I swear sometimes people don't think critically. Why would the FBI director sit behind the president during perhaps the most publicized event since 2001? It never made sense. She's just going to sit behind the president and what she expected to be the most infamous event since 9/11, or she would be directly in the photos?
No shit! Who in their right mind would volunteer to sit behind a "live" target? A million things could go so wrong as a few audience members found out first hand.
Candace is a fucking retard for even entertaining such a thought.
She is not your typical Trump supporter. She is weird, and the Secret Service is probably watching to make sure she got a heart video of President Trump getting his head blown off.
This woman wore a cross necklace and the black hat says "Jesus supports Trump" or something along that line. If that woman isn't Janeen, she could just be a fearless Jesus loving patriot who wants to film it all in the moment?
"She made tiktoks about her presence there" and "I'm not going to name her because she's a private citizen" is an interesting conclusion. What about sharing her tiktok then?
She was excited she was sitting so close to the incident and recording it.
I notice this affliction everywhere. Like when someone is being beat to a bloody pulp in the street and the bystanders sit there recording on their phones
Major weight difference in the face. The face is the last place one looses weight if ever. Look at the jaw lines. Amazing transformation if this is true. I am not saying she's FBI but based on the reaction during the shots and not worshipping Candace as so many seem to do, this still deserves some attention.
So we're looking into Babuchka 2.0, now, heh..... Heads up: the first one was Philippine Rothschild. They find ways to see these events as their own triumph. That's why they show up when they have something planned.
She is not a Trump supporter. Never has been. She is an enigma to me. Maybe she is a patriotic self thinking woman who just has her beliefs. No person on this Earth gets a free pass to not be questioned. Not even President Trump. I don't dislike her. I certainly don't giver her any more credence than I would give any of you on this board. I treat everything as a hypothesis. Let's test the ideas to refine the truth out of them. Create strong theories and try to prove them wrong.
Exactly!! Think for yourself. Candace is just another voice and has her own opinion. Her ideas carry NO more weight than you or I. I for one would take her solitary voice on this as a reason to dig further. We are surrounded by voices we should not be trusting. Anyone can be compromised.
Whoever she is, she was acting very odd for the situation. Did Candace find out anything more?
The smirk when bullets start flying. I believe it's called "micro-expressions". It's a good way to tell what a person is really thinking.
Watch, "Lie To Me."
That was a good show. You can learn a lot of technical details from it.
The woman got in touch with Candace. The hubby showed me and now I'm trying to find that link. If you can search on X
I swear sometimes people don't think critically. Why would the FBI director sit behind the president during perhaps the most publicized event since 2001? It never made sense. She's just going to sit behind the president and what she expected to be the most infamous event since 9/11, or she would be directly in the photos?
Idiotic shit. This is what we call Truth Social handfuls vs. QResearch digging.
That was one of my key questions. There is no way I'd want to be on video, but also there is no way I would want to be in the field of fire.
With that said, I would like to know if this person has any connections we need to investigate, etc. Because her behavior was very odd.
No shit! Who in their right mind would volunteer to sit behind a "live" target? A million things could go so wrong as a few audience members found out first hand.
Candace is a fucking retard for even entertaining such a thought.
She is not your typical Trump supporter. She is weird, and the Secret Service is probably watching to make sure she got a heart video of President Trump getting his head blown off.
This woman wore a cross necklace and the black hat says "Jesus supports Trump" or something along that line. If that woman isn't Janeen, she could just be a fearless Jesus loving patriot who wants to film it all in the moment?
This is a clear picture of her
Hat says "Jesus is my savior Trump is my president"
This is it I think
Secret service is watching? No worries then.
"She made tiktoks about her presence there" and "I'm not going to name her because she's a private citizen" is an interesting conclusion. What about sharing her tiktok then?
Honestly, as sketchy as she appears, I think she genuinely was just trying to document what has happening, even if she wasn’t exactly sure what.
Think Zapruder (?) did in Dallas???
Her actions are all tiktok'd up
She was excited she was sitting so close to the incident and recording it.
I notice this affliction everywhere. Like when someone is being beat to a bloody pulp in the street and the bystanders sit there recording on their phones
Major weight difference in the face. The face is the last place one looses weight if ever. Look at the jaw lines. Amazing transformation if this is true. I am not saying she's FBI but based on the reaction during the shots and not worshipping Candace as so many seem to do, this still deserves some attention.
I'm confused. Since when do we take what someone says at face value and just accept it?
The woman doesn't even remotely look like Diguisepppi. That was my initial thought. I agree her actions are strange though.
source: dude trust me
I'm here to say Thomas Mathew Crooks is a private citizen. So case closed.
bullshit, it doesnt fit our government bad narrative, so, no, we will not believe it.
Candace…”trust me”.
So we're looking into Babuchka 2.0, now, heh..... Heads up: the first one was Philippine Rothschild. They find ways to see these events as their own triumph. That's why they show up when they have something planned.
Candace is compromised.
She is not a Trump supporter. Never has been. She is an enigma to me. Maybe she is a patriotic self thinking woman who just has her beliefs. No person on this Earth gets a free pass to not be questioned. Not even President Trump. I don't dislike her. I certainly don't giver her any more credence than I would give any of you on this board. I treat everything as a hypothesis. Let's test the ideas to refine the truth out of them. Create strong theories and try to prove them wrong.
Seems so.
Exactly!! Think for yourself. Candace is just another voice and has her own opinion. Her ideas carry NO more weight than you or I. I for one would take her solitary voice on this as a reason to dig further. We are surrounded by voices we should not be trusting. Anyone can be compromised.