posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +56 / -0


We’re back again for another installment of the Werewolf Game series—a series in which we posit that the Trump and Kennedy families have been battling an ancient, werewolf-themed death cult for centuries (and possibly millennia) that hails, more or less, from the area of the world known today as Ukraine.

Yes, that really is the premise of this series.

Of course, the full scope of occultism, secret societies, 5G warfare, and the like goes far beyond this premise—nonetheless, I believe what I’ve found constitutes a very important piece of the puzzle of Q, Trump, and the present information warfare (or, as I like to call it, narrative battle).

The process of researching for these articles has been entertaining and fruitful beyond my own wildest imagination. I don’t ask anyone “automatically” believe anything I’ve written herein—“automatic” belief, by the way, is a form of hypnosis! (Most hypnotists want to put you to sleep, but I’m here to do the exact opposite: I’m here to wake people up).

. . . The evidence that there was once a globally influential Werewolf cult AND a globally influential positive civilization is voluminous. And the threads that connect these facts to current world events are many. It is my hope that the uncovering of these facts will help us piece together a more accurate picture of the world around us, and our place in it—and that this will ultimately assist us in gaining our freedom.