I believe that the BLASPHEMOUS olympic opening ceremony is not going to have the effect they they hoped for. Instead of advancing their agenda, this could be the beginning of the end for them. Lady Liberty may have been an Illuminati "finger in the eye" to America, but for millions of immigrants coming to America...my Great Grand Parents being in that group, first sight of The Lady was a promise of a new life in a new and free land. Another monumental backfire, I'm ok with.
But "IsNotReal"'s post has merit. This Statue, and the poem that accompanies it, are more Communist and Occult (I repeat myself) than they are American.
Your ancestors' experience is respected and indeed revered. Many have a similar story.
They continue to push. And they get away with it most times. I believe their goal is to practice their evil openly, everywhere. They run the world, but have had to hide who they are. Once they can practice openly. They will begin to kill Christians just for existing.
Not gonna stop til the thermite cuts her off at the cankles. Then we can talk about saving REAL liberty. Can't wait to see that transgender freemason statue falling down
Even on here, people don’t know, and don’t know why they CURSED us with this abomination. I agree, it was hard to break past the emotional sentiment and recognize reality for what it was.
Unlike the commies, we will request it be taken down lawfully.
Here’s the million dollar question, how would that happen?
Who even owns it? This needs a dig.
Numbers 33:52: then you shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and destroy all their figured stones, and destroy all their molten images, and demolish all their high places:
Truth is Truth. Statue of Liberty is one of the high places the Bible refers to.
The questions would be in how we approach anything. The Muslims, understandably, took a lot of global criticism for their actions on the Buddhas. I myself was unsupportive of it at the time. Yet many of those same people are currently celebrating men and women mutilating their genitals and dancing nude in public in front of children, … so there’s that, but … were those things allowed to happen because we’ve accepted idolatry to be in our midsts?
We should very seriously consider this and how these issues could be approached, and what the lines should be.
A lot of people would say “but I don’t worship the statue of liberty!”
Yes, nobody goes there and prostrates themselves and kisses its feet, BUT, if some country were to attack and destroy it, and only it, would many people not consider the destruction of a statute to be worthy of spilling blood? Is that not a declaration of reverence and worth-ship?
Would that not be spilling blood because a statue demanded it? Shouldn’t that be wrong? Which is greater, the stone or the life?
These are important questions. I don’t claim to have firm answers.
The crucifixion invented to produce fear,produced the greatest faith movement this world has ever seen. What the enemy produced for evil ,God has used for our salvation. It is truly marvelous to behold. Everything the devil uses backwards on him,the disgrace at the Olympics will be no different. "All things work for the good of them that love the Lord"
I believe that the BLASPHEMOUS olympic opening ceremony is not going to have the effect they they hoped for. Instead of advancing their agenda, this could be the beginning of the end for them. Lady Liberty may have been an Illuminati "finger in the eye" to America, but for millions of immigrants coming to America...my Great Grand Parents being in that group, first sight of The Lady was a promise of a new life in a new and free land. Another monumental backfire, I'm ok with.
To the Pure all things are Pure.
But "IsNotReal"'s post has merit. This Statue, and the poem that accompanies it, are more Communist and Occult (I repeat myself) than they are American.
Your ancestors' experience is respected and indeed revered. Many have a similar story.
Hence my Bible quote. ;)
Which I am sure you caught.
Be in the world, but not of the world.
....heard that somewhere this morning 🤔....oh yeah, church! kek!
Thank you...took me a while to write that....I had something in my eye.
They continue to push. And they get away with it most times. I believe their goal is to practice their evil openly, everywhere. They run the world, but have had to hide who they are. Once they can practice openly. They will begin to kill Christians just for existing.
Not gonna stop til the thermite cuts her off at the cankles. Then we can talk about saving REAL liberty. Can't wait to see that transgender freemason statue falling down
Even on here, people don’t know, and don’t know why they CURSED us with this abomination. I agree, it was hard to break past the emotional sentiment and recognize reality for what it was.
Unlike the commies, we will request it be taken down lawfully.
Here’s the million dollar question, how would that happen?
Who even owns it? This needs a dig.
Numbers 33:52: then you shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and destroy all their figured stones, and destroy all their molten images, and demolish all their high places:
Came in to say exactly this.
As long as there are great American Patriots, Lady Liberty will never die.
Oh, you bet your ass....but seeing her like this really took my breath away.
Wow! That hits right to the core!
Came here to say this.
Walking Liberty vs dying liberty.
Prophetic word on the rebirth of America. Look what he says about America.
Is that smoke coming off of her knee?
Looks to me like it's her torch, extingushed but still smoldering.
Oh I see it now! The soldier has his hand around the torch.
She's already dead and back from the grave.
Goddess Liberty is a False masonic goddess.
Downdoots should have to make their case.
Truth is Truth. Statue of Liberty is one of the high places the Bible refers to.
The questions would be in how we approach anything. The Muslims, understandably, took a lot of global criticism for their actions on the Buddhas. I myself was unsupportive of it at the time. Yet many of those same people are currently celebrating men and women mutilating their genitals and dancing nude in public in front of children, … so there’s that, but … were those things allowed to happen because we’ve accepted idolatry to be in our midsts?
We should very seriously consider this and how these issues could be approached, and what the lines should be.
A lot of people would say “but I don’t worship the statue of liberty!”
Yes, nobody goes there and prostrates themselves and kisses its feet, BUT, if some country were to attack and destroy it, and only it, would many people not consider the destruction of a statute to be worthy of spilling blood? Is that not a declaration of reverence and worth-ship?
Would that not be spilling blood because a statue demanded it? Shouldn’t that be wrong? Which is greater, the stone or the life?
These are important questions. I don’t claim to have firm answers.
The crucifixion invented to produce fear,produced the greatest faith movement this world has ever seen. What the enemy produced for evil ,God has used for our salvation. It is truly marvelous to behold. Everything the devil uses backwards on him,the disgrace at the Olympics will be no different. "All things work for the good of them that love the Lord"
The military MUST step in, as we have seen the courts (most of them) won't settle anything and will let all the corruption go on.
Ah yes the original ode to trannies. Our beloved Apollo statue celebrated as a female. Wouldn’t want anything to happen to it… lol