I see the devil. Where the face of the baphomet was, is the body, above that you see a long neck and a demonic face with small horns curling backwards on the top of the head, and the two hands look like they're holding chains or something like the king is a captive. Next to the heads of Charles are the wings half folded. Maybe I'm crazy but that's what I see
The Holy Trinity consists of God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Their counterparts in the unholy trinity are Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet.
Revelation 12 and 13 contain prophetic passages that describe some of the main events and the figures involved during the second half of the seven-year Tribulation period. Although many Bible passages allude to Satan in various forms, such as a serpent or an angel of light, he is described in Revelation 12:3 as a “great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.” The color red indicates his vicious and homicidal personality. The seven heads symbolize seven evil kingdoms that Satan has empowered and used throughout history to attempt to prevent God’s ultimate plan from coming to fruition. Five of the kingdoms have already come and gone—Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece.
All these kingdoms severely oppressed and persecuted the Hebrews, killing many of them. Satan’s intent was to prevent the birth of Christ (Revelation 12:4). The sixth kingdom, Rome, was still in existence during the writing of this prophecy. Under Roman rule, King Herod murdered Hebrew babies around the time of Christ’s birth and Pontius Pilate ultimately authorized the crucifixion of Jesus. The seventh kingdom, which is more fierce and cruel than the others, will be the final world kingdom that the Antichrist forms during the end times. These kingdoms were also prophesied in Daniel, chapters 2 and 7. The seven crowns represent universal rule, and ten horns represent complete world power or authority.
Friendly reminder that The Romans didn’t kill Christ. I believe you are correct that Satan used and infected those named nations but may be ignoring the primary transmission vector and exhibiting symptoms. None of this is new. The playbook has been known for thousands of years - ppl just stopped using their eyes…
Technically nobody killed Christ. He chose to lay down his life. Only Christ has the power to end His own life. Creator of the known universe includes mastery of all physical and spiritual existences. Now tell me again who killed Him?
Obviously it's not new...What is new is they depicted the Unholy Trinity of Revelation hidden in the Portrait of the King who declared himself King of England, Scotland, the UK & Israel (and the UN?) at his Coronation whose son Wil-I-Am is soon to take his place as a Bloodied Riderless White Horse trots the the streets to symbolize they have killed or unseated Christ and the Horseman have been released on humanity. I am merely commenting on the symbolism they are putting forward in a way that few are as they perhaps cannot see it..
The Bible accurately records by multiple witnesses and corroborating accounts of the collaboration of the Sanhedrin, their respective counterparts, and the Romans in the arrest and execution of Jesus.
The Romans were cowards and capitulated, no doubt, but few gov officials have EVER stood up their depraved plots and violent mob tactics (so I don’t expect different- they go with the wind). The Romans were NOT the driving force and NOT the ones calling for his arrest and crucifixion. I DO NOT subscribe to soulless practices of the treata sanhedra or any other part of abomination they call the talmud; I will NOT shift the blame from where it rightly should rest. (Sure it may have ‘needed to happen/ been foreseen’ but that doesn’t make THEM any less monstrous. A hideous nature with no desire for or capability of betterment/change is not a virtuous/defensible creature…just a predictable beast and should be handled accordingly.
Stop being fucked in the head. The Sanhedrin and their counterparts accused Him, falsely tried Him, had Him arrested by Romans and put to death by Romans.
The Bible records it accurately. You’re not going to gain any victory over God and His Word just for a narrative or a difference of opinion, theory, or anything else.
“HAD him arrested…and put to death” you admit my point in your sentence dipshit. Quit being so reflexive to lick your Jewish masters boots and apply the discernment skills you should be learning here! THEY were the driving force, THEY called for it, THEY demanded it, THEY ensured it. The Romans were merely the tool they used to try and avoid the karmic retribution and the accountability like they always do, AS PROFESSED IN THE TREATA SANHEDRA. You’ve been such a well trained goyim that you don’t even realize WHEN you’re licking their boots and carrying water for them.
