Oddly enough, when my home state of Tennessee legalized over-the-counter (OTC) purchases of Ivermectin, those very two stores -- CVS and Walgreens -- were the first place I headed to buy some for me and the wife.
At both places I was told "we haven't heard anything about that"...even though it had been on the news nightly the week before. What they MEANT to say was, "Our corporate out of state bosses have told us not to go along with that."
I did eventually find a couple of local independent pharmacies who WOULD sell it to me, no hassle, just tell them your height and weight (for dosage purposes) and in 10 minutes we had capsules designed specifically for us.
To my knowledge, those two big-box pharmacies still "haven't heard" about OTC Ivermectin being legal in our state. How incredibly stupid!
I told my awake buddy to buy some for the both of us when he went camping down there a couple months ago. He asked two different places and they said the same thing! We both assumed that the legislation was slowly being rolled out and it wasn't enacted yet.
Thanks for the report from the front lines soldier!
It's paid corruption to the Max. I remember you were telling me about that. I told some of my people here to just drive to TN and get it and you said don't go to the big pharmacies.
Yes, if anyone is going to go the to the trouble of driving here from another state, do a little homework first. Depending on where they are coming from (Tennessee is a big-ish state), call ahead to local small pharmacies first before just driving here and going to CVS or Walgreen's or Walmart.
The width of Tennessee is almost exactly the width of Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama combined, so depending on where one is coming from, call ahead, or look online first.
Hey, good memory....and you call yourself "brain dead"... ha!
Heh! When I picked up IVM for me and my wife, I thought it was slightly pricey. I wonder if there is someplace where I can buy it cheaper, and in bulk? Any ideas?
I have a family member who had a pretty bad case of Covid and his oxygen levels were dropping to the point where he was worried about being hospitalized. In a phone conversation (which he could barely get through due to his coughing fits) I said "Well have you tried the IVERMECTIN????"
He had bought it (horse paste version due to being in California) but hadn't used it because his doctor was treating him with an antibiotic or something and he was worried about an interaction. This was over a week into his illness (you're supposed to take the Ivermectin early), but I talked him into trying it.
He called me the next morning to say he had experienced rapid improvement overnight. Never ended up going to the hospital or even seeing a doctor after that.
My wife had it full blown, lost smell and taste. I put her on the dr Zelensky protocol. THREE DAYS LATER … we were working outside in the garden. Both of us. She went from invalid, to fully recovered in 3 days. Ivermectin with Zinc, Vit C, and Vit D. Smashes that shit dead and gone quickly.
CVS and Walgreens were happily injecting people with an experimental "vax", and not disclosing anything about possible side effects... all while telling customers that the shots are safe and effective.
Both retailers should be sued out of existence for their complicity in genocide.
I think they had clerks mixing the shots also so who knows what they gave people, if the dosing was correct, if the refrigeration was correct, if the shot was administered correctly……..
Not surprising my local CVS shut down and I had to go to another CVS nearby and the pharmacist there told me straight out they made their money from these shots and that dried up so they're just closing down stores now around here.
This is Texas not one of those crazy blue areas where theft is forcing closures
We have cvs and Walgreens closing also. Before they closed there were supply issues for common drugs. Tightening the noose so we have fewer and fewer places to get meds. Probably trying to sell us on government pharmacies. Won’t that be great. Goodbye freedom.
Not sure how someone gets kicked out. You mean like someone physically dragged you out?
I never wore a mask anywhere except for on a flight. Every time someone told me that I needed a mask I just politely said “no thanks” and continued to go about my business.
I felt sorry for the minimum wage employees who were tasked with having to get customers to comply, but not so sorry that I would bow down and wear a compliance mask.
Around 25 years ago my town probably had @7 independent mom & pop pharmacies. I worked at one for five years myself. Walgreens came in on oneside of town and bought out the local pharmacies on one half. CVS came in and bought the remaining ones. The service sucks!!!! If you have have a single RX you have to comeback in a half hr. Back when I worked you waited maybe 5 min depending on how busy we were. Nothing surprises me about these large scum corps.
In Peru and purchasing homeopathic medicine for myself. Walked into the shop and told to come back in 20 minutes they make the homeopathic. A lot more progressive and excellent there.
My business partner runs an apothecary. Yes, same thing. Told to come back in 30 minutes, make it for you.
Oddly enough, when my home state of Tennessee legalized over-the-counter (OTC) purchases of Ivermectin, those very two stores -- CVS and Walgreens -- were the first place I headed to buy some for me and the wife.
At both places I was told "we haven't heard anything about that"...even though it had been on the news nightly the week before. What they MEANT to say was, "Our corporate out of state bosses have told us not to go along with that."
I did eventually find a couple of local independent pharmacies who WOULD sell it to me, no hassle, just tell them your height and weight (for dosage purposes) and in 10 minutes we had capsules designed specifically for us.
To my knowledge, those two big-box pharmacies still "haven't heard" about OTC Ivermectin being legal in our state. How incredibly stupid!
I told my awake buddy to buy some for the both of us when he went camping down there a couple months ago. He asked two different places and they said the same thing! We both assumed that the legislation was slowly being rolled out and it wasn't enacted yet.
Thanks for the report from the front lines soldier!
If you're ever in the Knoxville or Knox County area, i go to Heartland Apothecary to get my Ivermectin. It's in west Knox County on Kingston Pike.
