I'm almost 7 years into this and it is like our lives have been on hold. Not good for a 72 year old person who is in his final years. I still suppose it is better than bombs and bullets!
What does one call an EMP or a nuke? And what have millions been buying in self defense? Seems the opposition realizes their importance in this fight.
Calling someone a fool for pointing this out is the height of naiveté.
72,? You're a spring chicken. Lol. Moses only started his ministry at 80. I do believe Caleb was 85 when Caleb went into his portion of the promised Land and defeated their best warrior in hand-to-hand combat. Since God is the same yesterday, today and forever. God is still doing now what he did then. And since God is no respecter of persons and has no favorites. What God did for Moses and Caleb he'll do for us, if we'll use our faith, as they did. The world has lied to us about everything, age is no differentt. They have conditioned us to believe that if we make it to 80 we're lucky. Let us cast down their false flag of age, and let us refuse to use age as our measuring stick, but let our measuring stickt be the word of God,,and what is possible with God. 🙏
Interesting answer. I could respond Joshua and Caleb lived under a lot harsher conditions, but that too would be feeding into the premise, that conditions in our world limit what God could do for us. I wish God was powerful enough, to do what he did in the past and not be (limited) by our food supply, imagine a God so powerful that he would not even be limited by tainted food. Study:Mark 16:16 to 17 (either Jesus is lying or he's telling the truth). What did Jesus say would be possible to those who believe? So it's clear Jesus said that he would enforce (cause to come to pass) and apply to those (who believe) what is written in Mark 16: 16-17, the drinking of deadly things, wouldn't that principal include our food also? The other side of the coin then must be true, it is not enforced and does not apply for those who do not believe. Proverbs 23:7 says "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he" If a man does not think it's possible, will he apply Faith to it? But on the flip side Jesus says in (mark 9:23) "All things are possible to them that (do) believe" All this flies in the face of everything we've been taught in this world. Each one of us stands in the middle of those two scenarios and make our choice. Choose wisely.
Bro I say this with all the respect in the world. If I was 72 I wouldn’t care that much. You don’t have much time left. Go knock out bucket list items and turn off the noise.
Fuck that. He's here, now, in the greatest time in the history of the World. He wants to see this through. This is the Final Battle. It's beyond anything you can epically comprehend.
The pandemic showed us who would be willing to be "brownshirts" and sell out their fellow family and neighbors to get views on their social media. My faith in humanity was confirmed. It also strengthen the resolve of those with common sense and critical thinking skills. Sad but true, the vax will a generational learning lesson for NPC's as well as distrust amongst those who felt they were coerced into this poison. The saddest part of that is the innocent, the children and seniors who didn't have a word or ability to push back. The day of judgement will come to all of those who sold their souls to push this on humanity. The world also needs global trials and public capital punishment or else this disease process will only get worse.
Of course he fired him. What else would he do? He has to. He got caught. Vivek is a tool. His mommy helped him scam a billion dollar pharma. This guy is a piece of shit
I really don't know how so many of you have read the Q posts and still don't understand that Trump and the Kennedys are working together, it's basically the entire basis of the posts.
You have to be a special kind of retard to think any MAGA voters would ever vote for RFK Jr. That was just never going to happen. You might get some middle of the road never Trumpers. But never a MAGA voter.
I would never downvote you fren, that was someone else. You can not trust RFK, but unfortunately for you the Q posts are extremely explicit that Trump and the Kennedys are working together, indeed its the very foundation of the posts.
That makes no sense, since Ramaswamy fired the staffer in question.
I'm saying Vivek is from WEF; a wolf in sheep's clothing.
(I'm not referring to the tweet; but reminding everyone where Vivek came from)
He's a Conservative-Indian-"Obama".
Way too polished.
Fake smile.
Pretentious (rolls his long sleeves up to his elbows like Obama to show that he "means business" when talking on stage)
Bragged, "I could be the youngest President ever."
It was his staffer he fired, not Vivek
I'm saying Vivek is from WEF; a wolf in sheep's clothing.
(I'm not referring to the tweet; but reminding everyone where Vivek came from)
Well, Trump is using him now. Let's see what happens
I'm almost 7 years into this and it is like our lives have been on hold. Not good for a 72 year old person who is in his final years. I still suppose it is better than bombs and bullets!
What does one call an EMP or a nuke? And what have millions been buying in self defense? Seems the opposition realizes their importance in this fight. Calling someone a fool for pointing this out is the height of naiveté.
