After hiding the incident on Air Force One that leaked out, whoever spoke had a bruise and a lump near their chin on their left side. I thought it was from the fall. I also heard he was terminal after that Air Force One incident.
Perhaps he was put to death after his speech for the assassination attempt of President Trump?
I think he looks taller because he is walking next to his shorter sister (I think) rather than Jill who is probably still in Paris. He appears to be happier but he is with two people that care for him - son and sister - and that alone could give him some pep.
His gait is barely better, but not much. I think it is original Joe. He seemed to do his stupid 'wrestler's squat' and double thumbs up again right after entering Marine One and turning around.
I respectfully disagree. I immediately observed a difference in height, gait, balance, mental clarity and speech. Standing ramrod straight, walking with no issue, speaking without pauses and confusion.
I disagree. I saw a video of him, taller, walking towards I believe Marine One. He had a good gait and arm swing, then suddenly you could see where he remembered and his arm swing changed and his gait was a little more shuffling. I don't know if I can post videos here, but I'm sure you can look it up too.
Yes, you can post links to videos here. There are a million videos out there. Why make everyone search for a particular one if you already know which one illustrates your point?
Pretty soon they won't need all the Biden doubles, clones and actors in masks - I think they will be announcing his death very soon.
It's Barron in a Uncle Joe mask.
Now THAT would wake a few people up! 😁
We won't believe who's been talking to us
After hiding the incident on Air Force One that leaked out, whoever spoke had a bruise and a lump near their chin on their left side. I thought it was from the fall. I also heard he was terminal after that Air Force One incident.
Perhaps he was put to death after his speech for the assassination attempt of President Trump?
Real Biden has already been tried by MIL. This Biden is an actor.
I think he looks taller because he is walking next to his shorter sister (I think) rather than Jill who is probably still in Paris. He appears to be happier but he is with two people that care for him - son and sister - and that alone could give him some pep.
His gait is barely better, but not much. I think it is original Joe. He seemed to do his stupid 'wrestler's squat' and double thumbs up again right after entering Marine One and turning around.
I respectfully disagree. I immediately observed a difference in height, gait, balance, mental clarity and speech. Standing ramrod straight, walking with no issue, speaking without pauses and confusion.
The new Joe walks and talks like Obama.
Probably is, it's a humiliation ritual now lol
I disagree. I saw a video of him, taller, walking towards I believe Marine One. He had a good gait and arm swing, then suddenly you could see where he remembered and his arm swing changed and his gait was a little more shuffling. I don't know if I can post videos here, but I'm sure you can look it up too.
Yes, you can post links to videos here. There are a million videos out there. Why make everyone search for a particular one if you already know which one illustrates your point?
Strange. At their meeting last week, when Biden was standing next to Netanyahu, both of which are 6'-0" tall, Biden was 5" taller than Netanyahu.
Every other meeting they've had, both are the same height. Suddenly Joe is 5 inches taller?
Huh. Well, I'll have to look for those pictures to see what you mean. Do you have any links handy?
It definitely was not 5 inches taller. It was like 2-3.
Also, why are people noticing this now? He was taller than Netanyahu as far back as July 2023, as you can see from the Israeli articles.
There are even older articles like this from 2021:
He was taller in 2010.
In fact, I don't think I've ever seen him the same height as Netanyahu.
Yeah looks like him to me.
They must've swapped out the body double, or as I like to call him, the actor in a mask.
Definitely looks like a taller, leaner Joe. And, since when is he all bald in the back of his head? Must be a new, improved body double.
Gait looks the same to me.