Why do you think you can make such a determination personally? Why do you believe that this isn't simply evidence you worship your own mind instead of an external, objective God?
If you can't comprehend the 'why' questions, maybe you shouldn't be telling people they have little heads.
This 'why' in particular is the most fundamental question that separates Catholicism from Protestantism. It's the single most important question to answer. If you don't have an answer, you don't have a real reason for being sure in your belief regarding Protestantism vs Catholicism.
Personally, my answer is quite clear: If I went back to being a Protestant, it'd be me worshiping my own mind over any external, objective truth.
Complete misunderstanding of what Christ taught about the church. If Jesus walked into "St. Peter's Basilica" what would he say, "Oh my good and faithful servents, thank you for this!"??
edit- ok downvoters what do you think Jesus would say if he walked up in there?
...He'd appreciate beauty like all right-minded people do
Of course. I was illustrating a point of priority and drawing a contrast. Think of the scripture where Christ chastizes the religious leaders, using the parable about the inside and outside of a cup in Luke 11:39.
What I don't think He'd do is walk in and start telling everyone that they're "doing it wrong" for making beautiful things in His name.
😂 No, he wouldn't. He'd tell them that they're doing it wrong for a myriad of other, more important reasons, just as He did during His earthly ministry!
I also think you worship your own mind over an external, objective God
Well you certainly have the right to think that of me and I wish that I could've presented myself better than for you to conclude it. For what it's worth, a brief bit about my walk of faith:
I was born again when I first heard the Gospel, and I mean really heard it, not the usual confusing wash of dogma I had heard growing up. The immediate words that spilled out of my mouth were "That's who Jesus is?!", followed by a period of the most intense crying (joyous) I had ever experienced. I quite literally learned "who Jesus was" and what it meant, what He did, and that I didn't have to worry about going to hell anymore because He saved me, I just didn't KNOW it, despite being inundated with the aformentioned wash of dogmas. None of that stuff ever really made any sense at all to me, and the concept of the next life terrified me.
What took place over the following years was an almost rabid quest for more. I was absolutely engrossed. I looked here, there, and everywhere for more information about Jesus, Christianity, prophecy, do's and don'ts, which church to go to, which ones to avoid, what different verses and words meant, the identities of various people in scripture and chronologies, and on and on. I watched several televangelists faithfully every day. I was consumed with all things Christianity, and was trying to find a place for myself in it. I was also immediately and totally repulsed by anything worldly or immoral. I couldn't watch a tv show to save my life unless it was a sermon or movie about Jesus. This aspect has relaxed greatly as I better understood God's grace, but that's another topic entirely.
I hadn't really grasped the concept of misinfo / disinfo within what I'll loosely call 'Christendom'. It would be a few more years, and after being consistantly confused and left with holes in my understanding by the various preachers I listened to, as well as the local churches I visited, that I begun to seriously question the denominations and conflicting views on what it means to be a Christian and on doctrinal issues. This opened a door I have yet to satisfactorily consider closed as I am still honing in on many fronts.
The relevent front to our apparent disagreement is the identity of the Catholic church. I presume you to believe that it's Christ's true church, while I am confident in it being MYSTERY BABYLON, MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS IN THE EARTH, from Rev. 17:5. I did not adopt this view based on a few zealous anti-Catholics, but in my ongoing studies into Daniel, the Olivet Discourse, and Revelation, as well as secular exposès and historical accounts regarding that church, I cannot fathom another candidate for that title on earth. (If you can, I'd be happy to hear you out). Also, please note that I consider her many "daughters" in my stance and do not seek to exclude them. There are no doubt plenty of Protestant institutions, as well as the various secret societies around the world, who are guilty of being "partakers of her sins", and will "receive ... of her plagues" (Rev. 18:4) and so any genuine believers within those organizations should "come out of her ...". Likewise, I consider the numerous genuine believers who are Catholics, and I have the same desire for them as I do the non-Catholic believers in The Lord Jesus Christ. I will admit, this nuanced view has taken me some time to arrive at, and I am likely guilty of over-generalizing in my zeal to expose what I find to be insititutions of wickedness cloaked in Christian clothing. For this I apologize and pray that any loss suffered to the faith of any brother or sister in Christ be restored 7-fold and that the Lord would perfectly rebuke me in my conscience.
