If you could re-engineer the government/ civil service/ bureaucracy like this.
Imagine all of the hugely valuable and well paid and pensioned highly skilled civil servants being released from employment so they could actually WORK in the private sector.
Surely they would all be employed immediately, given their intelligence and competence.
No unions. No pensions. No jobs for life. No foreign born allowed in any public office until at least 4 generations and proven integrated. No dual passports.
I think it's more like, we don't have a problem with having your language of origin or knowing other languages, but you should know English if you choose to live in the USA
Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, first Secretary of State under Washington, and our third President spoke English, French, Italian, Latin, and he could read Greek, and Spanish. And with the Fact that he spoke Italian and Latin, tells me he probably had a really god grasp of Spanish when he heard it....
Benjamin Franklin, America’s first diplomat and well-known genius spoke English, French and Italian.
Our second President: John Adams spoke English, French and Latin.
President James Madison spoke English, Greek, Latin and Hebrew.
James Monroe spoke English and French.
Although Samuel Adams and John Hancock did not speak any foreign languages, Hancock, the wealthiest of our founding fathers, and perhaps the most generous, founded a Professorship of Oriental Languages and Hebrew in Massachusetts.
21 of America’s 44 Presidents have known at least a second language....
President Teddy Roosevelt spoke French and German....
Andrew Jackson who apparently spoke some Choctaw....
Thomas Paine spoke the Iroquois language and with a good dictionary, wrote letters in French....
Honestly, when I sit and ponder what they knew, did, an the learning curve they must have had to get through to become acquainted with the Language of Law, Maxims and all, I feel a bit ashamed of myself for only speaking, reading and writing Fluently in only two and for barely understanding a third, while barely knowing enough Korean to get food, shelter, and beer....
True Common Law has Maxims written in Latin, Spanish, French, Italian and a rare few in German, it's Legalese that really gets people, but you can find these also in Science, Medicine, Chemistry, Biology, along with some unexpected places of Common Trades....
But here's an article that I found interesting some years back::
Never said you couldn’t learn more than one, just English should be the official language. You can learn what you want, think what you want. It’s still free in that respect.
You're one of those ""Nationalists"", one of those that thinks the U.S. is a Nation....
Soo sorry to bust up your Charade Parade, but the U.S. is a Federation, it's a Club that States can Join or leave At Will, because Each State is in fact a Nation....
And it's the States that have say over what their ""Official Language"" is or isn't....
Soooo, yeah, fuck the U.S. Federation, and NO, they do not get to pick or choose any ""Official Language"", that is a Right that is Reserved to the Individual States....
The "art" of design is to find a simple solution to a complex problem. Too many current systems and "systems of systems" are hideously complex solutions to hideously complex problems. They have not added much value with that approach.
The image above is an excellent example of that concept in practice...
How do you do it? Design a "rough draft" solution first, just to get everything to work (example on the left). Then iteratively redesign it and redesign it to find ways for every piece and part of the system to naturally serve more that one purpose or provide more than a single type of functionality. Every iteration of this type of redesign automatically reduces the number of parts in the system while also reducing its complexity (as shown on the right).
This process frequently increases the reliability of the system while also reducing its total costs. Simplicity is like a magic secret ingredient that makes everything better, but it can be very difficult to achieve (and is never, ever successfully delivered by a committee).
No, the example is more like the very complex Twatter 1.0 compared to the somewhat simplified Twatter 2.0 that has been running just fine with 75% fewer people maintaining it.
Very good explanation. And as shown in this example, simpler is less expensive and more reliable. Harder to achieve, it took them 3 revisions, but well worth the effort.
If it isn't soo damned Complex that it is nearly unintelligible, it is Not ""Impressive"" to the Average Moron American, hence it gets rejected....
Rejected, but not because it works, no, Rejected because when Simplified, it isn't supposed to work in their Limited Mental Capacities, and it doesn't ""Look"" impressive Enough....
Coincidentally, they are also the ones screaming for a limitation on Intellect, such as the direct restrictions on how many Languages we Learn and get to use in America....
They do not understand that MOST of American English is Based upon much older Languages, and we still use those Older Languages to make New Words, and in that way we advance our Modern Common Speak in way that would otherwise be restricted....
I had friends way back years ago, out of college already though, "into" satinic stuff. Grown adults that drew things to go along with say a band name and such - more than just Halloween level, but if they had a picture of themselves in a full satanic suit like Elon you bet they'd have it as their profile picture somewhere. Elon has always struck me as this kind of satinic - the ooo-that-looks-cool kind with zero invested into odd trips to odd places actually participating in the occult like the Clintons and others in what we know to be the deep state. Regardless - NCSWIC!