THIS IS GOD’S WORD! HE calls them by name and calls for us to see them as they ARE. They Synagogue of Satan. You are defaulting to your factory settings of “muh strongest ally…muh judeo-Christian values…muh chosen ppl…” NONE of those are true about THEM, THEY have distorted TRUTH and your ignorance only helps them
The post questioned who killed the Messiah. The Jews accused Him of blasphemy, the Romans performed the act. Nobody contests His own people rejected Him and had Him put to death.
You are ignorant and blinded by your own racism. Please KY.
Yeah okay... I see "the devil" or whatever... but yanno what? I've resawn burl lumber and book matched it side by side... and the same thing happens. If that's what the devil even looks like. How would I know aside from a lifetime of programming? Bible says that fool was incredibly handsome...which is it? Same with Jesus... show the same artist impression of a guy from the middle east as white and suddenly everyone is so sure of who it is... How the hell do you know? Programming... don't dare question it... the eyes follow your every move! That proves it!
Pareidolia is the illusory facial recognition in faceless objects... anyone with basic pattern recognition skills can do it... like seeing a face in the bathroom tiles while birthing an Obongo doll.
I mean he is a dirty filthy no good sausage fingered kid touching bastard that deserves everything he's got coming to him... and one of the biggest aholes pushing the climate hoax.
Just below baphomets hands, I see someone with his head bowed and a halo above his head, holding a cross, waiting patiently. I wonder who that could be? Wink wink!
I tend to think we are being tested. What will humanity do with the clues of wickedness being exposed. Do we stand up, WWG1WGA, and defeat the evil? Do we let it consume us? Jesus's return lays in the balance. If we fail, Jesus comes down and ends the human experiment. If we succeed, we live on for another thousand years, Revelation scenario playing out.
I can even see it when it’s a full shot of the actual painting IE I look at the right side, and can already see the half of the face.
I see two skulls, one where the baphomet eyes is at the shoulder, and with this negative you can see a baphomet full body, where the eyes at his shoulders become like the shoulders of the baphomet.
Then you flip it upside down and it looks like a whole other full bodied creature.
My point is I can see the “half” of the full baphomet even when it’s just a full photo of the full painting standing.
Not a chance a single brush stroke in this blatant “Rorschach Test” mess was not deliberate and intentionally painting subliminal shapes and images.
Heck cast all that aside, BLOOD RED, submerges the same way Obama submerged into the bushes, The Monarch Butterfly on the shoulder? Horses w blood running through the streets?
You don’t need to squint to see any of this.
Edit: If all this is too “abstract” here’s some good ol’ fashioned numerology, solid numbers!
“The vivid red work, measuring about 8ft 6in by 6ft 6in”
It’s exactly what they did with the alien in the back of dollar bill. I’ve outlined that grey myself with sharpie it’s there alright, I can see it no problem simply squinting.
Then if you really want confirmation the “star of David” in the back of the bill which is numerous star points creating a “metatron cube” is EXACTLY between where the supposed eyes of the alien are. Aka a third eye. One step further confirmation, the EYE on the pyramid when folded the bill in half lines up EXACTLY in this cube as the aliens third eye.
This stuff is right in line with this monstrosity.
I see the devil. Where the face of the baphomet was, is the body, above that you see a long neck and a demonic face with small horns curling backwards on the top of the head, and the two hands look like they're holding chains or something like the king is a captive. Next to the heads of Charles are the wings half folded. Maybe I'm crazy but that's what I see
The Holy Trinity consists of God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Their counterparts in the unholy trinity are Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet.
Revelation 12 and 13 contain prophetic passages that describe some of the main events and the figures involved during the second half of the seven-year Tribulation period. Although many Bible passages allude to Satan in various forms, such as a serpent or an angel of light, he is described in Revelation 12:3 as a “great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.” The color red indicates his vicious and homicidal personality. The seven heads symbolize seven evil kingdoms that Satan has empowered and used throughout history to attempt to prevent God’s ultimate plan from coming to fruition. Five of the kingdoms have already come and gone—Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece.