Overall I argue that MYSTERY BABYLON has been a secret continuation and ultimate consummation (in the RCC institution) of satanic human control, spanning all the way back to the Tower of Babel. I am almost to the point of identifying organized religion ITSELF as a failed endeavor, as it all seems to be networked together into one giant satanic syndicate at the top (Rome & Israel to lesser degree), but due to the organizational structures of the very first churches I can't conclude this yet. IF those churches were set up in less-than-ideal ways, it wasn't made clear in the NT, else God simply worked with what was, despite it being inherently flawed. Nevertheless the template seems to be completely failing at the present time, but that's anecdoctal and somewhat irrelivent to the discussion for now. I will say that, at the very least, the concept of an authoritative heirarchy which encompasses anything beyond a single, local church, seems QUITE susceptable to satanic subversion, and perhaps should be done away with completely, though this would obviously up-end the entire world, so I don't really know how it could be done.
And for the record, I didn't downvote you.
I hate when that happens. Kek
Having a chat with someone you disagree with and some ghost comes in and downdoots it and now it looks like you're being petty 😆
o7 fren, I'm used to the ghost downdoots. At least you're willing to discuss this stuff
Synagogue of Satan...while I do believe there are saved Catholics out there I do believe the Catholic Church as a whole are wolves in Sheep's clothing (for many reasons which would be an entire thread). Their sole purpose is to distort the truth and misguide believers from the true path.
There are still good men and women but the teachings of the Catholic Church are not in line with what is presented in His word.
100% look at Mar Mari Emmanuel as well as Vigano. The pope is all about power and control & everything else that is in direct contradiction of what the church should stand for. Amen
Gotta love that "corrupt Catholic Church" donating millions of dollars to fight abortion. How corrupt of them! They should be sitting on all their money instead of using it for charitable and good causes!
Agree, Most Catholics are so weak in understanding and the practice of their own religion that if they have Christ in their heart they are probably on the right side of things.
I can't judge the ignorant because in my own way I am not 100% right with God either. I put my faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of my own ignorance and failing as well.
Right...as none of us ever are. We will never be perfect but we still continue to run the race. But relying on some to intercede for you when we can simply pray makes no sense to me a long with all the ritual, power structure etc.
There are good Catholics out there; but again the foundation of Catholicism in my opinion is in direct conflict with what is actually in His word.
Our final authority on all matters must always be the Bible; not man's interpretation of what it says or personal beliefs.
Not even going to engage you...won't change your mind. But you are free to interpret Bible as you see fit and I will do the same. I pray that you get into His word.
The Catholic "Church" always has been, and always will be, a Satanic cult though. That's literally it's whole point. It's main practice is the ritual rape of kids
So God picked the Jesuit guy who ok's the homo lifestyle and opposes Trump and MAGA and basically anything godly for the nations and wants them all into the globalist communist crap... got it.
Any honest look at the pope selections will no doubt reveal that it's all politics and the "church" heirarchy is just one giant mafia
It is political and likely has been for generations. If God picked the pope, we wouldn't have had the last few (that I know of) who were not Godly men in practice.
How do you know how Godly the last few Popes have been? Surely not from the lying fake news media? But I'm sure they tell the truth about the Pope! They really do love Christianity and all that. Did you see their interpretation of the Last Supper at the Olympics? Real Godly stuff!
Then there's the fact that the Bible tells us all leaders are placed by God. Ask yourself why He gave us Joe Biden if you want an answer to why we have the Popes you consider to be so terrible. At worst, it's judgement on us, and He prevents them from doing any real damage to His Church.
Also, Pope Francis says based stuff all the time. My favorite was when he said (I'm paraphrasing) that "there's an air of faggotness in the Vatican" before promptly apologizing. The reason it's my favorite is because after he apologized, he said it again like a week later. Fucking legend. Many such cases.
Maybe, just maybe, he's where he is because God placed him there to "play the game" and protect the Church from the Gates of Hell. But no, I'm sure you know better.
That's why our opinions on God don't matter, and an objective, external source of truth must exist. The Bible isn't it, since everyone interprets it differently.
If you have a better suggestion for such an objective source than the Catholic Church, I'm all ears.
It wasn't even the last supper that bothered me, it was all of the bearded writhing trannies that were offensive to me. I don't want my child exposed to that, EVER... I DIDN'T TAKE HIM TO A DRAG SHOW
"It is no coincidence that the one sponsoring this revolting carnival is an emissary of the World Economic Forum, Emanuel Macron, who passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig."