It's bizarre watching the Q community selectively ignore all of the warnings Q gave in the drops about Elon Musk. Even Q didn't Elon Musk but we're all supposed to forget that now because Elon Musk tweets things we like now (while wearing a Satanic chestpiece in his Twitter bio mind you). And then the same people accuse the other side of being "sheep" with no sense of self-awareness at all.
Q has accused Musk of 1) giving US missile technology to North Korea, and 2) starting UFO psy-ops to distract from the Q drops. Q posts #209, #211, #438, #442, and #1338 if you want to look it up yourself.
IMO, the only hat Elon wears is salesman. And right now, he is selling Twitter to the masses with the long-term goal of turning Twitter into a WeChat clone (go look at how the China use WeChat for extreme surveillance, censorship, and social credit scores). Elon isn't stupid; he knows that Leftism and censorship aren't going attract people to Twitter. Thus the giant commercial over the past year of exposing Twitter's failed censorship and tweeting stuff that appeals to moderates (not necessarily conservatives). Elon is selling you a product, and his tweets and current persona are part of the sales pitch.
Or maybe he is that Samaritan who sees a need and offers his help? You of course do know why the Samaritans were hated by Jews at the time of Jesus? They were considered half-breeds who defiled the true religion.
And wasn't that Samaritan who helped a man in need the neighbor Jesus said you should love as you love yourself?
One thing we should keep in mind here. We may now be able to see the larger patterns beneath the surface, but there is still a lot that we don't see because even the WHs need to keep a lot hidden as the war is still ongoing. And especially when it comes to individual players it's mostly only the surface. Some of the good guys may turn out to have been rotten in the end, and some who seemed rotten never were.
But at least right now Musk seems to be doing more good than harm. If he isn't purity pure he well might be a Samaritan.
Valid observation.
If you could re-engineer the government/ civil service/ bureaucracy like this.
Imagine all of the hugely valuable and well paid and pensioned highly skilled civil servants being released from employment so they could actually WORK in the private sector.
Surely they would all be employed immediately, given their intelligence and competence.
Yes. Eliminate the bloatware.
Lets get the govt back to a simple "Hello world". And keep it boxed-in from there.....
No unions. No pensions. No jobs for life. No foreign born allowed in any public office until at least 4 generations and proven integrated. No dual passports.
Add, English is the only accepted language for US citizens. No “press1 for Spanish”
It's NEVER ""press 1 for Spanish"", and it IS always press 2....
But I really have to ask WHY you want Americans to be restricted to just one Language???
Restrictions such as that lead to lowered Intellects way below that which the founders had and set as our American Heritage....
Do you hate the Founders, or is it just our Multilingual American Heritage, Inquiring Minds want to know....
I think it's more like, we don't have a problem with having your language of origin or knowing other languages, but you should know English if you choose to live in the USA
Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, first Secretary of State under Washington, and our third President spoke English, French, Italian, Latin, and he could read Greek, and Spanish. And with the Fact that he spoke Italian and Latin, tells me he probably had a really god grasp of Spanish when he heard it....
Benjamin Franklin, America’s first diplomat and well-known genius spoke English, French and Italian.
Our second President: John Adams spoke English, French and Latin.
President James Madison spoke English, Greek, Latin and Hebrew.
James Monroe spoke English and French.
Although Samuel Adams and John Hancock did not speak any foreign languages, Hancock, the wealthiest of our founding fathers, and perhaps the most generous, founded a Professorship of Oriental Languages and Hebrew in Massachusetts.
21 of America’s 44 Presidents have known at least a second language....
President Teddy Roosevelt spoke French and German....
Andrew Jackson who apparently spoke some Choctaw....
Thomas Paine spoke the Iroquois language and with a good dictionary, wrote letters in French....
Honestly, when I sit and ponder what they knew, did, an the learning curve they must have had to get through to become acquainted with the Language of Law, Maxims and all, I feel a bit ashamed of myself for only speaking, reading and writing Fluently in only two and for barely understanding a third, while barely knowing enough Korean to get food, shelter, and beer....
True Common Law has Maxims written in Latin, Spanish, French, Italian and a rare few in German, it's Legalese that really gets people, but you can find these also in Science, Medicine, Chemistry, Biology, along with some unexpected places of Common Trades....
But here's an article that I found interesting some years back::
The whole point of having multiple language "choices" is to DIVIDE us, a nation divided is easier to conquer.
Never said you couldn’t learn more than one, just English should be the official language. You can learn what you want, think what you want. It’s still free in that respect.
