The Taliban has received at least $239 million in U.S. aid aimed at counterterrorism after State Department vetting procedures fell apart, according to a government watchdog.
The government watchdog, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), issued a 2024 report identifying at least 29 grants where the Taliban may have erroneously received counterterrorism funds.
Investigators found that the State Department failed to comply with its own counterterrorism partner vetting requirements in Afghanistan, Judicial Watch reported.
The funds came from State Department divisions called "Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor" and "International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs."
The report identified more than two dozen instances where these divisions failed to keep proper vetting records.
Sure! Right! We believe that! Those who made the illegal payment must be made to pay it back. I personally don’t care how they do it. Then remove them from their position for “incompetence”. Can’t pay it back? Oh, too bad. Off to prison for life you go.
Not a mistake. Money laundering. Money goes right back to the deep state politicians. They've been doing it forever in Ukraine.
There's also a Certain alphabet agency that's been long Involved in the Middle EAst terrorist game. You might even call then the same thing.
Mistake my ASS!
For the purposes of mis-directed funds, I now identify as Taliban.
In order to transfer funds you first have to set up with their banking information. It is not possible to do that by accident.
We need to "mistakenly" throw some crooks in jail and "accidently" lose the keys.
If we "mistakenly" misused our own money and failed to pay taxes, they would track us down and there would be no forgiveness.
10% comes back for the Big Guy.
"United States government
mistakenlytransferred $239,000,000 to the Taliban"Edited for clarity.
Oops! Well, we all make mistakes. /s
And billions in weapons.
I'm sure they'll return it promptly.
Uhhhhh yeah, I mistakenly, that's the ticket!
Sure! Right! We believe that! Those who made the illegal payment must be made to pay it back. I personally don’t care how they do it. Then remove them from their position for “incompetence”. Can’t pay it back? Oh, too bad. Off to prison for life you go.
If they could just mistakenly transfer only ten million to me, that'd be cool
I'm not greedy :)
Then get it back, now!!