Fr. Chris Alar has strong words about the whole Olympics fiasco. Very good explanation - we need to open our eyes. This talk has just been published and he explains why we cannot remain silent.
Fr. Chris Alar calls for all of us to raise complaints. He shared the following contacts to have our voices heard:
Call IOC: (International Olympics Committee) : +41 216216111
The (former?) Archbishop Vigana is the Alex Jones of Archbishops
God bless him :)
I first heard of him after he put out his letter warning the world of the evil attempting to use covid to take over the world and depose President Trump.
It's got me thinking, the doctrine of a 'Pope' is such an incredibly false teaching. Maybe i've never paid attention to it before, it appears others have noticed. In my opinion, the entire system of priests, bishops etc, the political rank of clergymen, has no biblical foundation whatsoever and is merely an invention of the church, in order to maintain power and control
Please bring sources and links when you make accusations against others, especially when you are bad-mouthing Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò who has been saying ALL THE RIGHT THINGS for years, standing up against evil, putting himself in danger and being treated badly/excommunicated by the Pope for his scruples.
Making claims without accompanying proof is a No-Go on this board.
Not true. For those who do this against popular 'bad guys', we generally already know the backstory and details. But if you are going to make serious claims against a 'Good Guy,' you can't do so without proper documentation. Just ask the Mods.
Viganò has been a stalwart advocate for only the best values and principles for the family, for The Church and for America. And, whenever he has pushed back against others in The Church or in the Media, they have manufactured falsities or claims against him to besmirch his name, leading the low-information-readers astray.
We are all too familiar with this 'wrap up smear' that has been going on for years about certain American Patriots who stand up against the evil.
If we don't stand up for the 'Good Guys' than we have no spine.
Not true. For those who do this against popular 'bad guys', we generally already know the backstory and details. But if you are going to make serious claims against a 'Good Guy,' you can't do so without proper documentation.
Exactly what I mean. If you make a claim against the “bad guys” it generally is accepted without much question. Proof is only asked for if it goes against the narrative.
You missed part of my point. Claims against 'the bad guys' is NOT generally accepted without question, but only after the proof of their activities has been brought to the board previously, often many, many times and which can be found by searching specific terms on this very board.
In addition, many of us archive files, data and photos of scofflaws and their crimes and already have confirmed (by past articles, etc.) with access to our own links or transcriptions of their activities.
Vigano should be Pope.
100%. He would bring the Catholic Church back into what it was supposed to be. Not this disgusting mockery of Christ. Satanic cult.
Blaspheming Christ's perfect Church isn't a very virtuous thing to do...
Based on this:
The Vatican/Catholic Church hasn't met this standard as long as I can remember.
Why do you think you can make such a determination personally? Why do you believe that this isn't simply evidence you worship your own mind instead of an external, objective God?
Why do you exist?
How do you know you are not a figment of your own imagination?
Why do you have an opinion? Why do I have an opinion?
If you can't comprehend the 'why' questions, maybe you shouldn't be telling people they have little heads.
This 'why' in particular is the most fundamental question that separates Catholicism from Protestantism. It's the single most important question to answer. If you don't have an answer, you don't have a real reason for being sure in your belief regarding Protestantism vs Catholicism.
Personally, my answer is quite clear: If I went back to being a Protestant, it'd be me worshiping my own mind over any external, objective truth.
Never has, never can, and so never will.
Complete misunderstanding of what Christ taught about the church. If Jesus walked into "St. Peter's Basilica" what would he say, "Oh my good and faithful servents, thank you for this!"??
edit- ok downvoters what do you think Jesus would say if he walked up in there?
I think that if Christ is fully man, He'd appreciate beauty like all right-minded people do.
I also think that He'd prioritize greater virtues over beauty if need be, and offer correction where He sees error.
What I don't think He'd do is walk in and start telling everyone that they're "doing it wrong" for making beautiful things in His name.
I also think you worship your own mind over an external, objective God.
And for the record, I didn't downvote you.
Of course. I was illustrating a point of priority and drawing a contrast. Think of the scripture where Christ chastizes the religious leaders, using the parable about the inside and outside of a cup in Luke 11:39.
😂 No, he wouldn't. He'd tell them that they're doing it wrong for a myriad of other, more important reasons, just as He did during His earthly ministry!
