I've been noticing, for a couple months, when I really relax and settle down I can feel, I believe, my pineal gland vibrating; I notice it when it stops or pauses and then it starts back up. It's pleasant... it's definitely not unpleasant. It's just so subtle I almost didn't notice. Now that I noticed it, I notice it a lot. Has anybody else ever experience this? If you don't know what I'm talking about, please leave the shill comments at the door.
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Ummm, were you in your massage recliner? /sarc 😂🤣😂
Ever seen brain surgery on an awake person ? Like in Silence of the Lambs
Brain has no sensory nerves-- no feeling
Massage Chair most logical or muscle twitching
HEY...You think that might be it?? ... :O LOL Loved the sarc!
Mine shriveled up and died years ago from fluoride calcification.
It doesn’t shrivel up, it’s just calcified, which means it can be decalcified.
I have been meditating for years, with a focus on the pineal gland area - the “seat of the soul”, or “the third eye” which guides us intuitively, but have not experienced any type of vibration of the gland, that I noticed anyway. That’s very interesting, Nana - perhaps your pineal gland is expanding?
Maybe 🤷♀️. It's very pleasant.
I was not aware that ANY gland in the body could "vibrate" except for the obvious vibrations of the atoms that make up that gland. Maybe what you're experiencing has something to do with the Schumann Resonance, which has been very active lately. https://in5d.com/todays-live-schumann-resonance-charts-and-resources/
I know at times it's hard to put into words things that are experiential. I do experience what could be called vibrating in the area of the pineal gland. It's like a ball of tightness.
I've never experienced it physically vibrating personally.
Are you saying that you feel an actual vibration or buzzing? Or would you say it was more of a visual pulse? The 3rd eye will "pulse" and not everyone has 3rd eye visualization capabilities (because they haven't developed them to a degree) - So I'm wondering if you're getting the pulse, but not the visual feedback. FYI - Energy naturally pulses into your head/crown and down/around the front of your body, under your feet and up the back of your body - then over your head and it cycles over and over like that every few seconds. You can see this "flash" if you pay attention to it and you're quiet enough.
I've meditated for so long with the intention of focusing my consciousness in my third eye such that, when I close my eyes now, I see pulses of colored shapes projected a few feet in front of my face in about 15-20 seconds. (Which is "neat", but trippy visuals is simply a side effect, not a goal...for me at least) The pulses occur about every 2-3 seconds...like going down a tunnel.
Have a look at how to clean your third eye and balance that chakra. I simply use the chakra in the palm of my hand and "scrub" in a circular motion about 1-2" in front of the forehead. (clockwise pushes energy; CCW pulls energy) You can also "pull things out" also using your palm chakra - but do it slowly - it's often thick/sticky/heavy energy that will "snap off" if you pull it out too fast. Try it. See if you can get the sensation of the energy being pulled out & the rubber band like tension while doing it...
The 3rd eye is the "energy chimney" of your body. If you've every been to a doctor that does applied kinesiology, the very first thing he'll do is test your 3ed eye reflex (it's not called that btw) - to see if your body is electric, so that he can continue checking your body's electrical reflexes.
Anyway...I was just wondering if you had a blockage causing you to experience a vibration sensation...All this stuff/energy is VERY subtle. I think this is why most people can't relate and ridicule...You can't be heavy handed or you just won't get it.
I could listen to you all day. I’ve never been so excited to find or “see” that pulsing light when I focus at night closing my eyes and “looking” between my eyebrows. I couldn’t believe it and still can’t. Sometimes tho barely see that little light, sometimes not at all. Makes me wonder why that is when it’s completely absent.
Right now, I’m just doing little mini meditations and trying to understand what I’ve never considered before to be true. It’s crazy but a delight for me. My latest fascination are tuning forks. I have one now, a weighted one at 93.96 HZ which is the earth frequency or the Schumann Resonance (B flat I think) I activate it and start my personal session with applying it to my forehead. So soothing to feel and hear that.
Follow your intuition...and have fun exploring.