All these kingdoms severely oppressed and persecuted the Hebrews, killing many of them. Satan’s intent was to prevent the birth of Christ (Revelation 12:4). The sixth kingdom, Rome, was still in existence during the writing of this prophecy. Under Roman rule, King Herod murdered Hebrew babies around the time of Christ’s birth and Pontius Pilate ultimately authorized the crucifixion of Jesus. The seventh kingdom, which is more fierce and cruel than the others, will be the final world kingdom that the Antichrist forms during the end times. These kingdoms were also prophesied in Daniel, chapters 2 and 7. The seven crowns represent universal rule, and ten horns represent complete world power or authority.
Friendly reminder that The Romans didn’t kill Christ. I believe you are correct that Satan used and infected those named nations but may be ignoring the primary transmission vector and exhibiting symptoms. None of this is new. The playbook has been known for thousands of years - ppl just stopped using their eyes…
Technically nobody killed Christ. He chose to lay down his life. Only Christ has the power to end His own life. Creator of the known universe includes mastery of all physical and spiritual existences. Now tell me again who killed Him?
Obviously it's not new...What is new is they depicted the Unholy Trinity of Revelation hidden in the Portrait of the King who declared himself King of England, Scotland, the UK & Israel (and the UN?) at his Coronation whose son Wil-I-Am is soon to take his place as a Bloodied Riderless White Horse trots the the streets to symbolize they have killed or unseated Christ and the Horseman have been released on humanity. I am merely commenting on the symbolism they are putting forward in a way that few are as they perhaps cannot see it..
The Bible accurately records by multiple witnesses and corroborating accounts of the collaboration of the Sanhedrin, their respective counterparts, and the Romans in the arrest and execution of Jesus.
The Romans were cowards and capitulated, no doubt, but few gov officials have EVER stood up their depraved plots and violent mob tactics (so I don’t expect different- they go with the wind). The Romans were NOT the driving force and NOT the ones calling for his arrest and crucifixion. I DO NOT subscribe to soulless practices of the treata sanhedra or any other part of abomination they call the talmud; I will NOT shift the blame from where it rightly should rest. (Sure it may have ‘needed to happen/ been foreseen’ but that doesn’t make THEM any less monstrous. A hideous nature with no desire for or capability of betterment/change is not a virtuous/defensible creature…just a predictable beast and should be handled accordingly.
Stop being fucked in the head. The Sanhedrin and their counterparts accused Him, falsely tried Him, had Him arrested by Romans and put to death by Romans.
The Bible records it accurately. You’re not going to gain any victory over God and His Word just for a narrative or a difference of opinion, theory, or anything else.
“HAD him arrested…and put to death” you admit my point in your sentence dipshit. Quit being so reflexive to lick your Jewish masters boots and apply the discernment skills you should be learning here! THEY were the driving force, THEY called for it, THEY demanded it, THEY ensured it. The Romans were merely the tool they used to try and avoid the karmic retribution and the accountability like they always do, AS PROFESSED IN THE TREATA SANHEDRA. You’ve been such a well trained goyim that you don’t even realize WHEN you’re licking their boots and carrying water for them.
THIS IS GOD’S WORD! HE calls them by name and calls for us to see them as they ARE. They Synagogue of Satan. You are defaulting to your factory settings of “muh strongest ally…muh judeo-Christian values…muh chosen ppl…” NONE of those are true about THEM, THEY have distorted TRUTH and your ignorance only helps them
The post questioned who killed the Messiah. The Jews accused Him of blasphemy, the Romans performed the act. Nobody contests His own people rejected Him and had Him put to death.
You are ignorant and blinded by your own racism. Please KY.
Antichrist is not one person, John in 1 John says there are many that have already come.
And as for Pilate, I would argue he was the first gentile to proclaim Jesus as King of the Jews. Read John's account of Jesus' crucifixion.