Well you certainly have the right to think that of me and I wish that I could've presented myself better than for you to conclude it. For what it's worth, a brief bit about my walk of faith:
I was born again when I first heard the Gospel, and I mean really heard it, not the usual confusing wash of dogma I had heard growing up. The immediate words that spilled out of my mouth were "That's who Jesus is?!", followed by a period of the most intense crying (joyous) I had ever experienced. I quite literally learned "who Jesus was" and what it meant, what He did, and that I didn't have to worry about going to hell anymore because He saved me, I just didn't KNOW it, despite being inundated with the aformentioned wash of dogmas. None of that stuff ever really made any sense at all to me, and the concept of the next life terrified me.
What took place over the following years was an almost rabid quest for more. I was absolutely engrossed. I looked here, there, and everywhere for more information about Jesus, Christianity, prophecy, do's and don'ts, which church to go to, which ones to avoid, what different verses and words meant, the identities of various people in scripture and chronologies, and on and on. I watched several televangelists faithfully every day. I was consumed with all things Christianity, and was trying to find a place for myself in it. I was also immediately and totally repulsed by anything worldly or immoral. I couldn't watch a tv show to save my life unless it was a sermon or movie about Jesus. This aspect has relaxed greatly as I better understood God's grace, but that's another topic entirely.
I hadn't really grasped the concept of misinfo / disinfo within what I'll loosely call 'Christendom'. It would be a few more years, and after being consistantly confused and left with holes in my understanding by the various preachers I listened to, as well as the local churches I visited, that I begun to seriously question the denominations and conflicting views on what it means to be a Christian and on doctrinal issues. This opened a door I have yet to satisfactorily consider closed as I am still honing in on many fronts.
The relevent front to our apparent disagreement is the identity of the Catholic church. I presume you to believe that it's Christ's true church, while I am confident in it being MYSTERY BABYLON, MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS IN THE EARTH, from Rev. 17:5. I did not adopt this view based on a few zealous anti-Catholics, but in my ongoing studies into Daniel, the Olivet Discourse, and Revelation, as well as secular exposès and historical accounts regarding that church, I cannot fathom another candidate for that title on earth. (If you can, I'd be happy to hear you out). Also, please note that I consider her many "daughters" in my stance and do not seek to exclude them. There are no doubt plenty of Protestant institutions, as well as the various secret societies around the world, who are guilty of being "partakers of her sins", and will "receive ... of her plagues" (Rev. 18:4) and so any genuine believers within those organizations should "come out of her ...". Likewise, I consider the numerous genuine believers who are Catholics, and I have the same desire for them as I do the non-Catholic believers in The Lord Jesus Christ. I will admit, this nuanced view has taken me some time to arrive at, and I am likely guilty of over-generalizing in my zeal to expose what I find to be insititutions of wickedness cloaked in Christian clothing. For this I apologize and pray that any loss suffered to the faith of any brother or sister in Christ be restored 7-fold and that the Lord would perfectly rebuke me in my conscience.
Overall I argue that MYSTERY BABYLON has been a secret continuation and ultimate consummation (in the RCC institution) of satanic human control, spanning all the way back to the Tower of Babel. I am almost to the point of identifying organized religion ITSELF as a failed endeavor, as it all seems to be networked together into one giant satanic syndicate at the top (Rome & Israel to lesser degree), but due to the organizational structures of the very first churches I can't conclude this yet. IF those churches were set up in less-than-ideal ways, it wasn't made clear in the NT, else God simply worked with what was, despite it being inherently flawed. Nevertheless the template seems to be completely failing at the present time, but that's anecdoctal and somewhat irrelivent to the discussion for now. I will say that, at the very least, the concept of an authoritative heirarchy which encompasses anything beyond a single, local church, seems QUITE susceptable to satanic subversion, and perhaps should be done away with completely, though this would obviously up-end the entire world, so I don't really know how it could be done.
I hate when that happens. Kek
Having a chat with someone you disagree with and some ghost comes in and downdoots it and now it looks like you're being petty 😆
o7 fren, I'm used to the ghost downdoots. At least you're willing to discuss this stuff
the external sky daddy you are speaking of doesn't exist, dear brother
I hate to be the bearer of bad news
And yet I joyously bring you this Good News.
Correct. There is no man with a gray beard floating in a cloud.
If the church is perfect, then why did Christ scold 5 of the 7 churches in Revelation?