Remember one thing though...The truth is within yourself & not "out there"...I say that because many think astral travel etc is where it's at. It has its uses, but the ultimate "achievement" if you want to call it that, and the focus and goal of every eastern religion and meditation, is to get quiet. Get as completely empty as you can and pay zero attention to what your non-stop mind has to say. Give it no attention. It's the simplest, yet most challenging thing there is for most.
If you're able to keep quiet, you will discover your own eternal nature...not believe it, know it. You will achieve Christ consciousness...
If you're open minded and both mature enough and ready for it, you may find watching/listening to any satsang by Mooji on YT an excellent pointing for your own journey. It's void of religion, politics and bs...Listen until you get it. I used to fall asleep to it for a few months...then I really got it. Not everyone is ready for it though...
Is 94 Hz close enough? My tone generator app doesn’t do fractions of Hz.
What happened is I noticed it when I'd lay down at night. I didn't notice the vibration until it stopped and paused briefly,, and then it slowly built back up. It's incredibly subtle and I'm actually surprised I even noticed it. I've been meditating and working on things like this for years and I thought this was a really unique happening. Thank you for your input.
Do you get the "goosebumps" feel but more intensely and throughout body?
Also when meditating are you able to "dip out" of co sciousness and come back intuitively at the end of the meditation?
Check out these videos, i would even say next opportunity when you wake up, before any real thoughts circulate, hop onto this channel and go thru a guided meditation or affifmation.
God Bless You on your journey!
I've been experiencing something similar. Try listening to singling bowls or tuning forks on youtube. I know youtube sucks, but there is still a lot of interesting stuff on there that can't be found elsewhere. Just make sure you have uBlock Origin browser extension installed so you won't get any interruptions while meditating.
When I relax deeply while listening to these tones through headphones, I can strongly feel the vibrations in my body from head to toe. It's like sympathetic resonance. Something inside me tunes in to the tone I'm listening to. I find pure tones work best.. no birds chirping or waves crashing. Gongs are cool too depending on how they are played. The deeper you can let go, the more pronounced the feeling.
Excellent. Thank you.
Felt it before
You want to feel something wild? When you feel it start to pulse, put a piece of amethyst right in front of your 3rd eye.
Hmmm 🤷♀️👍
My Favorite is reclining, freeing my mind, and concentrating on Deep Breathing - it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which takes us out of fight or flight (the sympathetic nervous system). Gets the Vagus Nerve involved, probably increases dopamine...If ya do it right..feels like your soul is getting tickled...in a Good Way!
Never felt that before though, a couple years ago now, I woke up and got up to take dog out for early morning business and everything was silent, too silent.. was a great feeling but, ominous, all at once and lasted for about an hour before the normal background noises of everyday life, most we dont even realize are there, returned. I could hear my voice very clearly, could hear my dogs nails click on the floor very well but, there was just an absence of the random background noises and static and everything as if was out in the middle of nowhere with no civilization around and the entire area was covered in soft snow.. Oo.
Look up what supplements and vitamins will help decalcify or clean up your pineal gland. They make a noticeable difference.
Im not sure what it was but a few months ago I had this weird brown mucus plug come out of my nose that felt like it was deep in my sinuses. It was followed by 2-3 oz of extremely salty brown fluid over the course of a day or so. Came after about a year of massive semen rentention. Felt like an orgasm in my sinus and my ability to think really cleared up. Something opened that felt like a gland because after that i had a black circle over my vision for a while. During this time I had some interesting life changing events and i woke up feeling like the michael Douglas in Falling Dwon. I was tossed into a cave for 72 hours guarded by a man named Hesus, missed my daughters birthday party, ran into death and his gang of marauders, preached the gnostic gospel and got stabbed by an illegal in a homeless camp, all in a pair of sandals! Its all good now though, i have better mental acuity than ever, i dont pine for anything, and im back in my house!
My wife says it definitely wasnt a cerebrospinal fluid leak due to my hydraulic buildup of excess seminal fluid and years worth of fasting. So I guess we can rule that out. Has anyone else ever experienced this? What about visitations a la the book of Wisdom? Anybody? Bueller? 👍
When I meditate I can see colors from the third eye. White and blue colors. Like the last 3 seconds of an old CRT TV turning off.
Take some magic mushrooms and walk in Nature. That will get your pineal gland connected to the organic matrix.