72,? You're a spring chicken. Lol. Moses only started his ministry at 80. I do believe Caleb was 85 when Caleb went into his portion of the promised Land and defeated their best warrior in hand-to-hand combat. Since God is the same yesterday, today and forever. God is still doing now what he did then. And since God is no respecter of persons and has no favorites. What God did for Moses and Caleb he'll do for us, if we'll use our faith, as they did. The world has lied to us about everything, age is no differentt. They have conditioned us to believe that if we make it to 80 we're lucky. Let us cast down their false flag of age, and let us refuse to use age as our measuring stick, but let our measuring stickt be the word of God,,and what is possible with God. 🙏
Keke, Moses and Caleb didn't eat the trash we are fed today with all the GMOs but I appreciate your words of encouragement!
Interesting answer. I could respond Joshua and Caleb lived under a lot harsher conditions, but that too would be feeding into the premise, that conditions in our world limit what God could do for us. I wish God was powerful enough, to do what he did in the past and not be (limited) by our food supply, imagine a God so powerful that he would not even be limited by tainted food. Study:Mark 16:16 to 17 (either Jesus is lying or he's telling the truth). What did Jesus say would be possible to those who believe? So it's clear Jesus said that he would enforce (cause to come to pass) and apply to those (who believe) what is written in Mark 16: 16-17, the drinking of deadly things, wouldn't that principal include our food also? The other side of the coin then must be true, it is not enforced and does not apply for those who do not believe. Proverbs 23:7 says "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he" If a man does not think it's possible, will he apply Faith to it? But on the flip side Jesus says in (mark 9:23) "All things are possible to them that (do) believe" All this flies in the face of everything we've been taught in this world. Each one of us stands in the middle of those two scenarios and make our choice. Choose wisely.
You feel better now?
Sorry if it offended you. Probably for some else.
Bro I say this with all the respect in the world. If I was 72 I wouldn’t care that much. You don’t have much time left. Go knock out bucket list items and turn off the noise.
I am 30 and trying to plan a family.
Fuck that. He's here, now, in the greatest time in the history of the World. He wants to see this through. This is the Final Battle. It's beyond anything you can epically comprehend.
Shut the fuck up with the “epically can’t comprehend” shit. He’s 72 he could be dead tomorrow or 10 years from now. You never know at that age.
All I am saying is I think it matters more for younger people.
Don’t let the Old Frog in!
Yeah. Send him out on and iceberg melting because of global warming. /sarc
What is shocking to me is how many people have no integrity. They would sell a good person out to acquire power, fame & money.
The pandemic showed us who would be willing to be "brownshirts" and sell out their fellow family and neighbors to get views on their social media. My faith in humanity was confirmed. It also strengthen the resolve of those with common sense and critical thinking skills. Sad but true, the vax will a generational learning lesson for NPC's as well as distrust amongst those who felt they were coerced into this poison. The saddest part of that is the innocent, the children and seniors who didn't have a word or ability to push back. The day of judgement will come to all of those who sold their souls to push this on humanity. The world also needs global trials and public capital punishment or else this disease process will only get worse.
Clandestine is a big RFK Jr fan that needs to wake up and see the coon crap on the pump handle! RFK is NOTHING to do with MAGA.
Of course he fired him. What else would he do? He has to. He got caught. Vivek is a tool. His mommy helped him scam a billion dollar pharma. This guy is a piece of shit
The same alphabet boys that smoked Rfk Jr’s dad and uncle are going after Trump and he still thinking about “winning” an “election”?!?
I really don't know how so many of you have read the Q posts and still don't understand that Trump and the Kennedys are working together, it's basically the entire basis of the posts.
This is actually good for Vivek. He fired the person.
Imagine having to listen to that awful voice for 4 years. Yikes!
Knew it! Two faced Obama 2.0!
You have to be a special kind of retard to think any MAGA voters would ever vote for RFK Jr. That was just never going to happen. You might get some middle of the road never Trumpers. But never a MAGA voter.
Antone who drops trump for rfk is already braindead.
"Again Trump"
Lol, when will they learn?
To those anons who suggested RFK Jr for Trump’s VP…..
the basis of the Q posts is that Kennedy and Trump are working together. Have you ever read them?
And there will still be people in here that just love RFK Jr and think he should be Trump's VP.
the basis of the Q posts is that Kennedy and Trump are working together. Have you ever read them?
Yes, not all of them but about 70%.
It is also said many times that misdirection is often put out to confuse the enemy.
I still don't trust RFK Jr.
I'd love to be proven wrong but the evidence for the past 30 years says I'm not.
And, thanks for proving my point with the downvote, snowflake.
I would never downvote you fren, that was someone else. You can not trust RFK, but unfortunately for you the Q posts are extremely explicit that Trump and the Kennedys are working together, indeed its the very foundation of the posts.
It seems we have some serious DS shills whose only mission is to downvote posts and not bother to have a real conversation.
Thank you for engaging in actual discourse. That's one of the things that makes our side so much better than the Leftists.
Joe Rogans but hole the sorest. It's true!
Here you go. More information for you. https://greatawakening.win/p/17t1apmWJl/naomi-wolf-the-vaccine-trump-pro/c/