Synagogue of Satan...while I do believe there are saved Catholics out there I do believe the Catholic Church as a whole are wolves in Sheep's clothing (for many reasons which would be an entire thread). Their sole purpose is to distort the truth and misguide believers from the true path. There are still good men and women but the teachings of the Catholic Church are not in line with what is presented in His word.
I think you are correct. I also think, if your managing to upset the Pope and be excommunicated, you are probably doing something right
Jesus overturning the tables in the temple and enraging the entire priest and banking class comes to mind
100% look at Mar Mari Emmanuel as well as Vigano. The pope is all about power and control & everything else that is in direct contradiction of what the church should stand for. Amen
According to you.
I think that if you commit schism and then you get excommunicated for schism, that justice has been done.
Not that it exactly matters. Schismatics are excommunicated whether or not the Pope officially recognizes it.
the catholic church is very corrupt brother. Very little of what remains of it has anything to do with the teachings or way of Christ.
Same Church for 2000 years.
Nothing changed, nothing removed.
Gotta love that "corrupt Catholic Church" donating millions of dollars to fight abortion. How corrupt of them! They should be sitting on all their money instead of using it for charitable and good causes!
Agree, Most Catholics are so weak in understanding and the practice of their own religion that if they have Christ in their heart they are probably on the right side of things.
I can't judge the ignorant because in my own way I am not 100% right with God either. I put my faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of my own ignorance and failing as well.
Right...as none of us ever are. We will never be perfect but we still continue to run the race. But relying on some to intercede for you when we can simply pray makes no sense to me a long with all the ritual, power structure etc.
There are good Catholics out there; but again the foundation of Catholicism in my opinion is in direct conflict with what is actually in His word.
Our final authority on all matters must always be the Bible; not man's interpretation of what it says or personal beliefs.
You mean your personal interpretation of the Bible.
Nothing Godly about that, and it's certainly not in the Bible. You only believe it because Martin Luther thought it up on the toilet.
Not even going to engage you...won't change your mind. But you are free to interpret Bible as you see fit and I will do the same. I pray that you get into His word.
The Catholic "Church" always has been, and always will be, a Satanic cult though. That's literally it's whole point. It's main practice is the ritual rape of kids
Why are Protestant bibles missing seven books?
Woman who rides the beast
Surprised we are getting so many down-votes here...I'm with you pede
Nobody should be "pope"
Whole diseased corrupt temple...
Good thing God decides who is Pope and not us, or we'd be in real trouble.
So God picked the Jesuit guy who ok's the homo lifestyle and opposes Trump and MAGA and basically anything godly for the nations and wants them all into the globalist communist crap... got it.
Any honest look at the pope selections will no doubt reveal that it's all politics and the "church" heirarchy is just one giant mafia
All fake news propaganda.
Do you mean the pro-immorality papal stances are fake news, or that my comment is fake news?
It is political and likely has been for generations. If God picked the pope, we wouldn't have had the last few (that I know of) who were not Godly men in practice.
How do you know what God would do?
How do you know how Godly the last few Popes have been? Surely not from the lying fake news media? But I'm sure they tell the truth about the Pope! They really do love Christianity and all that. Did you see their interpretation of the Last Supper at the Olympics? Real Godly stuff!
Then there's the fact that the Bible tells us all leaders are placed by God. Ask yourself why He gave us Joe Biden if you want an answer to why we have the Popes you consider to be so terrible. At worst, it's judgement on us, and He prevents them from doing any real damage to His Church.
Also, Pope Francis says based stuff all the time. My favorite was when he said (I'm paraphrasing) that "there's an air of faggotness in the Vatican" before promptly apologizing. The reason it's my favorite is because after he apologized, he said it again like a week later. Fucking legend. Many such cases.
Maybe, just maybe, he's where he is because God placed him there to "play the game" and protect the Church from the Gates of Hell. But no, I'm sure you know better.
How do I know anything? How do YOU know anything?
What is the point of this line of questioning?
I have a good analytical mind. I read a lot, I see what I see. You may not see the same things I do. Don't worry your little head about it.
Way to ignore all my actual arguments.
But yes, you see one thing and I see another.
That's why our opinions on God don't matter, and an objective, external source of truth must exist. The Bible isn't it, since everyone interprets it differently.
If you have a better suggestion for such an objective source than the Catholic Church, I'm all ears.
