Same here, yet once again I just thought to myself for the hundredth time, hey I need to watch this today. Think I'm going to commit, hell it's too hot to be mowing this afternoon anyway.
The 1959 book or 1962 movie if you are applying it to LBJ (Israeli Zionist Foreign Agent), Edwin Walker (Neo Nazi/Zionist Agent), or other sleeper. 2004 movie if you are applying it to Obama. ‘Seven Days in May’ background possibly connected as “intel agency infiltration” sister plans:
In November 1961, President John F. Kennedy accepted the resignation of vociferously anti-communist general Edwin Walker, who had been indoctrinating the troops under his command with radical right-wing ideas and personal political opinions, including describing Harry S. Truman, Dean Acheson, Eleanor Roosevelt, and other active public figures as communist sympathizers.[4]
Walker appears to be the son of a German Nazi who changed his last name and created a whole fake identity (similar to Bush Sr) with help of MI-6/CIA (Allen Dulles specifically) as a plant to conduct a “Far right” military coup in response to Communist agitators and protests also ginned up by MI-6/CIA. We saw the Communist protests play go live in 1968, but Kennedy had already neutralized 1961-3 all the Nazi sleepers in the military (undercutting both LBJ and Dulles). Not only was Walker removed, but nearly everyone he promoted were demoted or removed as precaution. George HW Bush Sr. restarted the Nazi sleeper infiltration into US military in 1985 (with Nazi children/grandchildren) after he took control on July 14.
The first 4 min of the original is an occult ritual for the audience. So think mirror on that. These people...
Yeah idk 🤷♀️ i dont have the stomach for it now, pass me the bottle mr jones
The timing of this movie in 2004 is extremely interesting. This is one Decoding Symbols may what to look into.
Manchurian Candidate release date: July 30, 2004
Obama keynote address at the 2004 DNC convention: July 27, 2004
Before Obamas keynote he was an unknown by the majority of the American public. He was the junior Senator from Illinois in his first term. After his speech the legacy media mockingbirds spent weeks marking him as a future President and ultimately years slobbing his knob.
I had never heard of him, didnt see the DNC keynote, but knew from the fawning of the media he would be President and it wasnt going to be some grassroots, organic movement. They were working too hard to make it so. It just wasnt natural.
At the time, it did play to far more sheeple than it would today as they built him into black jesus. But blacks, especially the men now, wont be so easily fooled. They know Obama did squat for blacks. They know he actually made it harder for them. They know Obama widened divides that over the course of generations had been closing. Have no doubt pre Obama, race relations in this country had improved significantly. After Obama we got things like Ferguson and Freddie Gray and BLM.
I think this movie falls squarely in the realm of comms and Id love to see Decoding Symbols take a deep dive into it.
I had the same response when Obama came out of no where! It definitely wasn't natural. He literally hadn't accomplished anything of note while a junior Senator from Illinois!
Correct. He didn’t really “come out of nowhere”. He was selected by Chatham House in London in ~1992 to be “the first black President”. They had considered trying to run a black person in 1992, but decided the timing was not right, so they went with Bill Clinton in 1991, but decided to start calling Bill “the first black President” as narrative preparation.
Obama was heavily involved in Muslim Brotherhood operations in Middle East via MI-6 as a British citizen born in Kenya prior to its “Independence” which is in name only (this is how Bush Sr knew him via Saudi intel). In late 1990s MI-6 moved Obama under its subsidiary, the CIA in preparation for transition to “public identity” to place him into a national position. Chicago/IL was used because MI-6/CIA controls city of Chicago and state of Illinois completely with their Bankster allies (Bauer family, N. America Rothschilds) right across the border in Racine, WI.
Nice. Before seeing your comment, when I thought about the release year of this film I thought "Oh, well it must somehow have messaging related to the forever wars Bush regime, since Obama's ascent was not in purview yet." But lo and behod, you pinpoint theatrical release date with Obama's national debut.
Verrrry interdasting.
The question is why. We hear about predictive programming and revelation of the method. Is it that the collective social imaginary needed to become comfortable with some sort of notion of a political leader, a unifying agent, whose mission and allegiance are to some higher ideal than national interests. Humanistic / globalistic / idealistic / utopian greatness.
