse in Feb. represented someone significant, then 2 days later Jacob Rothschild was announced dead, then I wonder what this could mean now. Letβs wait and see
By the tack on the horses, bridle, saddle, Martingale etc it's more likely these horses have thrown their riders than simply got loose from the stables at Knightsbridge.
"On March 20, 1820 a little story titled "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" was published as part of the 6th installment of The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. It has never been out of print since that day."
New symbolism being created in real time....Both Running FREE....Good Show.
Do the king's guard do that somber parade for non royals? When the white horse got loose covered in blood, my first thought was "the king was killed." Just guessing, but horses getting out of the Buckingham stable or parade ground is quite simply astounding. Getting that done with expert horsemen in control is no less astounding.
I bet Soros is DEAD!
OMG, what a wonderful thought. From your lips to God's ear.
wasn't there talk that Klaus Schwab was sick? if both were dead, that would be great.
If only it were by "vaccine" lethal injection..but I'll accept any method
If only. Live in hope.
The horses are in stables and guards there 24/7 so to let them loose like that could cause traffic accident. How strange and ominous!
Hope so
why is the off iron tied in place on the near side?? Horse people know what I mean.. for those that aren't horse people the Off side is the right side of the horse.. the iron is the stirrup iron and the near side is the left side of the horse.. when I blew up a still shot the iron is clearly tied in place over the withers on the near side and the near iron is hanging free from the leathers where it should be... I've NEVER used this in any training of horses in my long life.. wondering if there is a meaning here...
Could you post the image, please?
The off Stirrup (Iron) has simply been thrown over the wither, either from the canter or maybe when the Trooper on the horse fell off? Done it many times.
Who was the 3 pluses? Rothschild who died.
Who is the 2 pluses? Soros maybe?
Canβt remember what the pluses meant
From Q drop 133...
Who are the puppet masters?
House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+
Focus on above (3).
OMG, this is huge. I don't know what it means and I'm not even going to guess but exactly what you said, we know the last time was followed by Rothchild's death. What in the world could mean. Remember, that before Jesus return, everything must be revealed and I believe it has started. I was in the hospital and our of pocket for three solid weeks and when I returned I decided to look at just the titles of articles people post (gotta admit some of them are hilarious) and as I went down the list there were way more positive articles than negative and that is the very first time that has happened since 2017. Cool, huh?
I do not believe that is real blood... horse is not showing lameness or injury to produce that much blood and the pattern is all wrong. I'm not seeing droplets flying off either with that much "blood"
It looked fake to me also
Possibly, however if it's arterial bleeding it may well be that color on a grey horse. Wouldn't have to be lame after having a cut, seen this many times whilst out hunting back in the day.
But the blood would have ran in a streaming pattern back over the shoulders.
Most likely hit something with its chest, horses carry a huge amount of blood. A vet was seeing to a horse of mine that had "choke". A tube is lubricated and passed down the throat to remove the choke, usually food.
Well this vet caught an artery with the tube, and I must have carried several buckets full of blood before it stopped bleeding! The horse was fine btw.
But blood is...splashy .
ok cool.. so who let them horses loose or divine intervention?
If the white horse in Feb. represented someone significant, then 2 days later Jacob Rothschild was announced dead, then I wonder what this could mean now. Letβs wait and see
I vote for Klaus Schwab. Wasn't he supposedly hospitalized?
I second that
check this out... i saw a meme on here that Klaus Schwab was hospitalized, so i did a google news search, to see what the big media was saying...
and the only "news" article was from the AP, informing the world that NO, Klaus Schwab was NOT in the hospital, despite rumors on GAW...
and it didn't appear as if anyone else had re-posted this AP story anywhere else...
lets check now...
Found this on yandex:
But was it an accident they escaped the stable, a white hat opened the gate, or divine intervention?
Idk what to think of it but Popcorn :D
By the tack on the horses, bridle, saddle, Martingale etc it's more likely these horses have thrown their riders than simply got loose from the stables at Knightsbridge.
But throwing your rider and flipping one of the stirrups over the pommel is quite the trick.
Nahhh, it's happened to me, especially if he/she has fallen off to the left.
There was a post that said the image was blown up and the stirrup had been tied in place. I'd like to see that image.
Interesting, yes I'd like to see that as well. TY.
waiting for that next meme cartoon of the grim reaper playing the claw machine.
or knocking on hotel room doors...
MOAB this week (my bet would be Friday release) perhaps?
Not the two horsemen of the apocalypse.
Not the Headless Horsemen of Sleepy Hollow.
"On March 20, 1820 a little story titled "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" was published as part of the 6th installment of The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. It has never been out of print since that day."
New symbolism being created in real time....Both Running FREE....Good Show.
Maybe the king is dead from his cancer.
Do the king's guard do that somber parade for non royals? When the white horse got loose covered in blood, my first thought was "the king was killed." Just guessing, but horses getting out of the Buckingham stable or parade ground is quite simply astounding. Getting that done with expert horsemen in control is no less astounding.
They are stabled at Knightsbridge.
i think Johnny Cash wrote a song about this.
Good call fren. Added it here: https://twitter.com/CilComLFC/status/1783245538529333574
β’ A bloody White Horse ran loose through the streets of London alongside a Black Horse.
β’ The Big Ben clock stopped working at 9am, before chiming 11 times (9/11).
β’ By adding the numbers in todayβs date, 24/04/2024, you get 666.
Are you ready for whatβs coming? π₯
2 horses of the apocalypse?
I read that it was really 4 horses and someone did the date and guess what it added up to? 4+2=6 4+2=6 4+2=6 Hummmm we shall see π€¨
Yes my thoughts exactly
Those horses were not lame. No cars on that street?
I read the Daily Mail account. Weirdness abounding.
They are not "freaked out" either. Look at how collected they are. They are going for a gentle canter and being herded by a moped.
I hope that was not the horses real blood on him
It looks like paint, to me.
Do a search for horses, lots of good posts going back several months