I'm in FL and a neighbor had a Dr's prescription for IVM when he got CV19 back in 2020, and our local CVS would not fill it.
Corporate greed merchants.
Medical Industrial Complex.
When I visited TN last year a small pharmacy there filled the prescription for us no problem and we are from out of state.
Roman pharmacy in Goodletsville. Excellent people.
It's paid corruption to the Max. I remember you were telling me about that. I told some of my people here to just drive to TN and get it and you said don't go to the big pharmacies.
Yes, if anyone is going to go the to the trouble of driving here from another state, do a little homework first. Depending on where they are coming from (Tennessee is a big-ish state), call ahead to local small pharmacies first before just driving here and going to CVS or Walgreen's or Walmart.
The width of Tennessee is almost exactly the width of Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama combined, so depending on where one is coming from, call ahead, or look online first.
Hey, good memory....and you call yourself "brain dead"... ha!
I have memory, nothing else in there. LOL
I just ordered from reynold. Stock up on everything.
Heh! When I picked up IVM for me and my wife, I thought it was slightly pricey. I wonder if there is someplace where I can buy it cheaper, and in bulk? Any ideas?
It takes a month to get to you but you can even negotiate prices with them.
Sure. Any time.
I have a family member who had a pretty bad case of Covid and his oxygen levels were dropping to the point where he was worried about being hospitalized. In a phone conversation (which he could barely get through due to his coughing fits) I said "Well have you tried the IVERMECTIN????"
He had bought it (horse paste version due to being in California) but hadn't used it because his doctor was treating him with an antibiotic or something and he was worried about an interaction. This was over a week into his illness (you're supposed to take the Ivermectin early), but I talked him into trying it.
He called me the next morning to say he had experienced rapid improvement overnight. Never ended up going to the hospital or even seeing a doctor after that.
Shit works!
More than likely, you saved his life. And, kudos to him for being open minded and trying it.
My wife had it full blown, lost smell and taste. I put her on the dr Zelensky protocol. THREE DAYS LATER … we were working outside in the garden. Both of us. She went from invalid, to fully recovered in 3 days. Ivermectin with Zinc, Vit C, and Vit D. Smashes that shit dead and gone quickly.
CVS and Walgreens were happily injecting people with an experimental "vax", and not disclosing anything about possible side effects... all while telling customers that the shots are safe and effective.
Both retailers should be sued out of existence for their complicity in genocide.
Someone went in and ask for the vaccine side effects that come with all drugs. They pulled out this sheet completely empty on both sides.
I think they had clerks mixing the shots also so who knows what they gave people, if the dosing was correct, if the refrigeration was correct, if the shot was administered correctly……..
Blood money. Bloody genocide money funding our local drug stores. To kill us.
Blood pennies? CVS had over 350 billion in revenue.
They're bathing in the the blood (money) they made from opioids though.
Of course. The whole medical industry and fast food industry were in funded to kill Americans.
Not surprising my local CVS shut down and I had to go to another CVS nearby and the pharmacist there told me straight out they made their money from these shots and that dried up so they're just closing down stores now around here.
This is Texas not one of those crazy blue areas where theft is forcing closures
We have cvs and Walgreens closing also. Before they closed there were supply issues for common drugs. Tightening the noose so we have fewer and fewer places to get meds. Probably trying to sell us on government pharmacies. Won’t that be great. Goodbye freedom.
Wow. At least they were honest. Let them all disappear. Now I understand about the saying by Trump, I will tear down their corrupt temple.
Got kicked out of a CVS for not wearing a mask, have never been back
Not sure how someone gets kicked out. You mean like someone physically dragged you out?
I never wore a mask anywhere except for on a flight. Every time someone told me that I needed a mask I just politely said “no thanks” and continued to go about my business.
I felt sorry for the minimum wage employees who were tasked with having to get customers to comply, but not so sorry that I would bow down and wear a compliance mask.
They threatened me with calling the police if I didn’t stop walking in, had a mask nazi at the door.
Where I live, the OC Sheriff put out a press release saying they would not respond to calls about mask BS.
Gone thru their door once to help my family members buy a glucose monitor. Don't even have that. Never been back.
To kill
They need to go away.
Around 25 years ago my town probably had @7 independent mom & pop pharmacies. I worked at one for five years myself. Walgreens came in on oneside of town and bought out the local pharmacies on one half. CVS came in and bought the remaining ones. The service sucks!!!! If you have have a single RX you have to comeback in a half hr. Back when I worked you waited maybe 5 min depending on how busy we were. Nothing surprises me about these large scum corps.
In Peru and purchasing homeopathic medicine for myself. Walked into the shop and told to come back in 20 minutes they make the homeopathic. A lot more progressive and excellent there.
My business partner runs an apothecary. Yes, same thing. Told to come back in 30 minutes, make it for you.
...and still, prices are marked up 400% at CVS. What a racket.
Getting paid big bucks is the game.
Rockefeller just entered the chat.
My local Rite Aid filled Ivermectin several times for us with no problem.
Oh wow. So Rite Aid it is. Don't go to CVS or Walgreen then. Even in TN, ordered by the governor, I was told they won't do it.
I would have demanded it.
They both can go straight to hell.
Amen. I agree.
I stopped giving my business to them during covid
I don't go to medical places be it pharmacies or hospitals. LOL
You mean, by ourselves…🤔
Not sure about your question. Take care so you don't need to step foot in any medical establishment.
I never step foot in either one.