This LGBTQ teacher boasts about using her power as an authority figure to push her sexuality in front of her students. (TAKE YOUR KIDS OUT OF SCHOOL)
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
See, this is the problem. These people can't just go about their lives. They have to always be preaching and proselytizing about how gay they are, or how trans they are, or what the fuck else they are.
And they wonder why others are uncomfortable around them and with the concept of them teaching our kids.
We had equal rights and societal tolerance by the nineties. Then in 2008 'someone' came along and re-radicalised everything. I wonder who that was.
You should see this one.
She’s only Lesbian cause no guy would fuck her.
Came to say, why are they ALWAYS ugly as sin fuck wads who push gay shit on kids?
Never hot lesbians. Just these uggos
Like vegans?
She's not LGB. She's P.
TQ is P and LGB needs to divorce it pronto.
She just need to not be with kids.
Absolutely. No-one who works with kids should be mentioning sexuality of any description.
Completely agree.
This old bag?? Her p@#$y probably looks like a #4 from Arbies
I was thinking she is too old to be this stupid.
Stupidity knows no age limit.
Oh how true.
Spoken like a TRUE CAJUN'!!!!!!
NOTE: My mother was Cajun and yes, she was VERY proud to be a COON ASS!!! 😂🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😁😁😁😁
Way back, LaFouche Telco of Melrose?? LA, had an RCA (Registered Coon Ass) sticker. Only now, 40 years later, have I found out what that means!! Thank you!
Hillary Clinton: "Hold my beer..."
I haven’t eaten there in years. #4 is…. Lemme guess…. The ham and cheese?
I thought it was the roast beef sammy......
GOSH This brings back memories.8 years ago, living in Istanbul for work we decide to do a small boat tour of the Croation islands while on break 45 people on wooden boat for 8 days and nights.HUGE truther Trump supporter, and the election was just around the corner. IMAGINE finding out that 35 of your fellow passengers were school teachers from DC. AND they all looked and sounded like her except for the 2 gay guy teachers. WOW I have never learnt more about INDOCTRINATION etc etc. Me, I won over some of the 10 others on board and 1 schoolteacher. Not good odds and I was a bit frustrated with GOD.
My mom used to work in the school system. We told her to retired quick before 2000. We saw what was coming.
Surly you didn’t predict it would be this bad. I couldn’t imagine unlimited genders and young children loping off body parts in 1999. The current interwoven tentacles of evil is mind blowing… I sometimes daydream of describing all of what is transpiring these days to my mother, who had passed away in 2004. She wouldn’t have believed me as it is too fantastical.
Serious question - how did you suspect?
No. I didn't see it this bad. I just saw very dumb down students who would be bringing in firearms and just killing each other and all that.
Columbine fresh on everyone’s minds in the 90s. Makes sense.
"Its" dental health equals "its" mental health.
Both missing.
I’m going to have to steal this one.
Granted! Kek!
You can tell by her teeth she’s eaten lots of kids souls
That's not a 'her'. That's a male tranny faggot.
I teach high school. My students have asked me several times about my opinions on certain issues, and I won't give them. I tell them that it's not my place to talk about politics or ANY other sensitive issue. If they want to debate each other, I allow it to an extent, but I won't tell them what to think. It kills me to see these teachers who use their classrooms as platforms for activism. And there are so many these days. They should be fired, but instead, they're propped up as heroes. This is why America's kids are so poorly educated and so mentally ill. Half my kids can barely read and don't know their multiplication tables at 18, but hey, they know what genderqueer means, and that's what matters.
To me it's so sad to see this.
It is. It hurts me to see how even our smartest kids can't do things that were normal for the average person just 20 years ago. I really hope that part of the Great Awakening will be an end to technology addiction and dependence.
Sure hope we go back to teaching basic.
When Gay Marriage was a hot topic, I remember seeing on TV this reporter asked this faggot if they were going to teach this in schools, the faggot replied,
...now here we are
Anything they don't want to admit you know it will come.
Then we can use our influence to remove her from ever teaching again.
I think she is retired.
Times were when doctors, nurses, lawyers, teachers did not impose their lives on their patients, students clients. No one needs to know your personal life, nor should you share it, unless it is a superficial question such as, “Do you have children? How old are they? Are you married?”
Should make that a mandatory again in school.
You will notice straight people never need to boast about being heterosexual. Gay people tend to need us to not only accept but to celebrate them. I personally accept all gay people. I do not celebrate them however.
Yes. That was the oddest thing. Why do they demand that?
I remember when I was in school I didn’t know much about my teachers private life. They were teaching. Private life wasn’t teaching.
Oh yes, exactly. I was being taught Physics or Chemistry or English. My teachers were not teaching me about sex or private life or his/her.
Old lady if you would kindly stop forcing children to picture you and another one like you...licking each other in the area where you poop and pee...that would be good
It's not that we're "phobic" about anything
It's just that you're monumentally sex-obsessed, self-centered and viscerally repulsive, without proper boundaries or ability to act properly around children
Ooh, this pic just make me puke. LOL
An old white woman, I can't imagine when that liberal white bitch was young, I guess she was more evil.
LOL. I am sure she was an evil bitch.
“ I Feel”
Ugh 😩
She is a mental is how it feels like.
Portland. Satan took her to hell back in 2019. Be a shame if someone visited her headstone.
I wouldn't. She doesn't deserve it.