That shit was kektacular.
“In Vaticano c’è aria di frociaggine”
"In the Vatican, there is an air of faggotry.”
On this we surely agree kek
Omg , a muscular man in a wig ,, fkn big Mike is pissed , ha ha ha ! I love this man, what a true follower of Christ !
It wasn't even the last supper that bothered me, it was all of the bearded writhing trannies that were offensive to me. I don't want my child exposed to that, EVER... I DIDN'T TAKE HIM TO A DRAG SHOW
God bless and protect Archbishop Vigano! ✝️🤍🙏🙌
"It is no coincidence that the one sponsoring this revolting carnival is an emissary of the World Economic Forum, Emanuel Macron, who passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig."
l m f a o
🧐 is there any sauce with this?
Have we heard from the Pope yet? Haven't seen anything.
Thanks, OP.
Per: https://nitter.poast.org/b1_bombers/status/1817699694845313110
Fr. Chris Alar has strong words about the whole Olympics fiasco. Very good explanation - we need to open our eyes. This talk has just been published and he explains why we cannot remain silent.
Fr. Chris Alar calls for all of us to raise complaints. He shared the following contacts to have our voices heard:
Call IOC: (International Olympics Committee) : +41 216216111
Demand apology from Thomas Bach, IOC President.
Email: https://olympics.com/ioc/contact-us
Contact US Ambassador to France: https://fr.usembassy.gov/
Denise Bauer: Office.paris@trade.gov
NBC: https://help.nbc.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Jul 28, 2024 · 11:12 PM UTC
The (former?) Archbishop Vigana is the Alex Jones of Archbishops
God bless him :)
I first heard of him after he put out his letter warning the world of the evil attempting to use covid to take over the world and depose President Trump.
It's got me thinking, the doctrine of a 'Pope' is such an incredibly false teaching. Maybe i've never paid attention to it before, it appears others have noticed. In my opinion, the entire system of priests, bishops etc, the political rank of clergymen, has no biblical foundation whatsoever and is merely an invention of the church, in order to maintain power and control
Well said.
He is right, of course. The Olympics are an anti-Christian satanic pedophest, and always have been.
On the other hand, Vigano is a prolific child sex abuser/pro-pedo activist:
In 2014, he prevented further investigation of prolific pedophile John Nienstedt, resulting in him getting away with decades of child sexual abuse.
In 2015, he attacked an investigation into pedophilia by censoring raped kids.
In 2019, he accepted a bribe from committed pedophile Michael J. Bransfield to prevent further investigation of his mass pedophile activities.
Vigano says some of the right things, but his entire life has been one long campaign of mass satanic child rape. He's coming for your kids
Please bring sources and links when you make accusations against others, especially when you are bad-mouthing Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò who has been saying ALL THE RIGHT THINGS for years, standing up against evil, putting himself in danger and being treated badly/excommunicated by the Pope for his scruples.
Making claims without accompanying proof is a No-Go on this board.
Tbf, people make claims without proof all the time on this board. They only get called out if they go against the narrative.
Not true. For those who do this against popular 'bad guys', we generally already know the backstory and details. But if you are going to make serious claims against a 'Good Guy,' you can't do so without proper documentation. Just ask the Mods.
Viganò has been a stalwart advocate for only the best values and principles for the family, for The Church and for America. And, whenever he has pushed back against others in The Church or in the Media, they have manufactured falsities or claims against him to besmirch his name, leading the low-information-readers astray.
We are all too familiar with this 'wrap up smear' that has been going on for years about certain American Patriots who stand up against the evil.
If we don't stand up for the 'Good Guys' than we have no spine.
Exactly what I mean. If you make a claim against the “bad guys” it generally is accepted without much question. Proof is only asked for if it goes against the narrative.
You missed part of my point. Claims against 'the bad guys' is NOT generally accepted without question, but only after the proof of their activities has been brought to the board previously, often many, many times and which can be found by searching specific terms on this very board.
In addition, many of us archive files, data and photos of scofflaws and their crimes and already have confirmed (by past articles, etc.) with access to our own links or transcriptions of their activities.
All due respect, that’s generally not what I’ve seen
Many wild claims about the “bad guys” I’ve seen get comments primarily talking about how it’s “probably” true or “makes sense” enough to believe it.
See: frazzledrip, Michelle Obama being a man, Biden being a clone, etc