I would appreciate your prayers. My stepfather is probably going to go pretty fast. He ended up not taking the Fenbendazole I bought for him because his doctor said it could interfere with his blood thinners. Fast forward a few weeks, and he has since jaundiced and is experiencing liver failure. Even more urgently, they have pumped him up to the gills with blood thinners and he is still clotting up. They've removed clots previously from his legs and lungs, but it sounds like between the liver failure and the current crop of blood clots affecting his breathing, his end will be fairly fast upon us.
He has been a good stepfather to me, and we have done what we can to keep him comfortable. His hospice nurse recommends stopping his blood thinners to hasten his short time left on earth in the most humane way possible. I thank you for listening to his story and giving me research links to search for therapies. I just wish he would have listened when we told him not to get the death jab, and then later when we told him to try a Fenbendazole regimen.
Regardless, I love him very much, and my loving mother will soon come to bring him home to the afterworld.
Prayers for you and your family, fren. 🙏🏼
Thank you! God bless!
So sorry to hear that. It is so good that you are there for him. Prayers sent.
I am so sorry to hear how he is doing. I pray that he finds peace and comfort and that you remember the good times with him. I pray his suffering is not long, and that he finds comfort knowing he will see your beloved mother soon, along with his God. May your loved ones and God provide you with support and comfort during this stressful time.
Your family will be in my prayers.
So sorry for your family's heartbreak did all that you could do to help. Thank you for the update. Praying! 💔🙏
I'm sorry for your pain and your stepfather's pain, fren. As hard as it is right now, know that he is going Home soon. Many people have been leaving "early" because being here for what is coming soon was not a part of their contract. And maybe they're wanting to get into new bodies to be back down here soon as part of the clean-up crew that is going to enjoy a very different world than this captured-operation, free-range slave planet we've been on. He will be with you from the other side of the veil, watching over you. Blessings to you and your family.
This is a fantastic perspective. Are you familiar with Richard Martini's work?
I am NOT familiar with Richard Martini's work. I just looked him up and the Coast to Coast entry on him mentions him being introduced tot he work of Michael Newton who wrote Journey of Souls. I am very familiar with the work of Michael Newton. I have given that book to more people than any other book. And my grandma, who was tight as the bark on a tree with her money, would ask me to order copies for her because she also gave them to people.
Seeing that Richard Martini has bio page on Coast to Coast--that's good enough for me. :) I'll check his work out. Thanks for the tip.
I am so sorry to hear this about your stepfather and many prayers for you and your family. Pancreatic cancer is so very horrible.
I too have someone dear to me with pancreatic cancer which coincidentally happened after getting the vaccines. I was able to provide 50 some articles to the family about cancer treatments outside the box including ivermectin and Fenbendazole. To date, has not acted on this. It is discouraging to me that the medical team discourages going this route when recovery from standard therapies is futile. All we can do is pray.
So frustrating barbie! 💔
Wow! It's almost play by paly what my family has been going through. My first thought after his oncologist told him no was "Well, if conventional medicine gives you a 5% chance of living 12 months, why not try something else?" Chemo almost ended him after the third round... I mean, if conventional treatments aren't effective, why not be brave and try something else? That's like someone giving you a revolver with 5 bullets, spinning it and saying "here, pull the trigger." The odds are pretty good for a 70 plus year old doing chemo that he's not going to make it 4 months, let alone 12. What's the hazard? There isn't one!
Sneak that shit in asap. Save your family!
I had a nurse coworker sneak ivermectin to her dad in a Covid unit in 2021. They were about to intubate him. Next day the baffled doctors said they had never seen such a turnaround. 2 days later he was out of hospital and swore he would never go back.
If they stopped the thinners then why not try?
Nice, you actually saved his life!
He has a stubborn streak. I'm going to see him Friday and will see what I can do. My brother already tried but he just didn't appear interested.
Yes it’s hard when someone has lost motivation to try more. That is where to start. The mainstream system said it may interfere with blood thinners then stops said thinners.
The brainwashing about side effects with drugs with low side effects is very effective. The ignoring of clot shot side effects also affects public perception.
I am so very sad at what you are going through.
I’m so sorry you all are going through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Many prayers will be said for comfort for your stepfather. Recently went through a similar situation with my mother in law. The hospice nurses were a blessing during the very difficult time! 🙏
Hospice nurses do amazing work of compassion. They are very highly regarded in my book.
So very sorry to see this. Prayers for you fren...take care of yourself.
I'm so sorry. Those of us who have lost loved ones in this war look forward to a day of Justice. We'll be praying for your family.
☹️ prayers up.
So sorry to hear this fren. My heart and prayers go out to you. You tried to tell him not to get the jabs but it is ultimately a personal choice. I have a number of my own relatives did the same including my only adult daughter.
Thank you for the kind words. I'm sorry about your daughter. 🙏
Prayers for your family and stepdad's comfort sent.
We went through something similar as my FIL was dying of Turbo Pancreatic Cancer last fall. He didn't want to here about alternative treatments and had complete faith in the Medical Industrial Complex. So, we understand what you are going through. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
My condolences, Fren.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️
(((Big Hugs))) Prayers for you and yours.
Thank you 🙏
My cat was having problems breathing. Turned out to be a tooth abscess, which caused a sinus infection that invaded the brain. The vetinary doc fixed it by removing the tooth and giving me antibiotics to force down the cat's throat. (Grab her by the scruff of the neck and use tweezers!)
Anyway, that's incidental because a subsequent x-ray showed a tumor on the cat's lung. The vet sent her home to die, with instructions for me to "bring her back when you want us to put her down".
That was a month ago. Since then, I've been sprinkling fenbendazole powder and powdered Ivermectin (human) pill on her food (alternating with Saturdays off). Guessing the dosage is tricky but she ain't died yet!
She's looking healthier with every passing week. Time will tell but she looks fine right now.
Sorry about your stepfather. When people put their faith in alopathic medicine, there's not a lot you can do. Thankfully, our cat hates doctors a lot more than she hates me.
By the way, for the record, Fenben powder dissolves nicely in butter and is tasteless. I'm not sure if Iver dissolves in butter (haven't tried it) but it might.