That’s exactly what I see. The horns are what caught me first.
Yeah the chains caught my attention first.
Oh wow taking the red out shows so much more. Thanks for sharing.
Yeah okay... I see "the devil" or whatever... but yanno what? I've resawn burl lumber and book matched it side by side... and the same thing happens. If that's what the devil even looks like. How would I know aside from a lifetime of programming? Bible says that fool was incredibly handsome...which is it? Same with Jesus... show the same artist impression of a guy from the middle east as white and suddenly everyone is so sure of who it is... How the hell do you know? Programming... don't dare question it... the eyes follow your every move! That proves it!
Pareidolia is the illusory facial recognition in faceless objects... anyone with basic pattern recognition skills can do it... like seeing a face in the bathroom tiles while birthing an Obongo doll.
I mean he is a dirty filthy no good sausage fingered kid touching bastard that deserves everything he's got coming to him... and one of the biggest aholes pushing the climate hoax.
It's true, there are marble slabs arranged to do something really kind of similar at the winery I work at.
Just below baphomets hands, I see someone with his head bowed and a halo above his head, holding a cross, waiting patiently. I wonder who that could be? Wink wink!
I tend to think we are being tested. What will humanity do with the clues of wickedness being exposed. Do we stand up, WWG1WGA, and defeat the evil? Do we let it consume us? Jesus's return lays in the balance. If we fail, Jesus comes down and ends the human experiment. If we succeed, we live on for another thousand years, Revelation scenario playing out.
Q drop 666 Think Mirror
Looks like the Baphomet is holding a Menorah.
I see batman. Or manbat as the case may be
I personally find the one butterfly interesting, found the portrait online and I see something of a face, maybe.
I see a Rottweiler with a Darth Vader helmet on.
flip upside down, mirror
Moloch, lol
https://ibb.co/2YwzQhh (Kaleidoscope of the image)
Looks like klaus
I can even see it when it’s a full shot of the actual painting IE I look at the right side, and can already see the half of the face.
I see two skulls, one where the baphomet eyes is at the shoulder, and with this negative you can see a baphomet full body, where the eyes at his shoulders become like the shoulders of the baphomet.
Then you flip it upside down and it looks like a whole other full bodied creature.
My point is I can see the “half” of the full baphomet even when it’s just a full photo of the full painting standing.
Not a chance a single brush stroke in this blatant “Rorschach Test” mess was not deliberate and intentionally painting subliminal shapes and images.
Heck cast all that aside, BLOOD RED, submerges the same way Obama submerged into the bushes, The Monarch Butterfly on the shoulder? Horses w blood running through the streets?
You don’t need to squint to see any of this.
Edit: If all this is too “abstract” here’s some good ol’ fashioned numerology, solid numbers!
“The vivid red work, measuring about 8ft 6in by 6ft 6in”
Gonna just leave it to your comment, I couldnt recreate it. Idk I think I might see the top face.
Would be fitting to have a butterfly (gentle) on one shoulder and satan on his other. Good and Evil.
It’s exactly what they did with the alien in the back of dollar bill. I’ve outlined that grey myself with sharpie it’s there alright, I can see it no problem simply squinting.
Then if you really want confirmation the “star of David” in the back of the bill which is numerous star points creating a “metatron cube” is EXACTLY between where the supposed eyes of the alien are. Aka a third eye. One step further confirmation, the EYE on the pyramid when folded the bill in half lines up EXACTLY in this cube as the aliens third eye.
This stuff is right in line with this monstrosity.
Just found out this it measures about
“8ft 6in by 6ft 6in”
Right from google! Notice they say “roughly” so they could have rounded a number differently to not hit that triple six on the nail, but they didn’t!
Plainly you don't understand Revelation 13:18 which must be read in context with Revelation 14:9-11
666 is only an end-times prophecy, deep into the tribulation period and e are a few years away from the start of the 7 Year Tribulation.