I'll go one further. Satan is supportive of Islam and all other false religions. The proof of this is the attacks on Jesus and his followers while other religions are spared. Think how often people curse Jesus and think how drawing a cartoon of Mohammed gets you killed.
Does anyone else find it "funny" how Obongo was groomed by princess Dopey (paid for his Harvard education) - who also funded HUMA (Harvard University Muslim Assholes) - AND the "other" Huma (weiner laptop) of musloom brotherhood fame, AND mooslims are anti-gay - but we all KNOW big Mike is a tranny, sporting an Alabama black snake...
rules for thee, not for me. those pigs, arab men, rape little boys all the time. then go home to beat and rape their wives. maybe throw a little acid in their face while they are at it.
how can liberals respect and desire this kind of religion??
let a feminist live in an Arab country for a week and see how long before they are screaming to come back to the great USA.
In Abrahamic religions, eating pig flesh is clearly forbidden by Jewish ( kashrut ), Islamic ( halal) and Christian Adventist ( kosher animals) dietary laws. Although Christianity is also an Abrahamic religion, most of its adherents do not follow these aspects of Mosaic law and do consume its meat.
The top consumer of pork in 2021 continued to be China, including its special economic regions Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China, whose consumption were approximately 61, 52, and 37 kg/inhabitant, respectively.
And interesting Proposal from an Anthropologist. Suggests that Islams and Judaisms problems with Pork. Stem from the tendency of Pork to spoil particularly quickly in Desert environments.
And it eventually morphed into a part of religious belief. Even though it originally began as a survival tactic to avoid sickness.
I’d be curious to know how much of what we regard as religious tradition and Dogma. Whether in Christianity or some other faith. Originally was done for some other reason or purpose. And Time and fading memories eventually saw it morph into religious traditions and Dogma.
When it’s origins were far more mundane and motivated by necessity. Rather than divine revelation
One of the most profound Q posts, IMO. This is key. We have to unite. We need to convince the lost ones that we are all on the same side- the side of humanity as a whole. On God’s side. We are ALL His children. One of my hardest tasks as a Christian is to pray for our enemies and mean it. I am still working at this. It’s a journey, for sure.
Thank you. Listening to her now. I heard her years ago when there were several internet sites where you could find information about the belief and practice and their history. Those sites have disappeared.
Maybe D should be "Sex with an infant" rather than "Marrying a child"—in most US states it's legal for minors to marry:
4 states have no official minimum marriage age, but still require either parental consent, court approval or both: California, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Oklahoma.
2 states have a minimum age of 15: Hawaii and Kansas.
21 states have a minimum age of 16.
10 states have a minimum age of 17.
Interesting but WTF: In Delaware, the age of consent was 10 years until 1871, when it was lowered to 7 years. Under the 1871 law, the penalty for sex with a girl below the age of consent was death.[9]
In 1880, 37 states set the age of consent at 10 years, 10 states set an age of consent at 12 years, and Delaware had an age of consent of 7 years.[13][14][15]
Totally made up man made bondage. God saves to the uttermost and Christ works were perfect and complete in our behalf. Not believing that is the sin (separation from God).
The name Christ is the title Jesus earned for himself. It's THE name above all names, there is none other under heaven and earth whereby man must be saved.
According to Islam and also unfortunately according to the Old Testament.
The real sin is the lack of moral evolution "to modern standards" in the former...
Also unfortunate is that "to modern standards" is quite a non-sequitur.
The pieces on the (WW3) chessboard are aligning in such a way that political Zionism and Islamic fundamentalism, along with the teachings of the "deep church" will mutually destroy each other.
Islam is evil. Personally I think that’s why the Left is so supportive of Islam. They all serve the same unseen master…
I'll go one further. Satan is supportive of Islam and all other false religions. The proof of this is the attacks on Jesus and his followers while other religions are spared. Think how often people curse Jesus and think how drawing a cartoon of Mohammed gets you killed.
You could be on to something there. This totalitarian creed, not religion, has killing everyone not in the club what their idol asks of them.
Good analysis. False religion.
Remember the co-e×$!$÷ B.S. bumper stickers. With all the beheadings how's that working out for you Britain?
E: Phucking Goats
NO. Have you heard about what the soldiers have seen in Afghanistan?
I personally know a vet who's seen such act's in said country.
And he isn't one to tell tales...Nor am I...
Yep, 2 of my sons served in the Army, 1 in Iraq, the other in Afghanistan. Goats, donkeys, they're all up for grabs. Eyewitness testimony from both.
At least they leave the chickens alone, or do they?
