That implies there is someone caring for them and watching over them. The middle class is slowly dying trapped under a rock in the wilderness while the hyenas laugh and wait patiently for their bite.
Read Romans chapter 1, and you will understand the mind of a Democrat. "The truth about God is known instinctively to every person for God has put the knowledge himself in them" "But they have pushed this knowledge away from themselves" "Thinking themselves to be wise without God they became utter fools instead" you read the rest of Romans chapter 1 and tell me if it doesn't fit with exactly what what's happening today. (To the point that they no longer know the difference between a man and a woman)
Democrats who lost jobs but who want to work might not vote for CommieLa, but if you want to understand the “minds” of some of the people who will still vote for her, think of peacocking. When champagne socialists virtue signal about welcoming migration, they are really bragging about their own status, connections, employability, job security, or wealth. They don’t care at all about the migrants, but the champagne socialists realize they can gather social capital by pretending to care. They’re so unpatriotic that they don’t think of foreigners as competition but as tools and weapons to be used against the real competition: other Americans. I don’t like the phrase “they’re the real racists”, but in this case it’s true. White Americans opposed to immigration respect the threat of nonwhite foreigners. Pro-immigration white Americans don’t respect nonwhites and therefore don’t feel threatened. For some democrats, the intra-American competition is financial, for others it’s ideological. They don’t want their life strategy of selling out, backstabbing, enabling corruption, and having no integrity, to be defeated by the conservative American strategy of trusting in God, being principled, being loyal to America and Americans, and eschewing status and credentials if their attainment comes at too high a spiritual cost.
Sell your City properties and start buying farms in groups between 5 and 10 people. Throw a few Tiny Houses on the property. Spilt the responsibilities and feed yourselves and barter the balance of your crop.
Is that what you did? How many other partners do you have? Did you all quit your jobs and get new ones nearby or just all working on the farms sharing duties? How is it going so far?
My friend just sold his farm to three families. There are Two houses and the third family will live in a Tiny House. They are going to raise grass fed beef. Chickens and eggs and large vegetable garden and they will be preserving anything they don't sell at a road side stand. Two of the families can also work remotely that helps bring in an additional revenue stream. They all pay down the mortgage based on an agreed upon percentage. They share the baby sitting and a few times a week, they all eat together.
I hope it works for them, one of the biggest costs is winter feed you either have to buy it, or harvest yourself. Depending on the size of the operation, you need @ least a tractor a hay rake a swather and a baler plus many miscellaneous items.
Thanks for your sage advice. I'm looking at a swather as a write this was a rainy Summer so they need to spread out the grass a few days under the sun before they make the round bales.
It took my son almost a year to find a job after the plant he was working in shut down. Many places had help wanted jobs listed but never responded to online applications, I suspect many of those listings are bogus.
I've noticed skeleton crews at retail stores. No one is on the floors stocking or cleaning up aisles. No one is gathering the carts from the parking lots. The selection is iffy, many items not restocked. Items on the shelf expired already. Produce is low quality and going bad. Signs that the prices are too high for consumer's empty wallets.
Ok, my question for the business owners giving jobs to illegals in order to save money: How long do you reckon your business will last when your employees rip you off and your customers abandon you? And even if those things didn't happen, the economy that keeps you in business at all will crumble swiftly.
The post isn’t precise. It can be more than 1.3 mln who’ve lost the job.
1.3 mln is the difference (change).
It can be: 2.3 mln lost the, 1 mln got the job, so change (delta) is 1.3 mln. My figures are theoretical. All I’m saying is: the reality can be worse than that.
Yep. Victim of it here. My husband was the "diversity hire" for his last job. All 8 people on his team were not American. He has been having a hard time finding contracts longer than 6 months. A lot of these companies are in a state of flux (funding issues?) themselves.
The middle class is on life support.
That implies there is someone caring for them and watching over them. The middle class is slowly dying trapped under a rock in the wilderness while the hyenas laugh and wait patiently for their bite.
Someone is watching over the middle class until November. After the election, there's no reason to do so anymore.
It's actively being smothered with a pillow by the anti American commies.
sad thing is, democrats will still vote for Harris... I will never understand the mind of a democrat.
