I agree there is one or more actor/s playing pedo joe... I also believe that there are times where it's the real joe hopped up on massive quantities of appetite style drugs to make him temporarily lucid... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
No, his handle is the 17th letter... RFK Jr. doesn't have facial hair that I've seen recently and is better built than this gentleman... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Oh my . . . How Presidential . . .
🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Kekekekek...
I hope he throws out a couple of those in the debate. kek
I think this reinforces the theory that "The Biden" is an actor. He's hamming things up more and more.
I hope the real Biden down in Gitmo has a TV in his cell. He deserves to watch this train wreck in his honor.
I agree there is one or more actor/s playing pedo joe... I also believe that there are times where it's the real joe hopped up on massive quantities of appetite style drugs to make him temporarily lucid... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Mr Hurr seems to be a good guy well articulated and calm compared to the squad members taliba
Yep, she want badly to stick her 'exonerated' spin on it, but he wasn't having it.
Agreed... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
And still, Congress is yet to hear about Hunter RAPING TWO MEN, which is from a different Post....
but hoh Boyo, is there a lot of incriminating stuff coming out about the Bidens....
Who else will get caught up in this mess???
Many I hope... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
🍺 Cheers....
Turn that thumbnail 90 degrees clockwise. Drip drip!
I tried, but obviously my brain does not see the obvious.
It's a faucet with a drop of water in blue
That has been mentioned before and I agree with you... 👍👍👍
What's with the thumbnail?
It's the Truth Social thumbnail... Nothing more... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
JFK Jr. is the truth social thumbnail? Seriously? I am not on TS so never knew that.
That's the JFK Jr. Logo??? Dasting...
I'm seeing an older, dapper looking JFK Jr. above. Maybe it's because I'm not on TS, so I don't see what you see. He looks great, btw. If only ...
Agreed fren, agreed...
See my comments above
Yeah, weird. That's not what I'm seeing.
Is that RFK Jr?
No, his handle is the 17th letter... RFK Jr. doesn't have facial hair that I've seen recently and is better built than this gentleman... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Oops. I meant JFK.
Kek, no JFK Jr. either...