"Chickens die after sex, at least that is my experience"
First I heard. Is this real?
Except on chicken 🐔 f*** Fridays not to be confused with man love Mondays.
Never heard about chicken
little boys as well.
I believe it's common in most of the 3rd world. Mexico has a well known donkey problem also. Rural Mexico I should say.
No deer. To high. Run too fast..........................................
I read some of the biographies. Everything up for grab. I have not heard chickens.
Christianity is a sin to them. They believe in their “peace” - just as the Democratic Party believes in their “democracy”
Most likely true. They only believe that Christ is a prophet and after Christ, another prophet named Mohamed.
And they are proud of their so called pedo god.
Of course.
How to further condemn a Muslim?
kill him with a bullet made of pigskin.
Bacon grease in the hollow point always seemed it would nullify the 72 virgin reward.
Does anyone else find it "funny" how Obongo was groomed by princess Dopey (paid for his Harvard education) - who also funded HUMA (Harvard University Muslim Assholes) - AND the "other" Huma (weiner laptop) of musloom brotherhood fame, AND mooslims are anti-gay - but we all KNOW big Mike is a tranny, sporting an Alabama black snake...
rules for thee, not for me. those pigs, arab men, rape little boys all the time. then go home to beat and rape their wives. maybe throw a little acid in their face while they are at it.
how can liberals respect and desire this kind of religion??
let a feminist live in an Arab country for a week and see how long before they are screaming to come back to the great USA.
Sounds about right. They are screwed up, morally. And if I may say: Bacon is a blessing! It makes us happy wherever it appears!
Bacon is meat candy...
Amen to that.
And interesting Proposal from an Anthropologist. Suggests that Islams and Judaisms problems with Pork. Stem from the tendency of Pork to spoil particularly quickly in Desert environments.
And it eventually morphed into a part of religious belief. Even though it originally began as a survival tactic to avoid sickness.
I heard about that one also.
I’d be curious to know how much of what we regard as religious tradition and Dogma. Whether in Christianity or some other faith. Originally was done for some other reason or purpose. And Time and fading memories eventually saw it morph into religious traditions and Dogma.
When it’s origins were far more mundane and motivated by necessity. Rather than divine revelation
One day we shall know. It would be glorious.
Also, it tends to depend on who's doing it.
There's a difference?
One of the most profound Q posts, IMO. This is key. We have to unite. We need to convince the lost ones that we are all on the same side- the side of humanity as a whole. On God’s side. We are ALL His children. One of my hardest tasks as a Christian is to pray for our enemies and mean it. I am still working at this. It’s a journey, for sure.
Hard as heck, but true.
Thanks for the reminder.
You sure?
Been watching Douglas Murray debates. Recommend for elementary information about beliefs and practice of Islam.
Just go to Ann Barnhardt on YT on Islam. You will be forever changed, and enlightened.
Thank you. Listening to her now. I heard her years ago when there were several internet sites where you could find information about the belief and practice and their history. Those sites have disappeared.
Thank you. I will do that.
Thank you.
Great meme
Maybe D should be "Sex with an infant" rather than "Marrying a child"—in most US states it's legal for minors to marry:
4 states have no official minimum marriage age, but still require either parental consent, court approval or both: California, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Oklahoma.
2 states have a minimum age of 15: Hawaii and Kansas.
21 states have a minimum age of 16.
10 states have a minimum age of 17.
Interesting but WTF: In Delaware, the age of consent was 10 years until 1871, when it was lowered to 7 years. Under the 1871 law, the penalty for sex with a girl below the age of consent was death.[9]
In 1880, 37 states set the age of consent at 10 years, 10 states set an age of consent at 12 years, and Delaware had an age of consent of 7 years.[13][14][15]
EDIT: LOL @ actually feeling the need to downvote factual data - KEK!
I understand what you mean. LOL
I came for the comments. PLease clap.
Totally made up man made bondage. God saves to the uttermost and Christ works were perfect and complete in our behalf. Not believing that is the sin (separation from God).
The name Christ is the title Jesus earned for himself. It's THE name above all names, there is none other under heaven and earth whereby man must be saved.
Christ is the risen one. HE LIVES.
To me it is true.
Wives often deserve to be hit.
According to Islam and also unfortunately according to the Old Testament.
The real sin is the lack of moral evolution "to modern standards" in the former...
Also unfortunate is that "to modern standards" is quite a non-sequitur.
The pieces on the (WW3) chessboard are aligning in such a way that political Zionism and Islamic fundamentalism, along with the teachings of the "deep church" will mutually destroy each other.
Would be me too.