A problem I have with remakes is the loss of context. The original is called The Manchurian Candidate because he was in Manchuria. There's another Denzel remake called The Taking of pelm 123 that makes no sense post 9/11
From the book
Major Bennett Marco, Sergeant Raymond Shaw, and the rest of their infantry platoon are captured by an elite Soviet commando unit during the Korean War in 1952. They are taken to Manchuria, and brainwashed into believing Shaw saved their lives in combat
In the remake they are from the Gulf War.
The original was inspired by real events
Us POWs were confessing to war crimes including germ, warfare in Chinese custody.
When you look into it "brainwashing" there's a whole rabbit hole there
The concept of brainwashing was first pushed by a Anti-Communist journalist in the US about 1959. He used the words brainwash based on his translation of Chinese words. However what he described was not how the words were actually used in China which has a positive connotation of self improvement or becoming modern. In fact, a good portion of it was about bringing new Western scientific ideas to China and replacing superstition. His version was skewed it into a new negative connotation of mind control. So much so, that the Chinese saw this as an American concept.
Another issue was this journalist, Edward Hunter, was actually a CIA agent. He wrote this book in 1951.
A few years after this book came out Psychologist realized that what Hunter was proclaiming was fake and that level of control especially what we see in Manchurian Candidate was not an actual phenomenon, but the concept took off.
But Hunter testified to Congress in 1958 and
rhe novel came out the next year and the movie 3 yeas after that.
They used Gulf War (Middle East) in 2004 because it is a tangential reference to Obama and his involvement in Muslim Brotherhood Middle East operations while on MI-6 payroll (a.k.a. Al-Queda, Isis, et. al.) the supposed perpetrators of 9-11 via Saudi (really MI-6/CIA/Mossad) support, and the initial justification for both Afghanistan AND Iraq invasion: “to stop the terrorists”.
They attempted to place him into the House of Representatives in 2000, then pivoted to the Senate later. His "platform" was Illinois State Senate seat acquired via questionable means and significant manipulation in 1996, shortly after being "selected" in 1992 by Chatham House in London.
In September 1999, Obama and fellow Senator Donne Trotter (neither faced re-election that year) both decided to seek the 2000 Democrat nomination for the U.S. House of Representatives seat, held by four term incumbent candidate Bobby Rush.
“Among dozens of clues, Obama supported
Russian meddling in 2016 election & influenced Israeli
elections to try to oust Netanyahu & help Hamas & Muslim
brotherhood U.S. really did have Manchurian Candidate in
White House.”
Clear reference to Obama, but Biden is more directly “Manchurian” with all the CCP bribe money.
I fear the real Manchurian Candidate is really JD Vance (VP matches actual plot) and he literally is from military unit that operated in Iraq 2005 with a very suspicious backstory that appears to show that his identity was stolen. Real JD probably died in 2005.
On August 5, 2005, PFC Vance left Cherry Point and went to Al Assad Air Base to help with Operation Iraqi Freedom. As part of his Public Affairs job, he rotated to different forward bases controlled by US Marine Combat Forces. He went to Al Taqaddum, Al Qaim, and Al Ramadi, among others.
I feel better after looking at the comments. I haven’t seen this yet, either. I’m not a big movie person. I think this may be required watching. Thank you, pugsan!
Denzel’s son John David Washington is the star of Tenet. Watch Tenet as NSA (John David Washington) finding and losing Algorithm (think Dominion fractional vote shaving algorithm) to lull the bad guy (Cabal head) into thinking he won because John David Washington failed to eradicate the Algorithm (vote fraud). But it was always the (NSA) plan to fail to diffuse the situation, because it’s the splinter group that wins the war by theatrical and emotional manipulation, and one final bullet from a blackmailed wife. Only the blackmail was no long blackmail but impetus to attempt revenge upon the Cabal.
Cant believe I've still not seen this flick.
Same here, yet once again I just thought to myself for the hundredth time, hey I need to watch this today. Think I'm going to commit, hell it's too hot to be mowing this afternoon anyway.
Heck yeah it is. High of 108 today
It's always great to discover a Denzel flick never seen before. I envy you.
The guy never disappoints
FULL MOVIE: 'Manchurian Candidate' (2004, 129 min) [use "Server MegaCloud Server" under video]:
FULL MOVIE 'Manachurian Candidate' (1962, 126 min) [use "Server MegaCloud Server" under video]:
which one do you think is a more accurate depiction?
