Seems like U.S. has a lot of fat people more than other countries. What's the defining factors that differentiates U.S. vs other countries regarding food quality/consumption/health?
We know they put sugar in almost everything processed now days. The FDA pushes that red meat bad but whole grain breads are healthy.
Hopefully after the storm we start getting accurate information about what is and what is not healthy. Along with cures for many diseases they gave us by poisoning us through food, water, etc.
When I was in elementary school in the '60s, out of a class of ~25 kids, there might be ONE fat kid. Now there are probably only a few who AREN'T fat! If you walk in public places, 9/10 people, of all ages, are just plain fat!
My experience is the same. There were no more than five fat kids in my elementary school. Overweight kids were so unusual back then. I remember the school nurse weighing us once a year, weight and height measurement. One of my friends was a bit chubby (not fat), and the nurse sent a note home to her parents, along with a diet for her to follow. I live in an area where people are well off and well educated. Very few fat kids or adults. One town over and it seems nearly everyone is overweight.
My wife and I caught onto that some years ago. We're both retired but hit the gym regularly, eat right, lots of salads and no processed foods, meat, fish, vegetables, and many vitamins and supplements. Not vaxx'ed either. And we're doing quite well. I remain right around 172lb (I'm 6'1") and have been at that weight for many years now.
I'm 6'1" and 220lbs, people would think I'm on meth if I dropped to your weight. I've gone up one pant size since high-school and nobody has called me fat in that 20 some years. I am definitely built different than you, by the end of every summer I weigh a little more, have no gut and get asked how much I work out. All I do is work, snowboard, swim in the river with my dog and hike around hunting and fishing, I wouldn't know what to do if I went into a gym besides stare at women.
My best friend is 6'3 and 165, his brother is 6'5" around your weight and our other roommate was 6'3" and 175ish. It was pretty funny telling everyone that I was the short fat guy in our house 😂 everyone is like , "wait... huh?". They were always running marathons and anytime someone invited me I'd tell them I only run when my life is in danger. I'll swim a mile before I'd sprint an eighth. I'd be in peak shape if I lived in Hawaii but the swimming ain't so good during winter up here in the Rocky Mountains.
"Seems like U.S. has a lot of fat people -- more than other countries."
In general, you're right. And it's not just "in other countries." Looking at photos and films of the USA population from fifty, sixty or more years ago, I see far, far less obesity among the general populace.
Of course, turn on a TV set today, and every second commercial is all about how Cool, Trendy and With It you can be if you will just gobble down our high-calorie, high-sugar, nutritionally-empty snack foods.
It absolutely does.. Hell, McDonalds use to have a whole ass playground. (Hey, at least it kept kids moving around. But, the whole design behind what McDonalds used to look like was to sink their claws in and hook em young
Seems like U.S. has a lot of fat people more than other countries. What's the defining factors that differentiates U.S. vs other countries regarding food quality/consumption/health?
We know they put sugar in almost everything processed now days. The FDA pushes that red meat bad but whole grain breads are healthy.
Hopefully after the storm we start getting accurate information about what is and what is not healthy. Along with cures for many diseases they gave us by poisoning us through food, water, etc.
When I was in elementary school in the '60s, out of a class of ~25 kids, there might be ONE fat kid. Now there are probably only a few who AREN'T fat! If you walk in public places, 9/10 people, of all ages, are just plain fat!
My experience is the same. There were no more than five fat kids in my elementary school. Overweight kids were so unusual back then. I remember the school nurse weighing us once a year, weight and height measurement. One of my friends was a bit chubby (not fat), and the nurse sent a note home to her parents, along with a diet for her to follow. I live in an area where people are well off and well educated. Very few fat kids or adults. One town over and it seems nearly everyone is overweight.
My wife and I caught onto that some years ago. We're both retired but hit the gym regularly, eat right, lots of salads and no processed foods, meat, fish, vegetables, and many vitamins and supplements. Not vaxx'ed either. And we're doing quite well. I remain right around 172lb (I'm 6'1") and have been at that weight for many years now.
I'm 6'1" and 220lbs, people would think I'm on meth if I dropped to your weight. I've gone up one pant size since high-school and nobody has called me fat in that 20 some years. I am definitely built different than you, by the end of every summer I weigh a little more, have no gut and get asked how much I work out. All I do is work, snowboard, swim in the river with my dog and hike around hunting and fishing, I wouldn't know what to do if I went into a gym besides stare at women.
😆😆😆 Like you said, different body types. I feel great at 172, especially for my age.
My best friend is 6'3 and 165, his brother is 6'5" around your weight and our other roommate was 6'3" and 175ish. It was pretty funny telling everyone that I was the short fat guy in our house 😂 everyone is like , "wait... huh?". They were always running marathons and anytime someone invited me I'd tell them I only run when my life is in danger. I'll swim a mile before I'd sprint an eighth. I'd be in peak shape if I lived in Hawaii but the swimming ain't so good during winter up here in the Rocky Mountains.
And high fructose corn syrup
"Seems like U.S. has a lot of fat people -- more than other countries."
In general, you're right. And it's not just "in other countries." Looking at photos and films of the USA population from fifty, sixty or more years ago, I see far, far less obesity among the general populace.
Of course, turn on a TV set today, and every second commercial is all about how Cool, Trendy and With It you can be if you will just gobble down our high-calorie, high-sugar, nutritionally-empty snack foods.
Yea, propaganda prob plays a role too
It absolutely does.. Hell, McDonalds use to have a whole ass playground. (Hey, at least it kept kids moving around. But, the whole design behind what McDonalds used to look like was to sink their claws in and hook em young
Common misconception, U.S. obesity rates are quite far from the highest.
The world is getting fatter as a whole, like pigs. Because it makes us weak and easy to deal with.