Read Romans chapter 1, and you will understand the mind of a Democrat. "The truth about God is known instinctively to every person for God has put the knowledge himself in them" "But they have pushed this knowledge away from themselves" "Thinking themselves to be wise without God they became utter fools instead" you read the rest of Romans chapter 1 and tell me if it doesn't fit with exactly what what's happening today. (To the point that they no longer know the difference between a man and a woman)
Fits 100% with what is going on today.
Damn that’s based.
Democrats who lost jobs but who want to work might not vote for CommieLa, but if you want to understand the “minds” of some of the people who will still vote for her, think of peacocking. When champagne socialists virtue signal about welcoming migration, they are really bragging about their own status, connections, employability, job security, or wealth. They don’t care at all about the migrants, but the champagne socialists realize they can gather social capital by pretending to care. They’re so unpatriotic that they don’t think of foreigners as competition but as tools and weapons to be used against the real competition: other Americans. I don’t like the phrase “they’re the real racists”, but in this case it’s true. White Americans opposed to immigration respect the threat of nonwhite foreigners. Pro-immigration white Americans don’t respect nonwhites and therefore don’t feel threatened. For some democrats, the intra-American competition is financial, for others it’s ideological. They don’t want their life strategy of selling out, backstabbing, enabling corruption, and having no integrity, to be defeated by the conservative American strategy of trusting in God, being principled, being loyal to America and Americans, and eschewing status and credentials if their attainment comes at too high a spiritual cost.
Limousine liberals are the scum of humanity.
It’s not just illegals either it’s HLB1’s END ALL IMMIGRATION
Sell your City properties and start buying farms in groups between 5 and 10 people. Throw a few Tiny Houses on the property. Spilt the responsibilities and feed yourselves and barter the balance of your crop.
Is that what you did? How many other partners do you have? Did you all quit your jobs and get new ones nearby or just all working on the farms sharing duties? How is it going so far?
My friend just sold his farm to three families. There are Two houses and the third family will live in a Tiny House. They are going to raise grass fed beef. Chickens and eggs and large vegetable garden and they will be preserving anything they don't sell at a road side stand. Two of the families can also work remotely that helps bring in an additional revenue stream. They all pay down the mortgage based on an agreed upon percentage. They share the baby sitting and a few times a week, they all eat together.
I hope it works for them, one of the biggest costs is winter feed you either have to buy it, or harvest yourself. Depending on the size of the operation, you need @ least a tractor a hay rake a swather and a baler plus many miscellaneous items.
Thanks for your sage advice. I'm looking at a swather as a write this was a rainy Summer so they need to spread out the grass a few days under the sun before they make the round bales.
You're welcome. I just listed some items to give our readers a small idea of what it takes to raise cattle.
It took my son almost a year to find a job after the plant he was working in shut down. Many places had help wanted jobs listed but never responded to online applications, I suspect many of those listings are bogus.
I've noticed skeleton crews at retail stores. No one is on the floors stocking or cleaning up aisles. No one is gathering the carts from the parking lots. The selection is iffy, many items not restocked. Items on the shelf expired already. Produce is low quality and going bad. Signs that the prices are too high for consumer's empty wallets.
It’s the border czars fault!
In 2 days I will be at 3 months straight of unemployment. Ended up losing my place and had to put my shit in storage and move in with family.
Ok, my question for the business owners giving jobs to illegals in order to save money: How long do you reckon your business will last when your employees rip you off and your customers abandon you? And even if those things didn't happen, the economy that keeps you in business at all will crumble swiftly.
Cheap labor has always been an issue.
Add 1 to that number so they count me.
The post isn’t precise. It can be more than 1.3 mln who’ve lost the job.
1.3 mln is the difference (change).
It can be: 2.3 mln lost the, 1 mln got the job, so change (delta) is 1.3 mln. My figures are theoretical. All I’m saying is: the reality can be worse than that.
I wonder who those jobs went to...
Yep. Victim of it here. My husband was the "diversity hire" for his last job. All 8 people on his team were not American. He has been having a hard time finding contracts longer than 6 months. A lot of these companies are in a state of flux (funding issues?) themselves.
...and replaced by whom? I'd wager a large number of these are jobs went to H1B1 Indians. The political parties don't give a shit about us.
That probably just means boomers retired.
I was born is 64 so yes I'm a boomer barely, you are correct most boomers will vote for her. Not me of course.