The 1959 book or 1962 movie if you are applying it to LBJ (Israeli Zionist Foreign Agent), Edwin Walker (Neo Nazi/Zionist Agent), or other sleeper. 2004 movie if you are applying it to Obama. ‘Seven Days in May’ background possibly connected as “intel agency infiltration” sister plans:
Walker appears to be the son of a German Nazi who changed his last name and created a whole fake identity (similar to Bush Sr) with help of MI-6/CIA (Allen Dulles specifically) as a plant to conduct a “Far right” military coup in response to Communist agitators and protests also ginned up by MI-6/CIA. We saw the Communist protests play go live in 1968, but Kennedy had already neutralized 1961-3 all the Nazi sleepers in the military (undercutting both LBJ and Dulles). Not only was Walker removed, but nearly everyone he promoted were demoted or removed as precaution. George HW Bush Sr. restarted the Nazi sleeper infiltration into US military in 1985 (with Nazi children/grandchildren) after he took control on July 14.
Thank you. Watched it right away. Great film. Now I know why Obama was called a Manchurian candidate.
I havent seen it either.
I've watched this movie many times, the eerie feeling I get from it, has not been replicated by any other movie since. Underrated movie.
Have you watched the first one? If so, which do you suggest?
Never watched the original, it's a little bit too old for me. I heard it was better than the newer one.
The original is a better film, but the remake reveals more truth about MK Ultra and is therefore more relevant.
I agree Winston. The original is a Classic film.
Angela Lansbury gives a tour de force performance, along with Frank Sinatra & Lawrence Harvey.
Too good to miss! 🍿
The first 4 min of the original is an occult ritual for the audience. So think mirror on that. These people... Yeah idk 🤷♀️ i dont have the stomach for it now, pass me the bottle mr jones
I know what you mean about that eerie feeling. It’s unsettling. Great flick!
The Meryl Streep character is based on Hillary.
A cunt playing a cunt?
Wouldn't it be like the same character from the first movie?
The timing of this movie in 2004 is extremely interesting. This is one Decoding Symbols may what to look into.
Manchurian Candidate release date: July 30, 2004
Obama keynote address at the 2004 DNC convention: July 27, 2004
Before Obamas keynote he was an unknown by the majority of the American public. He was the junior Senator from Illinois in his first term. After his speech the legacy media mockingbirds spent weeks marking him as a future President and ultimately years slobbing his knob.
I had never heard of him, didnt see the DNC keynote, but knew from the fawning of the media he would be President and it wasnt going to be some grassroots, organic movement. They were working too hard to make it so. It just wasnt natural.
At the time, it did play to far more sheeple than it would today as they built him into black jesus. But blacks, especially the men now, wont be so easily fooled. They know Obama did squat for blacks. They know he actually made it harder for them. They know Obama widened divides that over the course of generations had been closing. Have no doubt pre Obama, race relations in this country had improved significantly. After Obama we got things like Ferguson and Freddie Gray and BLM.
I think this movie falls squarely in the realm of comms and Id love to see Decoding Symbols take a deep dive into it.
I had the same response when Obama came out of no where! It definitely wasn't natural. He literally hadn't accomplished anything of note while a junior Senator from Illinois!
Correct. He didn’t really “come out of nowhere”. He was selected by Chatham House in London in ~1992 to be “the first black President”. They had considered trying to run a black person in 1992, but decided the timing was not right, so they went with Bill Clinton in 1991, but decided to start calling Bill “the first black President” as narrative preparation.
Obama was heavily involved in Muslim Brotherhood operations in Middle East via MI-6 as a British citizen born in Kenya prior to its “Independence” which is in name only (this is how Bush Sr knew him via Saudi intel). In late 1990s MI-6 moved Obama under its subsidiary, the CIA in preparation for transition to “public identity” to place him into a national position. Chicago/IL was used because MI-6/CIA controls city of Chicago and state of Illinois completely with their Bankster allies (Bauer family, N. America Rothschilds) right across the border in Racine, WI.
Updoot for knob slobbing.
Nice. Before seeing your comment, when I thought about the release year of this film I thought "Oh, well it must somehow have messaging related to the forever wars Bush regime, since Obama's ascent was not in purview yet." But lo and behod, you pinpoint theatrical release date with Obama's national debut.
Verrrry interdasting.
The question is why. We hear about predictive programming and revelation of the method. Is it that the collective social imaginary needed to become comfortable with some sort of notion of a political leader, a unifying agent, whose mission and allegiance are to some higher ideal than national interests. Humanistic / globalistic / idealistic / utopian greatness.
