Conspiracy Theory 101. The more they deny something that is obviously real, the more strenuously they will call it a conspiracy theory, Russian disinformation, etc.
That laptop has been in Fed custody so long, I'll be amazed if it even fires up... and if it does, pretty sure it has a slightly used hard drive installed, probably full of Martha Stewart home improvement videos and cooking shows. What it likely doesn't have is anything incriminating on our favorite criminal cartel. (the Bidens).
Word is he gave a copy to Hannity, which if true, then why wasn't Hannity going full beast mode and exposing the Bidens on his TV show? trust Hannity???
This is absolutely true. I remember it very well. I followed many channels that were discussing Q, the upcoming elections, and the Hunter Biden Laptop fiasco. And suddenly overnight, every single channel I followed was gone.
I remember going through my list to see who was removed and the number on YouTube alone was close to 100 channels!
It was a Dictator-like purging that erased YouTube and Fakebook accounts that had years worth of work and hundreds if not thousands of popular, educational videos destroyed, including the important comment sections which were extensive.
This also cut off the Channel owners' ability to contact their followers who in some cases numbered in the millions!
This 'PURGE' was done to silence Truth Tellers and destroy financially any person or entity that did not support the corrupt Joe Biden/Obama cabal.
Will these guilty parties ever be held responsible for what they did?
I don't know if they ever said it was Russian disinformation. They did say it was the same as Russian disinformation. They stated it differently but claimed it is like Russian disinformation.
I of course could be wrong but that is what I remembered
Wow, I almost forgot all about Praying Medic! We followed each other on my original twatter that got zapped in 2020
He is on Telegram. I still follow him.
Conspiracy Theory 101. The more they deny something that is obviously real, the more strenuously they will call it a conspiracy theory, Russian disinformation, etc.
They do protest too much, methinks. . .
All the criminlas are still free.
That laptop has been in Fed custody so long, I'll be amazed if it even fires up... and if it does, pretty sure it has a slightly used hard drive installed, probably full of Martha Stewart home improvement videos and cooking shows. What it likely doesn't have is anything incriminating on our favorite criminal cartel. (the Bidens).
Rudy has a copy. 😃
Word is he gave a copy to Hannity, which if true, then why wasn't Hannity going full beast mode and exposing the Bidens on his TV show? trust Hannity???
Good question.
Someone turned it into a Book....
This is absolutely true. I remember it very well. I followed many channels that were discussing Q, the upcoming elections, and the Hunter Biden Laptop fiasco. And suddenly overnight, every single channel I followed was gone.
I remember going through my list to see who was removed and the number on YouTube alone was close to 100 channels!
It was a Dictator-like purging that erased YouTube and Fakebook accounts that had years worth of work and hundreds if not thousands of popular, educational videos destroyed, including the important comment sections which were extensive.
This also cut off the Channel owners' ability to contact their followers who in some cases numbered in the millions!
This 'PURGE' was done to silence Truth Tellers and destroy financially any person or entity that did not support the corrupt Joe Biden/Obama cabal.
Will these guilty parties ever be held responsible for what they did?
I don't know if they ever said it was Russian disinformation. They did say it was the same as Russian disinformation. They stated it differently but claimed it is like Russian disinformation. I of course could be wrong but that is what I remembered
That’s called creating plausible deniability where I come from
No question about it. It was so obvious I was suprised that nobody was talking about it at the time
Looks like the White Hats is in full control now.
I still want Epstein's blackmail videos released.
And thank God for dumpster diving junkies who always have the beat on who’s throwing what into a public garbage can 😂 🚮
Hunters laptop hasn’t smashed itself to death in an evidence locker yet
Too many people have copies of it, so there's no point in that.
You know what to do
What is the sentence for violation of human rights to free speech?