He's considered a moderate who wants more dialogue with the West and wants what's best for the people. He beat his hard-liner opposition by more than 2 million votes. But, he has said that he won't be going against the Khamenei. No doubt it will be a wait-and-see situation.
Short of the peace sign, so far I haven't found any pictures of him flashing any other symbols(not even by adding the word illuminati to the search on several search-engines).....
Every now and then, roughly about every 10 yrs or so, the Ayatollah will allow a reformist type to become "President" just for appearance's sake. But remember, there is absolutely NOTHING that happens politically anywhere in Iran without the Ayatollah's explicit blessings. Khameini is still in full control and will remain in full control until The People decide to do something about it.
Gosh Dang it! Can we afford to pay THIS GUY pallets of cash?? The Iran 'deal' surely has a clause where that the deal resets when newly elected cabal puppets take over? Maybe Iran grabs a couple hostages? Deals a deal. They need to save our dimocracy. /s
Good or bad?
He's considered a moderate who wants more dialogue with the West and wants what's best for the people. He beat his hard-liner opposition by more than 2 million votes. But, he has said that he won't be going against the Khamenei. No doubt it will be a wait-and-see situation.
The Khameni is getting on in years (born 1939) so I guess the new guy can just wait and won't necessarily have to "go against him".
That’s what I am trying to figure out.
Short of the peace sign, so far I haven't found any pictures of him flashing any other symbols(not even by adding the word illuminati to the search on several search-engines).....
..cautiously optimistic
The second photo in the news shows a woman without rags on her head and smiling, he may possibly change some of Iran's radical policies.
I just hope they aren't new feminazi policies.
For some reason I'm getting Obrador vibes... i.e. he's good for Iran like Obrador was good for Mexico.
Although, how much power does the president really have vs mullahs?
Every now and then, roughly about every 10 yrs or so, the Ayatollah will allow a reformist type to become "President" just for appearance's sake. But remember, there is absolutely NOTHING that happens politically anywhere in Iran without the Ayatollah's explicit blessings. Khameini is still in full control and will remain in full control until The People decide to do something about it.
Well, I'm totally shocked and utterly surprised.
Gosh Dang it! Can we afford to pay THIS GUY pallets of cash?? The Iran 'deal' surely has a clause where that the deal resets when newly elected cabal puppets take over? Maybe Iran grabs a couple hostages? Deals a deal. They need to save our dimocracy. /s
Wiki recently edited, and very vague. But, it appears that he is part of the Iranian theocratic establishment so, I expect business as usual from him.
I wish nothing but peace to the Persian people....I hope they find it.....
Although he is a raging lefty roy casagranda, his speech on contemporary Iran really makes you understand the happenings there.
vax mandate in 3...2...1...