Thx, I'll watch this weekend, never got around to watching it
Links added above.
Thank you!!!
torrented it already but ty!
Definitely watch the original 2962 film with Frank Sinatra and Janet Leigh. We are living through a looking glass.
Great! I'll tell my GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Grandchildren to look for it! ;P
I agree! The original is a Classic! Outstanding performances by all!
1962 is my favorite of the 2, but I think 2004 is more plausible.
A problem I have with remakes is the loss of context. The original is called The Manchurian Candidate because he was in Manchuria. There's another Denzel remake called The Taking of pelm 123 that makes no sense post 9/11
From the book
In the remake they are from the Gulf War.
The original was inspired by real events Us POWs were confessing to war crimes including germ, warfare in Chinese custody.
When you look into it "brainwashing" there's a whole rabbit hole there
The concept of brainwashing was first pushed by a Anti-Communist journalist in the US about 1959. He used the words brainwash based on his translation of Chinese words. However what he described was not how the words were actually used in China which has a positive connotation of self improvement or becoming modern. In fact, a good portion of it was about bringing new Western scientific ideas to China and replacing superstition. His version was skewed it into a new negative connotation of mind control. So much so, that the Chinese saw this as an American concept.
Another issue was this journalist, Edward Hunter, was actually a CIA agent. He wrote this book in 1951.
A few years after this book came out Psychologist realized that what Hunter was proclaiming was fake and that level of control especially what we see in Manchurian Candidate was not an actual phenomenon, but the concept took off.
But Hunter testified to Congress in 1958 and
rhe novel came out the next year and the movie 3 yeas after that.
They used Gulf War (Middle East) in 2004 because it is a tangential reference to Obama and his involvement in Muslim Brotherhood Middle East operations while on MI-6 payroll (a.k.a. Al-Queda, Isis, et. al.) the supposed perpetrators of 9-11 via Saudi (really MI-6/CIA/Mossad) support, and the initial justification for both Afghanistan AND Iraq invasion: “to stop the terrorists”.
I seriously doubt they knew who Obama was while they were writing this. Filming took place in 2003
They attempted to place him into the House of Representatives in 2000, then pivoted to the Senate later. His "platform" was Illinois State Senate seat acquired via questionable means and significant manipulation in 1996, shortly after being "selected" in 1992 by Chatham House in London.
My point is if I'm a screenwriter, why would I know about folks in the Illinois State Senate? Seems like small potatoes
Agreed. Good point.
Link from the Q post:
One more link from the .gov page:
Clear reference to Obama, but Biden is more directly “Manchurian” with all the CCP bribe money.
I fear the real Manchurian Candidate is really JD Vance (VP matches actual plot) and he literally is from military unit that operated in Iraq 2005 with a very suspicious backstory that appears to show that his identity was stolen. Real JD probably died in 2005.
I feel better after looking at the comments. I haven’t seen this yet, either. I’m not a big movie person. I think this may be required watching. Thank you, pugsan!
Denzel’s son John David Washington is the star of Tenet. Watch Tenet as NSA (John David Washington) finding and losing Algorithm (think Dominion fractional vote shaving algorithm) to lull the bad guy (Cabal head) into thinking he won because John David Washington failed to eradicate the Algorithm (vote fraud). But it was always the (NSA) plan to fail to diffuse the situation, because it’s the splinter group that wins the war by theatrical and emotional manipulation, and one final bullet from a blackmailed wife. Only the blackmail was no long blackmail but impetus to attempt revenge upon the Cabal.
Great film. I watched it a little high after I had a weed cookie and it was even more awesome.
I remember the garden club scene from the original. Creepy in a way.
If only it was just a movie. If you take a look at what the heads of electrical and/or computer engineering have been up to at larger universities (and even smaller ones), you can see a steady progression where they've been hooking people up to the internet. Check this out and you get an idea: Searches point out they want us hooked up to the internet (I'm sure with the best of intentions /S).
Watched it yesterday, did not disappoint.
Any other recommendations?
I forget about "3 Days of the Condor" (1975) with Robert Redford by Sydney Pollack.
I enjoyed "No Way Out" (1987) with Kevin Costner, "Fair Game" (2010), "Kill the Messenger" (2014) and "Enemy of the State" (1998). I'll make a thread.
Thanks! I've seen EotS, good movie!
Kill the messenger looks great, I like Jeremy Renner