🔥🚨BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: I have been given confirmation from an internal source that Arizona Democrat Senator Mark Kelly “has been approached by the DNC to step up for President and he has their support.”
I understand how crazy this sounds. I wouldn’t post this unless it came from a VERY close sourc
🤡 DNC Clown World 🌎
Outside of Arizona and this community, who even knows this guy?
Might be by design… every well known democrat is toxic, dare I say radioactive. Often in polling a hypothetical candidate will do better than any of the actual ones… they may be hoping an unknown candidate might get that effect in real life. (I doubt it though)
He was radio-active at one time. Maybe 10 years ago or so.
He did lower his profile significantly since then and peoples' short-term internet-memory has allowed him to successfully do so.
He's Gabby Gilford's husband. Everyone knows her, He's running on her coattails.
Ya mean....
Coat - TITS !!!!
His bald head resemble her faded sun drenched
Raisin Nipples...
The size of Hub caps !!!!
Got this ⬆⬆⬆⬆
From a Re LIE able sauce.....
Ummm source known as only
Old Vodka Titz !!!
Hes an astronaut who did a famous study with his twin brother on the effects of space. Hes all over one of the Science channel space shows. Many people know who he is.
He looks like he's from outer space.
I bet you most people in Arizona don’t even know this guy. It’s not like he’s No Name who was Senator for decades. People don’t realize how much name ID you need to run for President. They could never run a guy like this with 4 months to go. Newsom and Whitmer also fit in this category. The only answer is Hillary Clinton.
Obummer pulled it off without much name ID.
And there was election tampering too. Check the Philadelphia results: https://www.inquirer.com/philly/news/politics/20121112_In_59_Philadelphia_voting_wards__Mitt_Romney_got_zero_votes.html
But remember, you weren't allowed to say anything negative to or about Fauxbama. He had carte blanche (!). That helped a lot.
I agree, Newsom and Whitmer seem like no brainers (pun intended) for the DNC to foist into the national spotlight
Obama gave a speech at the DNC and was instantly a celebrity.
Vote blue, no matter who.
Nope to the nope nope nope.