Oh wait, I got your Number....
You're one of those ""Nationalists"", one of those that thinks the U.S. is a Nation....
Soo sorry to bust up your Charade Parade, but the U.S. is a Federation, it's a Club that States can Join or leave At Will, because Each State is in fact a Nation....
And it's the States that have say over what their ""Official Language"" is or isn't....
Soooo, yeah, fuck the U.S. Federation, and NO, they do not get to pick or choose any ""Official Language"", that is a Right that is Reserved to the Individual States....
Work? 🤣
The "art" of design is to find a simple solution to a complex problem. Too many current systems and "systems of systems" are hideously complex solutions to hideously complex problems. They have not added much value with that approach.
The image above is an excellent example of that concept in practice...
How do you do it? Design a "rough draft" solution first, just to get everything to work (example on the left). Then iteratively redesign it and redesign it to find ways for every piece and part of the system to naturally serve more that one purpose or provide more than a single type of functionality. Every iteration of this type of redesign automatically reduces the number of parts in the system while also reducing its complexity (as shown on the right).
This process frequently increases the reliability of the system while also reducing its total costs. Simplicity is like a magic secret ingredient that makes everything better, but it can be very difficult to achieve (and is never, ever successfully delivered by a committee).
So basically the government runs the same as Microsoft Windows and we’re headed towards the political blue screen of death?
No, the example is more like the very complex Twatter 1.0 compared to the somewhat simplified Twatter 2.0 that has been running just fine with 75% fewer people maintaining it.
So anyone who couldn’t write functional software code was fired. Got it.
Very good explanation. And as shown in this example, simpler is less expensive and more reliable. Harder to achieve, it took them 3 revisions, but well worth the effort.
Parting ways with yesterday's now obsolete prototype is always sweet and sour. That expensive discard pile grows until one day, it only gathers dust.
Americans Cannot and Do not think like that....
If it isn't soo damned Complex that it is nearly unintelligible, it is Not ""Impressive"" to the Average Moron American, hence it gets rejected....
Rejected, but not because it works, no, Rejected because when Simplified, it isn't supposed to work in their Limited Mental Capacities, and it doesn't ""Look"" impressive Enough....
Coincidentally, they are also the ones screaming for a limitation on Intellect, such as the direct restrictions on how many Languages we Learn and get to use in America....
They do not understand that MOST of American English is Based upon much older Languages, and we still use those Older Languages to make New Words, and in that way we advance our Modern Common Speak in way that would otherwise be restricted....
Trump and Elon speak weekly?
Yes. Elon said he calls
I appreciate Elon Musk, and never met him! We need thinkers like Musk/Trump! If he loves America and wants our country back then I’m in!
addition by subtraction...
Elon is still a satanic lying faggot. Fight me.
I have never seen President Trump or Elon Musk in public with a black eye.
Not even with a protector on one of his feet.
I had friends way back years ago, out of college already though, "into" satinic stuff. Grown adults that drew things to go along with say a band name and such - more than just Halloween level, but if they had a picture of themselves in a full satanic suit like Elon you bet they'd have it as their profile picture somewhere. Elon has always struck me as this kind of satinic - the ooo-that-looks-cool kind with zero invested into odd trips to odd places actually participating in the occult like the Clintons and others in what we know to be the deep state. Regardless - NCSWIC!
It's bizarre watching the Q community selectively ignore all of the warnings Q gave in the drops about Elon Musk. Even Q didn't Elon Musk but we're all supposed to forget that now because Elon Musk tweets things we like now (while wearing a Satanic chestpiece in his Twitter bio mind you). And then the same people accuse the other side of being "sheep" with no sense of self-awareness at all.
Ok, I searched, Elon appears twice, neither look like a warning. What drops are you referring to?
I wrote this comment over a year ago and it still holds up today.
Thanks. This reinforces my caution on Elon.
Or maybe he is that Samaritan who sees a need and offers his help? You of course do know why the Samaritans were hated by Jews at the time of Jesus? They were considered half-breeds who defiled the true religion.
And wasn't that Samaritan who helped a man in need the neighbor Jesus said you should love as you love yourself?
One thing we should keep in mind here. We may now be able to see the larger patterns beneath the surface, but there is still a lot that we don't see because even the WHs need to keep a lot hidden as the war is still ongoing. And especially when it comes to individual players it's mostly only the surface. Some of the good guys may turn out to have been rotten in the end, and some who seemed rotten never were.
But at least right now Musk seems to be doing more good than harm. If he isn't purity pure he well might be a Samaritan.